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Bug report (1/3)

Subject: Bug report 
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Bug report for 
g77 version 2.95.1 19990816 (release) (from FSF-g77 version 0.5.25 19990816 (release))
deedee% uname -a
SunOS deedee 5.6 Generic sun4u sparc SUNW,Ultra-1
deedee% g77 -v --save-temps -O visitor.f
g77 version 2.95.1 19990816 (release) (from FSF-g77 version 0.5.25 19990816 (release))
Driving: g77 -v -save-temps -O visitor.f -lg2c -lm
Reading specs from /usr/local/lib/gcc-lib/sparc-sun-solaris2.6/2.95.1/specs
gcc version 2.95.1 19990816 (release)
 /usr/local/lib/gcc-lib/sparc-sun-solaris2.6/2.95.1/f771 visitor.f -quiet -dumpbase visitor.f -O -version -fversion -o visitor.s
GNU F77 version 2.95.1 19990816 (release) (sparc-sun-solaris2.6) compiled by GNU C version 2.95.1 19990816 (release).
GNU Fortran Front End version 0.5.25 19990816 (release)
visitor.f: In subroutine `setupo':
visitor.f:2066: Internal compiler error in `final_scan_insn', at final.c:2920
Please submit a full bug report.
See <URL:> for instructions.

--save-temps only save a .s for fortran files 
but the Fortran file is self contained so I add it to my mail 


c      algorithm 750, collected algorithms from acm.
c      this work published in transactions on mathematical software,
c      vol. 21, no. 4, december, 1995, p.  410--415.
c *************************************************************************
      subroutine visitor(n,a,nstac,iroad,x,fstar)
      integer a(n,n),x(nstac)
c      real alpha,avson,spars
c      integer active,err,i,inf,lb0,lbc,lopt,maxnd,n,nass,nexp,nprobq,
c     +        ordx,zeur,zstar
      integer fstar(n),iroad(n),active,err,ordx,zeur,zstar
      do 11,i=1,n
 11   continue
      ordx = nstac
      inf = 99999999
      alpha = -1.
      maxnd = -1
      zeur = -1
      do 1 i=1,nstac
 1    continue
      do 2 i=1,n
         do 2 j=1,n
 2    continue
      call cdt(n,ordx,x,maxnd,inf,alpha,zeur,zstar,fstar,lb0,lbc,nexp,
     +         nprobq,nass,active,lopt,spars,avson,err)
      if (err.eq.0) go to 10
c wwfmt='('' solution not optimal '')'
   10 continue
      do 20 i=2,n
 20   continue
c *************************************************************************
      subroutine cdt(n,ordx,x,maxnd,inf,alpha,zeur,zstar,fstar,lb0,lbc,
     +               nexp,nprobq,nass,active,lopt,spars,avson,err)
c i/o parameter --------------------------------------------------------
c input parameters
c   alpha   =  if .gt. 0 define the artificial upper bound ub=alpha*lb0
c              if .le. 0 no effect
c   n       =  number of nodes
c   inf     =  very large number
c   maxnd   =  if greater or equal to zero it is the maximum number of
c              node to be explored on the branch decision-tree
c   ordx    =  dimension of vector x
c   zeur    =  if greater then zero it must define a valid upper bound
c   the cost matrix is stored (column by column) in the first n**2 elem.
c   of the vector x. the cost matrix it is not available in output.
c output value
c   active  = number of active problems in queue when the program stops
c             (not yet and not currently examined)
c   avson   = average number of son nodes for the explored problems
c   err     =  .gt. zero if an error occurred
c           =  -1 if no solution with value less than the artificial
c              upper bound was found.
