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Re: g++-2.95.1 mess with nested templates and inheritance


It seems to be a name lookup problem, for template functions members of
nested classes.  (Inheritance does not enter into it, and the templates
are not nested.)

You can see this more clearly from the following simplified version of
your test, where adding namespace-scope qualifiers (X::Y::) to the
member function template name takes allows GCC to succeed, while
otherwise, GCC misses it and intprets y_.g as member data.

// Build don't link:
enum Key { A, B };

struct X {
  struct Y {
    template <Key K> inline void g(int);
  template <Key K> inline void f(int);
  Y y_;

template <Key K>
inline void X::f(int value) {
  y_.X::Y::g<K>(value); // ok
  y_.g<K>(value); // gets bogus error - no match for lessthan - XFAIL

template <Key K>
inline void X::Y::g(int value) {

int main() {
  X x;

Paul Burchard   <>

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