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bug of gcc-2.95.2

To  :
From: (Hideo Saito)
Title: bug of gcc-2.95.2

Hello. My name is H.Saito. 
I report you a bug of gcc-2.95.2.
Please reference sss.c and error log.

I use gcc-2.95.2 at NetBSD-1.4.2 with -mabicalls -G0 -mips3 flags.
If specify no -O flag or no -mabicalls, I get expected result.

% gcc -o sss sss.c -mabicalls -G0 -mips3 -mcpu=r4000
% sss
x=0x7fffffff, y=0x7f      <----- SUCCESS!!!
x=0x7fffffff, y=0x7f

Gcc compile this source code
        x = x + 0x40000000 ;
        x = x + 0x40000000 ;
to this assemble code
        la $5,-2147483648($5)
and gas assemble to this code
        lui $at,0x8000
        daddu $5,$at,$5
but gcc should comile to this code
        lui $at,0x8000
        addu $5,$at,$5
because x is int type variable.

Thank you. Good bye.
% cat sss.c
zgffour(int x)
    register y;

    if (x < 0) {
        x = x + 0x40000000;
        x = x + 0x40000000;
    y = x / 0x1000000;
    printf("x=0x%x, y=0x%x\n", x, y);

% gcc -o sss sss.c -O -mabicalls -G0 -mips3 -mcpu=r4000
% sss
x=0x7fffffff, y=0xffffff80      <----- ERROR!!!
x=0x7fffffff, y=0x7f

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