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Re: function signature different in .o file!

> Date: Mon, 24 Jan 2000 18:31:50 -0600
> From: Amit Mehrotra <>

> I think this is a bug in g++. I have a function called
> setCurrentControlledSourceControllingBranchCurrent ( /* some definition
> */)
> I do a forward declaration of that, use it and later define it (all in
> the same .cc file). The file compiles without an error but at link time,
> ld says that the function is undefined. I did an nm on the .o file and
> grepped for this functions and I find the signatures of the two
> instances of this functions are different. Here are two signatures:

> If the signatures of the definition and the point of use were indeed
> different (they are not in my .cc code), the .cc file should not have
> compiled in the first place!

Not a bug.

The difference is a const.  You wind up with two completely different
functions.  You only defined one of them.

func (T const &, Y)
func (T &, Y)

Please add the missing const (or remove it from the other.  c++filt
will explain this problem to you.

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