c              in this case zstar is the artificial upper bound value
c   fstar(i)=  successor of node i in the current best solution
c   lb0     =  value of the optimal assignment at the root node
c   lbc     =  value of the current best lb, i.e. value of the lower
c              bound of the last problem extracted from the queue;
c              lbc is a valid lower bound for the instance
c   nass    =  number of assignment solved
c   nexp    =  number of explored problems
c   nprobq  =  number of problems stored in the queue
c   spars   =  sparsity of the reduced matrix
c   zeur    =  minimum value between the value of zeur in input and the
c              value of the approximate solution computed using the
c              patching heuristic
c   zstar   =  value of the current best solution
c internal storage of  vectors and matrices  in vector x
c   x(mm1)  =  the queue v(ordv) (dinamically allocated)
c   x(mm2)  =  first element of matrices mv,mf (dinamically allocated)
c   x(mm3)  =  vector ic(*)
c   x(mm4)  =  vectors c(*) (cra(*) in ctcs,
c   x(mm5)  =                ica(*) in ctcs)
c   x(mm6)  =  iva(n)
c   x(mm7)  =  ivb(n)
c   x(mm8)  =  cr(n+1)
c   x(mm9)  =  primal solution of the map associated with the current
c              branched node f(n)
c   x(mm10) =  dual var. of the columns in the solution of ap, dualv(n)
c   x(mm11) =  primal solution of the map at the current node fc(n)
c   x(mm12) =  current dual variables of map, vd(n)
c   x(mm13) =  the heuristic solution of atsp
c   x(mm14)..x(mm26) = temporary vectors
c   fmvf = pointer to the first free element to store columns of
c          matrices mv,mf
c   x(fmvf) = pointer to the next free element for matrices mv,mf
c local variables
c     .. scalar arguments ..
c      real alpha,avson,spars
c      integer active,err,inf,lb0,lbc,lopt,maxnd,n,nass,nexp,nprobq,ordx,
c     +        zeur,zstar
      integer active,err,ordx,zeur,zstar
c     .. array arguments ..
      integer fstar(n),x(ordx)
c     .. local scalars ..
c      integer fmvf,i,ibig,idelta,ienlrg,imp,inf2,ipp,isalva,
c     +        isalvi,ivai,k,maxdix,maxica,mm1,mm10,mm11,mm12,mm13,mm14,
c     +        mm15,mm16,mm17,mm18,mm19,mm2,mm20,mm21,mm22,mm23,mm24,
c     +        mm25,mm26,mm3,mm4,mm5,mm6,mm7,mm8,mm9,nc,nci,ncodal,ngen,
c     +        nlsp,nnodi,nnodin,nodoim,nprob,nprobv,nq,offv,orcr,orcra,
c     +        ordsp,ordv,pnuovo,psalvo,punta,puntb,puntlv,r,sc1,totass,
c     +        ur,vimpa,vimpb,z,zarf,zc,zeri
      integer fmvf,offv,orcr,orcra,ordsp,ordv,pnuovo,psalvo,punta,
      logical artif,eur
c subroutines ..
c actpro,agmhp,calcud,calcur,cercsb,clearq,contci,copyx,creams,ctcs,
c enlarg,enlini,errors,exque,genson,inque,inquer,karp
c     ..
      inf2 = float(inf)/2.
      nq = n**2
      err = 0
      mm26 = ordx - n + 1
      mm25 = mm26 - n
      mm24 = mm25 - n
      mm23 = mm24 - n
      mm22 = mm23 - n
      mm21 = mm22 - n
      mm20 = mm21 - n
      mm19 = mm20 - n
      mm18 = mm19 - n
      mm17 = mm18 - n
      mm16 = mm17 - n
      mm15 = mm16 - n
      mm14 = mm15 - n
      mm13 = mm14 - n
      mm12 = mm13 - n
      mm11 = mm12 - n
      mm10 = mm11 - n
      mm9 = mm10 - n
      mm8 = mm9 - n - 1
      mm7 = mm8 - n
      mm6 = mm7 - n
      if ( then
          mm5 = nq + (mm6-nq)*2./3.
          mm4 = nq + (mm6-nq)/3.
          mm3 = nq + 1
          maxica = mm6 - mm5 + 1
          orcra = mm5 - mm4 + 1
          maxdix = mm4 - mm3 + 1
          orcr = n + 1
          nprob = 1
          psalvo = 0
          ncodal = 0
          puntlv = 1
          vimpa = 0
          vimpb = 0
          sc1 = -1
          ngen = 1
          fmvf = 0
          nass = 1
c statistics information
          nexp = 1
          nprobq = 1
          lopt = 1
          avson = 0.
