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Re: Optimizer Bug

> Turning on optimization causes a warning. I'm very worried that this
> causes INCORRECT code to be generated by the latest gcc.

Thanks for your bug report. I think you don't worry; g++ is confused
to emit this warning. It generates the following code (on

	pushl %ebp
	movl %esp,%ebp
	subl $24,%esp
	addl $-12,%esp
	pushl $4
	call __builtin_new
	movl $3,(%eax)
	jmp .L58
	.p2align 4,,7
	call __throw
	.p2align 4,,7
	jmp .L16
	.p2align 4,,7
	movl %ebp,%esp
	popl %ebp

Here, you can see that, after returning from __builtin_new, it puts a
3 into the new memory, and jumps to L58, at which point it still has
the result of the new in eax, so that gets returned from the function.

I don't fully understand why the warning is emitted; I've put it your
report into GNATS.


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