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Re: strange core with 2.95.2

On Sat, Feb 05, 2000 at 10:33:28PM +0100, Martin v. Loewis wrote:
> > I'm having a strange problem. When I compile the same with it runs
> > perfect, when I compile it with 2.95.2 is dumps core.
> Thanks for your bug report. Unfortunately, I cannot reproduce it: For
> me, your code runs fine on the same system. 

I didn't even say which system I have :)
It's linux (2.4.42) with libc5 and libinet6

> I'll attach the assembler
> output of gcc below. It is clear that the code your installation
> produces is incorrect, but I don't know how that could happen. Is
> there any chance that your gcc installation got miscompiled?

I just unpacked the source again, and recompiled it. It's generating
exactly the same.

I gave it to someone else, who had a patched gcc (don't know which
patches), and it gave other results then I had too.

It's even a little bit different then yours too.

@@ -12,7 +12,7 @@
        pushl %ebp
        movl %esp,%ebp
        subl $40,%esp
-       movl $1,-4(%ebp)
+       movl $24,-4(%ebp)
        addl $-4,%esp
        pushl $24
        pushl $0

Are you compiling with plain 2.95.2 or some patched version?

I was planning on trying some newer version, but didn't get around too it


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