          spars = 0.
          active = 0
c   solve the initial assignment problem
          call ctcs(n,z,1,x(1),x(mm9),x(mm13),x(mm14),x(mm15),x(mm16),
     +              x(mm17),x(mm4),x(mm5),x(mm8),x(mm3),x(mm26),x(mm10),
     +              x(mm20),x(mm21),x(mm23),x(mm22),x(mm24),maxdix,
     +              maxica,x(mm25),orcr,orcra,inf2,err)
          if (err.eq.0) then
              lb0 = z
              lbc = z
c   totass stores the value of the ap solution at the root node
              totass = z
              call contci(x(mm9),nci,n,x(mm14))
              call enlini(n,x(mm8),x(mm3),x(mm9),x(mm26),x(mm10),
     +                    x(mm14),x(mm15),x(mm16),x(mm17),x(1),x(mm4),
     +                    x(mm5),nc,inf2)
              zstar = totass
              if (nc.eq.1) then
c  optimal solution found at the root node by ctcs or enlini
                  call copyx(x(mm9),fstar,n)
                  zstar = totass
                  call copyx(x(mm9),x(mm13),n)
                  call karp(n,x(1),x(mm13),x(mm15),x(mm16),x(mm17),
     +                      x(mm18),totass,zstar,inf2)
c     check if the heuristic solution is an optimum
                  if ( .and. then
                      eur = .true.
                      zstar = zeur
                      eur = .false.
                      call copyx(x(mm13),fstar,n)
                  end if
                  if (zstar.eq.totass) return
                  avson = nc
                  artif = .false.
                  if ( then
                      if (totass* then
                          zstar = totass*alpha
                          zarf = zstar
                          artif = .true.
                      end if
                  end if
                  idelta = zstar - lb0
                  call creams(idelta,x(1),n,x(mm8),x(1),mm6,mm4,mm3,
     +                        x(mm26),x(mm10),zeri,nlsp,err)
                  if (err.eq.0) then
                      ordsp = nlsp
                      spars = nlsp*100./float(n* (n-1))
                      ienlrg = 0
                      if (float(zeri).gt.2.5*float(n)) ienlrg = 1
c   choose the subtour for the branch phase
                      call cercsb(x(mm9),x(mm14),x(mm10),n,nnodi,isalva,
     +                            inf2)
                      nnodin = nnodi
                      isalvi = isalva
c   define the working arrays to store the queue:
c   scalar and vectorial information
                      mm1 = 1
                      mm2 = mm3
                      ordv = mm2 - mm1
c mm1 = first element containing scalar informations
c mm2 = first position occupied by  matrices mf,mv
c    insert the root node in queue and initialize the vectors
c    for the branching phase
                      puntlv = 1
                      call inquer(isalvi,nnodin,psalvo,ngen,n,totass,
     +                            vimpa,vimpb,x(mm9),x(mm10),puntlv,
     +                            punta,puntb,ordv,x(mm6),x(mm7),x(mm1),
     +                            pnuovo,nprob,sc1,offv,err)
                      if (err.eq.0) then
                          psalvo = pnuovo
                          active = 0
c ww(6,fmt='('' root node: zstar='',i10,'' lb0='',i10)') zstar,lb0
                          call errors(err,4)
                      end if
                      call errors(err,3)
                  end if
              end if
              call errors(err,2)
          end if
          call errors(err,1)
      end if
c psalvo is the pointer to the actual problem
  100 do 200 i = 1,nprob
c  generate the descending nodes of psalvo
          call genson(n,x(mm6),x(mm7),x(mm10),nprob,i,vimpa,vimpb,
     +                nodoim,x(mm8),ordsp,x(mm3),x(mm4),inf2)
          call copyx(x(mm9),x(mm11),n)
          call copyx(x(mm10),x(mm12),n)
