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mistypes in stl header files

I found two mistypes that are not present on the SGI website:

1.  in file <memory> line 92-93 is

  template <class _Tp1> operator auto_ptr_ref<_Tp1>() __STL_NOTHROW 
    { return auto_ptr_ref<_Tp>(this->release()); }

instead of

  template <class _Tp1> operator auto_ptr_ref<_Tp1>() __STL_NOTHROW 
    { return auto_ptr_ref<_Tp1>(this->release()); }

2.  in file "stl_deque.h" line 346 is

  typedef _Deque_iterator<_Tp,const _Tp&,const _Tp&, __bufsiz> const_iterator;

instead of

  typedef _Deque_iterator<_Tp,const _Tp&,const _Tp*, __bufsiz> const_iterator;

Benko Pal

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