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Re: Problems with exception handling in glibc and gcc.

On Sun, Jul 02, 2000 at 08:41:38AM -0700, H . J . Lu wrote:
> There is a problem with exception handling with gcc 2.96 > 20000625:
> It seems that it is due to that the exception handling change in gcc on
> 2000-06-26 and glibc contains the older copies of exception handling
> funtions from libgcc.a used to compile glibc.
> I think we knew there would be a problem and we discussed how to
> deal with it. I even proposed a solution:
> I'd like to get it fixed. Should I investigaten it? I think we
> should not export the default version, only the old one for binary
> compatibility. We then make sure the main binary always export them
> if they are used.

Andrew, Jason, glibc includes and re-exports functions in frame-dwarf2.o
in libgcc.a. With the changes made on 2000-06-26, can I assume the new
ones are no longer binary compatible with the old ones? If the answer
is no, they are binary compatible, then there are some bugs when
you mix old and new. If the answer is yes, the ABI is changed, then
I think we got a problem. Remember last time when we did it, we had
to rename the functions and keep the old ones in libgcc. I don't know
what the best solution is. But I believe we have to keep the old ones
around somehow so that when we compile glibc with the new gcc, the
resulting shared glibc is still binary compatible with the existing


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