          zc = totass
          ivai = x(mm6+i-1)
c   solve the new map problem
          call calcur(n,x(mm8),ordsp,x(mm3),x(mm4),x(mm11),ivai,x(mm12),
     +                ur,inf2)
          call agmhp(n,ivai,x(mm8),ordsp,x(mm3),x(mm4),x(mm11),x(mm12),
     +               ur,zc,x(mm14),x(mm15),x(mm16),x(mm17),x(mm18),
     +               zstar,imp,inf2)
          if (nass.eq.maxnd) then
              call errors(err,-1)
          else if ( then
              if ( then
                  nass = nass + 1
c   count the subtours
                  call contci(x(mm11),nc,n,x(mm15))
                  if ( then
                      call calcud(n,ordsp,x(mm3),x(mm8),x(mm4),x(mm12),
     +                            x(mm11),x(mm14))
                      call enlarg(n,x(mm8),ordsp,x(mm3),x(mm4),x(mm11),
     +                            x(mm14),x(mm12),x(mm15),x(mm16),
     +                            x(mm17),x(mm18),nc,inf2)
                  end if
                  if (nc.eq.1) then
c  found a new feasible solution
                      zstar = zc
c   clear the queue of the active problems
                      call clearq(zstar,puntb,fmvf,ordx,x(1),ncodal,
     +                            ordv,x(mm1),active)
                      call copyx(x(mm11),fstar,n)
c wwfmt='('' n.exp='',i8,'' n.prob.q='',i8,'' n.ass='',i8,     '' active='
c ',i8,'' av.son='',f8.2)' nexp,nprobq,nass,active,avson
c wwfmt='('' zstar='',i10,'' lbc='',i10,'' nprobq='',i8,'' active='',i8)'
c zstar,lbc,nprobq,active
c statistics
                      lopt = 2
                      ipp = psalvo
  105                 ipp = x(mm1+ipp+2)
                      lopt = lopt + 1
                      if ( go to 105
c   if the cost zc of the solution of the current problem p is ugual to
c   the lb of the problem father of p, say pf,  no other son of pf
c   have to be generated
                      ibig = x(mm1+psalvo+1)
                      if (zc.le.ibig) then
                          nprobv = i
                          go to 300
                      end if
                      call cercsb(x(mm11),x(mm14),x(mm12),n,nnodi,
     +                            isalva,inf2)
                      ngen = i
c  insert the problem in queue
                      if ( then
                          k = fmvf
                          fmvf = x(fmvf)
                          mm2 = mm2 - 2*n
                          k = mm2
                      end if
                      ordv = mm2 - mm1
                      if ( then
                          call inque(isalva,nnodi,sc1,psalvo,ngen,
     +                               x(mm12),x(mm11),n,zc,x(k),x(k+n),k,
     +                               vimpa,vimpb,ordv,x(mm1),ncodal,
     +                               puntlv,punta,puntb,offv,inf2)
                          nprobq = nprobq + 1
                          active = active + 1
                          r = int(nprobq/1000.)*1000
                          if (r.eq.nprobq) continue
c wwfmt='('' zstar='',i10,'' lbc='',i10,'' nprobq='',i8,       '' active='
c ',i8)' zstar,lbc,nprobq,active
                          call errors(err,5)
                      end if
                  end if
              end if
          end if
  200 continue
      nprobv = nprob
  300 if ( then
c  extract the problem with lowest bound
          call exque(ordv,x(mm1),ordx,x(1),fmvf,x(mm10),x(mm9),
     +               pnuovo,ngen,punta,nprob,x(mm6),x(mm7),ncodal,n,sc1,
     +               totass,offv)
          avson = (avson*nexp+nprob)/float(nexp+1)
          nexp = nexp + 1
          active = active - 1
          if ( then
              lbc = totass
c wwfmt='('' zstar='',i10,'' lbc='',i10,'' nprobq='',
c i8,'' active='',i8)' zstar,lbc,nprobq,active
          end if
