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Re: [G95-develop] Should g77 accept file extensions .f90 and .f95?

On Wed, 6 Sep 2000, Bill Wendling wrote:
> Does this mean that g95 is not going to support Fortran 77? (confused).
> If so, then yeah, make people use one or the other. If not, then we could
> do like gcc did and support everything but have the new compiler be just
> one big thingy...

   There are several constructs in fortran 77 that have been removed from
fortran 95 (PAUSE, ASSIGN, H descriptor, noninteger loop variables, etc).  
I originally planned on not supporting any of these at all, but on
requests and reflection, we're going to add error messages that tell the
user that some feature is no longer in fortran 95, rather than an
"unclassifiable statement" error.  Niels Jensen has already started
working on this.


-----------------                        XOLD(K,IC,I)=
Andy Vaught               ....        DO ITERS=1, 10  XOLD(K,IC,I)     |  |   /CALLMSOLVE(A,B,X,I,ITERS,TOL)+(RANNYU(0)
Arizona State University  ======|WRITE(6,'(I5,2X,F12.6)')ITERS,TOL -HALF)

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