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Have you ever seen this error?

c++ -shared  ASN1Init.lo Oid.lo Main.lo PKIX1Explicit88.lo
PKIX1Implicit88.lo PKCS1.lo PKCS5.lo PKCS8.lo PKCS7.lo DSA.lo
netscape.lo PKCS9.lo PKCS10.lo PKCS12.lo OCSP1.lo ASN1Tag.lo
ASN1Length.lo bytes.lo Pattern.lo getPassword.lo version.lo bigint.lo
SHA1MessageDigest.lo MessageDigest.lo Signature.lo RSAKey.lo
SHA1RSASignature.lo MD5MessageDigest.lo MD5RSASignature.lo PKCSBlock.lo
SecureRandom.lo DSAKey.lo SHA1DSASignature.lo MD2MessageDigest.lo
MD2RSASignature.lo DHParams.lo DHKey.lo PrivateKeyInfo.lo ContentInfo.lo
SignerInfo.lo BlockCipher.lo SignedDataContent.lo DESKey.lo
SKIPJACKKey.lo DSAParams.lo HMAC.lo RIPEMD160.lo RMD160RSASignature.lo
PBEParam.lo des.lo SHA-1.lo md5c.lo prime.lo rmd160.lo NSCertType.lo
NSPublicKey.lo Date.lo DistinguishedName.lo IPAddress.lo Certificate.lo
RevokedCertificate.lo CRL.lo CertificatePath.lo PKICache.lo Extension.lo
KeyUsage.lo CertPolicies.lo CRLNumber.lo DeltaCRLIndicator.lo
BasicConstraints.lo GeneralNames.lo ExtKeyUsage.lo PolicyConstraints.lo
NameConstraints.lo KeyIdentifier.lo AuthorityKeyIdentifier.lo
AuthorityInfoAccess.lo CRLReasons.lo HoldInstrCode.lo InvalidityDate.lo
PolicyMappings.lo CertRequest.lo CertificatePair.lo  -L/usr/local/lib
-L/d0/devo/mschonem/lib -lnsl -lsocket -lc  -Wl,-soname
-Wl, -o .libs/
/usr/local/lib/gcc-lib/sparc-sun-solaris2.6/2.95.2/libgcc.a: could not
read symbols: Bad value
collect2: ld returned 1 exit status
gmake[1]: *** [] Error 1


Mark S.

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