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G77 bug ? or is this by design ?

Dear Sir,

I am using the g77 fortran compiler and for a recent
project I have to read/access binary output files,
which are produced by another project.

An easy way of coding it appeared to buffer the I/O
through a character string by an inline read statement,
i.e.   READ(string,'(A4)') value

This works fine for almost all values, except those
where a '0A'X value in one of the bytes of value
is encountered. In that case the byte(character) 
returned is an ASCII SPC ('20'X).

Is this a bug ? Or is this actual by design?

In the latter case it might be sensible to add something
like the (bad) example code attached to this mail in 
the G77 manual with an explanation why it shouldn't
be used. 

Finally I want to know if there is a format specification 
which properly handles a formatted binary read?

with kind regards,

Yuen Keong Ng
  _/   _/_/        _/   _/_/         _/     _/_/   _/_/_/  
  _/  _/          _/  _/            _/_/   _/    _/     
  _/ _/          _/ _/             _/ _/  _/    _/
   _/           _/_/              _/  _/ _/    _/  _/_/_/
  _/           _/  _/            _/   _/_/    _/    _/
_/_/   _/   _/_/    _/   _/   _/_/     _/      _/_/_/

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      program ontrial

      implicit none
      character*4   inlinestream
      integer*4     number,ntrial,nequ
      equivalence  (nequ,inlinestream(1:1))


C --- here I do an inline write of number 
      write(*,*) 'number=',number
      write(inlinestream,'(A4)') number

C --- here I read-back the number, but it is recognized as a CR character
C --- and a get an ASCII SPC ('20'X) instead
      read(inlinestream,'(A4)') ntrial
      write(*,*) 'read-back number =',ntrial,
     +           ', however EQUIVALENCED number =',nequ
      write(*,*) 'read-back number - EQUIVALENCED number =',ntrial-nequ

C --- is this behaviour by design or is this a bug?


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