          lbc = totass
c   update sets of included and excluded arcs
          call actpro(psalvo,n,nprobv,pnuovo,ngen,vimpa,vimpb,ordv,
     +                x(mm1),x(mm8),ordsp,x(mm3),x(mm4),offv,inf2)
          psalvo = pnuovo
          go to 100
      end if
c the tree search is terminated
      if (artif .and. zstar.eq.zarf) call errors(err,6)
      if (eur) then
c wwfmt='('' zeur is the optimal solution value'')'
c wwfmt='('' fstar() do not contain the optimal tour'')'
      end if
c *************************************************************************
      subroutine contci(f,nc,n,flag)
      integer f(n),flag(n)
c     .. local scalars i,k
      nc = 0
      do 100 i = 1,n
          flag(i) = 0
  100 continue
      do 200 i = 1,n
          if (flag(i).le.0) then
              k = i
              nc = nc + 1
  120         flag(k) = 1
              k = f(k)
              if ( go to 120
          end if
  200 continue
c *************************************************************************
      subroutine loadfv(f,v,n,vroot,froot)
      integer f(n),froot(n),v(n),vroot(n)
      do 100 i = 1,n
          froot(i) = f(i)
          vroot(i) = v(i)
  100 continue
c *************************************************************************
      subroutine backfv(vroot,froot,n,vd,f)
      integer f(n),froot(n),vd(n),vroot(n)
      do 100 i = 1,n
          f(i) = froot(i)
          vd(i) = vroot(i)
  100 continue
c *************************************************************************
      subroutine inquer(isalva,nnodi,psalvo,ngen,n,totass,vimpa,vimpb,f,
     +                  vd,puntlv,punta,puntb,ordv,iva,ivb,v,p2p,nprob,
     +                  sc1,offv,ierr)
      integer offv,ordv,p2p,psalvo,punta,
     +        puntb,puntlv,sc1,totass,vimpa,vimpb
      integer f(n),iva(n),ivb(n),v(ordv),vd(n)
      integer i,i32,ksalva,nm1,nodob,nodopa,plvp
c     ..
      i32 = 32000
      offv = 7
      if (puntlv+offv+nnodi.le.ordv) then
          nm1 = ngen - 1
          sc1 = sc1 + (nm1)*10 + 1
          v(puntlv+2) = totass
          v(puntlv+3) = psalvo
          v(puntlv+4) = ngen*i32 + nnodi
          v(puntlv+5) = 1
          v(puntlv+6) = vimpa*i32 + vimpb
          v(puntlv+7) = sc1
          plvp = puntlv + offv
          i = 1
          ksalva = isalva
          nodopa = isalva
   50     nodob = f(nodopa)
          v(plvp+i) = nodopa*i32 + nodob
          iva(i) = nodopa
          ivb(i) = nodob
          i = i + 1
          nodopa = nodob
          if ( go to 50
          punta = puntlv
          puntb = puntlv + 1
          puntlv = puntlv + offv + nnodi + 1
          p2p = punta
          nprob = nnodi
          sc1 = 0
      end if
      ierr = 2
c *************************************************************************
      subroutine copyx(f,fc,n)
      integer f(n),fc(n)
      do 100 i = 1,n
          fc(i) = f(i)
  100 continue
c *************************************************************************
      subroutine ctcs(n,z,ks,a,f,r,vs,fs,uold,sur,cra,ica,cr,ic,u,v,fb,
     +                pi,c,dm,ll,maxdix,maxica,rx,orcr,orcra,inf,ierr)
c   solution of the linear min-sum assignment problem through the
c   algorithm presented in the paper:
c   g. carpaneto and p. toth, "primal-dual algorithms for the
c   assignment problem", discrete applied mathematics 18, 137-153,1987
      integer ierr,inf,ks,maxdix,maxica,n,orcr,orcra,z
      integer a(n,n),c(n),cr(orcr),cra(orcra),dm(n),f(n),fb(n),fs(n),
     +        ic(maxdix),ica(maxica),ll(n),pi(n),r(n),rx(n),sur(n),u(n),
     +        uold(n),v(n),vs(n)
c     .. local scalars ..
      integer i,iflag,j,k,kfeas,kopt,krip,kth,m,m1,max,maxdim,
     +        maxfea,maxrip,nfeas,nkk,nur,zz
c  subroutines apmmix,asmixm,feaso,indus3,opto,setupo
c     .. data statements ..
