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gcc bug, ARM target -

	If I have this code:

unsigned short  tag;

	and compile is with 'gcc -S foo.c', the resulting .s file
will contain:

        @ args = 0, pretend = 0, frame = 4
        @ frame_needed = 1, current_function_anonymous_args = 0
        mov     ip, sp
        stmfd   sp!, {r4, r5, fp, ip, lr, pc}
        sub     fp, ip, #4
        sub     sp, sp, #4
        mov     r4, r0
        strb    r4, [fp, #-22]
        mov     r5, r4, asr #8
        strb    r5, [fp, #-21]
        ldr     r3, [fp, #-22]  @ movhi   BUSTED. Misaligned load. BOOM.
        mov     r2, r3, asl #16
        mov     r3, r2, lsr #16
        mov     r0, r3
        bl      _bar
        ldmea   fp, {r4, r5, fp, sp, pc}^

	No offense, but how the hell did this ARM back end escape into
the world? It's unusably bad, even trivial testing should have turned
these things up.


		Andrew Molitor

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