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RE: gcc 2.95.2 ICE with templates

Thanks for the explanation!

Now, if I understand this matter correctly I have a related code example below, that
is faulty and should NOT compile (which it does with gcc 2.95.2).
Do you know if a recent snapshot complains about this code?

Regards, Peter

template <typename SINGLETON, typename MANAGER> class SingletonTraits { };

template <typename SINGLETON, typename MANAGER> 
class Singleton { 
  typedef typename 
    SingletonTraits<SINGLETON, MANAGER>::InstantiatorType InstantiatorType;

class NoCleanupMgr2 { 
  class H {};

// Traits class
template <typename SINGLETON>
struct SingletonTraits<SINGLETON, NoCleanupMgr2>  {
  typedef NoCleanupMgr2::H InstantiatorType;

class S: public Singleton<S, NoCleanupMgr2> {
  friend class Singleton<S, NoCleanupMgr2>::InstantiatorType;

int main(){
  S s;
  return 0;

----- Original Message ----- 
From: Martin v. Loewis <>
To: <>
Cc: <>
Sent: Wednesday, February 23, 2000 9:57 AM
Subject: Re: gcc 2.95.2 ICE with templates

> > I do not understand the error message, do you by any chanse know
> > what is wrong with my code example?
> The 'class' you declare as a friend is not a class, but a
> typedef-name. You must not use a typedef-name in an elaborated type
> specifier, not even in a friend declaration. If you write
>   friend class NoCleanupMgr2;
> even g++ 2.95 compiles it fine.
> Regards,
> Martin

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