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Weird template bug.

The code in the bottom produces segfault when I'm using copy template
function to
copy xtmpl object. If "while" is used - everything is ok. 

Besides in gcc 2.95.2 everything works fine. 
But in 2.96 20000410, and in 2.96 20000501 with -O2 and -O3 options it

system: linux-2.2.15, glibc-2.1.2

#include <iostream>
#include <algorithm>

template<int X>
class xtmpl {
  int storage[X];
  int *begin() const { return const_cast<int*> (storage); }
  int *end() const { return const_cast<int*> (&storage[X]); }
  xtmpl<X> operator= (const xtmpl<X>& x) {
    /* this works :
    int *i = begin();
    int *j = x.begin();
    while (j != x.end()) {
       *i++ = *j++;

    /* copy does not: */
    copy (x.begin(), x.end(), begin());
    return *this;

struct TestType {
  char x[10000];
  struct M {
    char x[10000];
    xtmpl<1000> z;
  } m[2];

main (int argc, char **argv)
  TestType x1, x2;

  cout << "before assignment\n" << flush;
  x1 = x2;
  cout << "after assignment\n" << flush;



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