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Nested-template member function does not compile


In order to save you from having to read my actual code, I have hastily
written the small program below that compiles _unless_ MAYBEABUG is

[~/tmp][4034] >gcc -DMAYBEABUG try3.C
try3.C: In method `S<double,C>::S(C<double> &, N<double> &)':
try3.C:60:   instantiated from here
try3.C:50: `CT' is not a template
try3.C:50: no matching function for call to `N<double>::f (C<double> &)'

In the above, CT is a nested template. When MAYBEABUG is not defined, a
regular template is employed instead, which compiles perfectly. Is the
nested case not allowed by the standard? Have I made a silly mistake?  Or
is this an actual bug?

Thanks a lot.

Reading specs from /usr/lib/gcc-lib/i386-redhat-linux/2.95.2/specs
gcc version 2.95.2 19991024 (release)

Linux 2.2.16 #1 Thu Jun 8 23:57:46 CDT 2000 i686 unknown

template<class T>
class N {
	T* c_;
	unsigned short dim;

	N(const unsigned short& dim) : dim(dim) {
		c_ = new T[dim];

#ifdef MAYBEABUG				// does not compile
	template<template<class> class CT>
	void f(CT<T>& c) {
#else						// compiles
	template<class CT>
	void f(CT& c) {
		for (int i = 0; i < dim; i++)
			c_[i] = c[i];

template<class T>
class C {
	T* c;
	unsigned short dim;

	C(const unsigned short& dim) : dim(dim) {
		c = new T[dim];
		for (int i = 0; i < dim; i++) c[i] = 0;

	inline const T& operator[](const unsigned short& dim) const {
		return c[dim];

template<class T, template<class> class CT>
class S {
	CT<T>& c;
	N<T>& node;
	S(CT<T>& c, N<T>& node) : c(c),
	node(node) {
#ifdef MAYBEABUG				// does not compile
		node.template f<CT>(c);
#else						// compiles
		node.template f< CT<T> >(c);

int main(int argc, char** argv) {
	C<double> c(3);
	N<double> n(3);
	S<double, C> sth(c, n);

Alaeddin Ahmet AYDINER    372A CCEM Everitt Laboratory MC 702
Office Tel: 217 333 4121  Electrical & Computer Eng. Dept. UIUC 

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