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Re: -fhonor-std

> 	When ever I use -fhonor-std, I get a linker error saying "undefined
> reference to std::terminate". I did an objdump on the libs in
> /usr/local/lib/lib-gcc/i686.../2.95.2 and it looks like __terminate is in
> libgcc.a, so I included that library, but I still have the same linker
> error.

You'll have to recompile libgcc.a.

> 	And while I'm at it, are there any plans for an incremental linker?

We, as the GCC contributors, have no such plans: GCC is a compiler
only, it does not include a linker. It should be easy to use gcc with
an incremental linker, e.g. ild on Solaris.


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