      data maxrip/5/,maxfea/1/
c     ..
      maxdim = maxdix - n
      krip = 0
      nfeas = 0
      do 100 i = 1,n
          f(i) = 0
          fb(i) = 0
          cra(i) = 0
          a(i,i) = inf
  100 continue
      nkk = 0
      cr(1) = -1
      m1 = -1
      call indus3(n,a,f,m,u,v,fb,pi,max,inf)
      z = 0
      zz = 0
      do 200 i = 1,n
          z = z + v(i)
          zz = zz + u(i)
  200 continue
      if ( then
          if (ks.eq.1) then
              if (float(m)/float(n).gt.0.6) then
                  ierr = 0
                  call setupo(n,a,u,v,m,ic,cr,kth,maxdim,iflag,inf)
                  if ( then
                      if (cr(1).ge.0) then
                          do 202 i = 1,n
                              vs(i) = v(i)
                              fs(i) = f(i)
                              uold(i) = u(i)
  202                     continue
  204                     call asmixm(n,a,ic,cr,f,fb,u,v,z,pi,r,c,cra,
     +                                ica,sur,nur,dm,ll,rx,inf)
                          if ( return
                          if ( then
                              if ( then
                                  nfeas = nfeas + 1
                                  call feaso(n,a,kfeas,kth,uold,vs,
     +                                       nfeas,cra,ica,nkk,sur,nur,
     +                                       maxica)
                                  if (kfeas.eq.1) go to 204
                              end if
                              do 206 j = 1,n
                                  fb(j) = 0
  206                         continue
                              do 208 i = 1,n
                                  j = fs(i)
                                  if ( fb(j) = i
                                  u(i) = uold(i)
                                  v(i) = vs(i)
                                  f(i) = fs(i)
  208                         continue
                              call opto(n,a,u,v,kopt,cra,ica,nkk,f,fb,
     +                                  uold,maxica,ierr)
                              if (ierr.eq.0) then
                                  if (kopt.eq.1) return
                                  if ( then
                                      if ( then
                                          krip = krip + 1
                                          go to 204
                                      end if
                                  end if
                              end if
                          end if
                      end if
                  end if
              end if
          end if
          call apmmix(n,a,f,z,fb,u,v,pi,r,c,dm,ll,inf)
      end if
      z = 0
      do 300 k = 1,n
          z = z + u(k) + v(k)
  300 continue
c *************************************************************************
      subroutine opto(n,a,u,v,kopt,cra,ica,nkk,f,fb,uold,maxica,ierr)
c check the feasibility of the dual solution , and hence the
c optimality of the primal solution found by the sparse matrix
c procedure.
      integer ierr,kopt,maxica,n,nkk
      integer a(n,n),cra(*),f(n),fb(n),ica(maxica),u(n),uold(n),v(n)
      integer i,ia,j,jc,k,kk,kkn,min,neg
c     ..
      kopt = 0
      kk = nkk
      neg = 0
      do 100 i = 1,n
          if (u(i).ne.uold(i)) then
              min = 0
              k = i
              do 20 j = 1,n
                  ia = a(i,j) - u(i) - v(j)
                  if ( then
                      if ( neg = neg + 1
                      kk = kk + 1
                      if (kk.le.maxica) then
                          kkn = kk + n
    2                     if (cra(k).eq.0) then
                              cra(k) = kkn
                              cra(kkn) = 0
                              ica(kk) = j
                              k = cra(k)
                              go to 2
                          end if
                      end if
                      if ( min = ia
                  end if
   20         continue
              u(i) = u(i) + min
              uold(i) = u(i)
              if ( then
                  jc = f(i)
                  f(i) = 0
                  fb(jc) = 0
                  kopt = kopt - 1
              end if
          end if
  100 continue
      nkk = kk
      if (nkk.le.maxica) then
          if ( then
              kopt = 0
              kopt = 1
          end if
      end if
      ierr = 1
      kopt = -1
c *************************************************************************
      subroutine asmixm(n,a,ic,cr,f,fb,dualu,dualv,z,pre,uv,sr,cra,ica,
     +                  sur,nur,dm,ll,r,inf)
c   shortest augmenting path and hungarian method :
c   version for sparse matrices
      integer inf,n,nur,z
      integer a(n,n),cr(*),cra(*),dm(n),dualu(n),dualv(n),f(n),fb(n),
     +        ic(*),ica(*),ll(n),pre(n),r(n),sr(n),sur(n),uv(n)
      integer aa,d,i,i1,i2,i2p1,ii,iix,ik,ind,index,indexv,iv,j,j1,k,k1,
     +        k2,kdir,kmn,knuv,li,nuv,u,w
c     ..
