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Re: Internal compiler error 980711

> I don't give a full bugreport here because I assume that this bug is
> already known.

Thanks for your bug report. Most likely, this is fixed in gcc 2.95.2.

> I doesn't have an include-file called <sstream> so I cannot use the
> classes istringstream and ostringstream.

This is a known problem; g++ does not fully support the standard
library. You can use <strstream> meanwhile, which gives a stream class
operating on char* (instead of std::string).

> Another minor problem is that the compiler doesn't mind when I
> forget the namespace std by string for example.

This is essentially the same problem: The library is not inside
namespace std, yet. You can use -fhonor-std to enforce namespace std,
but that will make things worse.

> What (gnu) compiler or library do I need to get a compiler that is most
> compatible to the ISO C++ Standard? 

The most recent version is always recommended; that is 2.95.2 at the
moment. There is also a new C++ library underway, libstdc++ 3. It will
be much closer to the standard. You can try it if you want - it is
still 'incomplet and incorekt'.


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