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g++: Internal compiler error: program cc1plus got fatal signal 4

The following error occurs with vax ultrix with the source from June 6:

/usr/local/src/gnu/gcc-2.96/objdir/gcc/g++ -B/usr/local/src/gnu/gcc-2.96/objdir/gcc/ -B/usr/local/vax-dec-ultrix4.3/bin/ -c -O3 -fno-implicit-templates -I../../../libstdc++ -I../../../libstdc++/stl -I../libio -I../../../libstdc++/../libio -nostdinc++  -DF `for N in MAIN ADDCC ADDCF ADDFC SUBCC SUBCF SUBFC MULCC MULCF MULFC DIVCC DIVCF DIVFC PLUS MINUS EQCC EQCF EQFC NECC NECF NEFC ABS ARG POLAR CONJ NORM COS COSH EXP LOG POWCC POWCF POWCI POWFC SIN SINH SQRT; do echo " -D${N}"; done` \
  ../../../libstdc++/ -o fcomplex.o
g++: Internal compiler error: program cc1plus got fatal signal 4
make[1]: *** [bigstmp-complx] Error 1

The fault is a stack overflow here:

#0  0x18e57c in walk_tree (tp=0x7fdfc88c, 
    func=0x123982 <for_each_template_parm_r>, data=0x7fdfc86c)
    at ../../../gcc/cp/tree.c:1228
1228      result = (*func) (tp, &walk_subtrees, data);

J. David Anglin                        
National Research Council of Canada              (613) 990-0752 (FAX: 952-6605)

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