      nur = 0
      do 500 u = 1,n
          if (f(u).gt.0) go to 500
          do 50 i = 1,n
              ll(i) = 0
              dm(i) = inf
   50     continue
          nuv = n
          j1 = 0
          knuv = 0
          k1 = cr(u)
          k2 = cr(u+1) - 1
          do 100 ik = k1,k2
              i = ic(ik)
              dm(i) = a(u,i) - dualu(u) - dualv(i)
              pre(i) = u
              j1 = j1 + 1
              sr(j1) = i
  100     continue
          k = u
  150     if (cra(k).eq.0) then
              r(1) = u
              k = cra(k)
              kmn = k - n
              i = ica(kmn)
              dm(i) = a(u,i) - dualu(u) - dualv(i)
              pre(i) = u
              j1 = j1 + 1
              sr(j1) = i
              go to 150
          end if
  200     d = inf
          index = 0
          i2 = 1
          i1 = i2
          if ( then
              kdir = 1
              if ( then
                  iv = 0
                  do 210 i = 1,n
                      if (ll(i).ne.1) then
                          iv = iv + 1
                          uv(iv) = i
                      end if
  210             continue
                  knuv = 1
              end if
              do 220 iv = 1,nuv
                  i = uv(iv)
                  if (dm(i).le.d) then
                      if (dm(i).ne.d) then
                          index = 0
                          i2 = i1
                      end if
                      d = dm(i)
                      if (fb(i).le.0) then
                          index = i
                          if (d.eq.0) go to 300
                      end if
                      i2 = i2 + 1
                      r(i2) = iv
                  end if
  220         continue
              kdir = 0
              do 240 li = 1,j1
                  i = sr(li)
                  if (dm(i).le.d) then
                      if (ll(i).ne.1) then
                          if (dm(i).ne.d) then
                              index = 0
                              i2 = i1
                          end if
                          d = dm(i)
                          if (fb(i).le.0) then
                              index = i
                              if (d.eq.0) go to 300
                          end if
                          i2 = i2 + 1
                          r(i2) = i
                      end if
                  end if
  240         continue
          end if
          if (d.eq.inf) then
              nur = nur + 1
              sur(nur) = u
              go to 500
          else if (index.le.0) then
              i1 = i1 + 1
              i2p1 = i2 + i1
              do 280 iix = i1,i2
                  ii = i2p1 - iix
                  if (kdir.eq.1) then
                      indexv = r(ii)
                      index = uv(indexv)
                      uv(indexv) = uv(nuv)
                      index = r(ii)
                  end if
                  ll(index) = 1
                  nuv = nuv - 1
                  w = fb(index)
                  k1 = cr(w)
                  k2 = cr(w+1) - 1
                  do 250 ik = k1,k2
                      i = ic(ik)
                      if (ll(i).ne.1) then
                          aa = d + a(w,i) - dualu(w) - dualv(i)
                          if (dm(i).gt.aa) then
                              if (dm(i).ge.inf) then
                                  j1 = j1 + 1
                                  sr(j1) = i
                              end if
                              dm(i) = aa
                              pre(i) = w
                          end if
                      end if
  250             continue
                  k = w
  260             if (cra(k).ne.0) then
                      k = cra(k)
                      kmn = k - n
                      i = ica(kmn)
                      if (ll(i).ne.1) then
                          aa = d + a(w,i) - dualu(w) - dualv(i)
                          if (dm(i).gt.aa) then
                              if (dm(i).ge.inf) then
