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Re: G++ reuses assembly labels

At 12:56 29.05.00, Greg Noel wrote:
>This error occured while attempting to compile Mahogany (an open-source
>mail program) on MkLinux (a PowerPC-based Linux system).  Mahogany uses
>wxWindows (an open-source graphical library); this particular error is
>at the intersection of the two.
>The wxWindows standard setup requires that a lot of headers be includes;
>I've been unable to cut this down into something smaller.  As a result,
>the .ii file is almost 900K and even the compressed image is 127K, well
>over your submission limit.
>I tried to submit this via GNATS, but I don't think it worked.  I don't
>have anyplace to store this where you can reach it; the best I can do is
>offer to mail it to anyone who asks.
>I have included the generated assembly code; that's small enough to be
>sent and may be sufficient to identify where the error is occuring.
>I noticed as I was preparing this message that the version provided by
>MkLinux is a 2.95.3 prerelease that's six months old.  A valid suggestion
>would be to downgrade to 2.95.2 or upgrade to a later prerelease.  I have
>no idea if either is available from the MkLinux people.
>Reading specs from /usr/lib/gcc-lib/ppc-redhat-linux/2.95.3/specs
>gcc version 2.95.3 19991030 (prerelease)
>c++  -fPIC -O2 -DCC_GCC -Wall  -pg -I/usr/include/python1.5  -D__WXGTK__ -

I bet this goes away if you compile without -pg?


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