                                  j1 = j1 + 1
                                  sr(j1) = i
                              end if
                              dm(i) = aa
                              pre(i) = w
                          end if
                      end if
                      go to 260
                  end if
  280         continue
              go to 200
          end if
  300     do 350 j = 1,n
              if (dm(j).lt.d) then
                  dualv(j) = dualv(j) + dm(j) - d
                  i = fb(j)
                  dualu(i) = dualu(i) - dm(j) + d
              end if
  350     continue
          dualu(u) = dualu(u) + d
  400     w = pre(index)
          fb(index) = w
          ind = f(w)
          f(w) = index
          if ( then
              index = ind
              go to 400
          end if
  500 continue
      if (nur.le.0) then
          z = 0
          do 550 i = 1,n
              z = z + dualu(i) + dualv(i)
  550     continue
      end if
      z = -1
c *************************************************************************
      subroutine feaso(n,a,kfeas,kth,us,vs,nfeas,cra,ica,nkk,sur,nur,
     +                 maxica)
c insert new entries in rows sur (l) (l = 1,nur) in order to find
c a feasible assignment in the sparse cost matrix.
      integer kfeas,kth,maxica,n,nfeas,nkk,nur
      integer a(n,n),cra(*),ica(maxica),sur(n),us(n),vs(n)
      integer coef,i,ia,ii,iukth,iukthn,j,k,kk,kkn,kth0,kthn
      data coef/3/
c     ..
      kk = nkk
      kth0 = kth
      if (kth0.eq.0) kth0 = 1
      do 200 ii = 1,nur
          i = sur(ii)
          cc = 0.
   50     cc = cc + float(coef*nfeas)
          kthn = cc*float(kth0)
          iukthn = kthn + us(i)
          iukth = kth + us(i)
          k = i
          do 100 j = 1,n
              ia = a(i,j) - vs(j)
              if (ia.le.iukthn) then
                  if ( then
                      kk = kk + 1
                      if ( go to 300
                      kkn = kk + n
                      cra(k) = kkn
                      cra(kkn) = 0
                      ica(kk) = j
                  end if
              end if
  100     continue
          if (cra(i).eq.0) go to 50
  200 continue
      nkk = kk
      kfeas = 1
  300 kfeas = -1
c *************************************************************************
      subroutine indus3(n,a,f,m,u,v,fb,fu,max,inf)
c search for an initial dual solution ( u(i),v(j) ) and an initial
c partial primal solution ( f(i),fb(j) ) of the ap problem
      integer inf,m,max,n
      integer a(n,n),f(n),fb(n),fu(n),u(n),v(n)
      integer i,ia,ii,imin,j,j1,jj,jmin,l,maxl,min
c     ..
      m = 0
      do 100 j = 1,n
          u(j) = 0
          min = inf
          do 50 i = 1,n
              ia = a(i,j)
              if (ia.le.min) then
                  if ( then
                      if (f(i).ne.0) go to 50
                  end if
                  min = ia
                  imin = i
              end if
   50     continue
          v(j) = min
          if (f(imin).eq.0) then
              m = m + 1
              fb(j) = imin
              f(imin) = j
              fu(imin) = j + 1
          end if
  100 continue
      max = 0
      do 400 i = 1,n
          if (f(i).ne.0) go to 400
          min = inf
          maxl = 0
          do 150 j = 1,n
              l = a(i,j) - v(j)
              if ( maxl = l
              if (l.le.min) then
                  if ( then
                      if (fb(j).ne.0) go to 150
                      if (fb(jmin).eq.0) go to 150
                  end if
                  min = l
                  jmin = j
              end if
  150     continue
          u(i) = min
          if ( max = maxl - min
          j = jmin
          if (fb(j).eq.0) go to 300
          do 200 j = jmin,n
              if (a(i,j)-v(j).le.min) then
                  ii = fb(j)
                  j1 = fu(ii)
                  if (j1.le.n) then
                      do 155 jj = j1,n
                          if (fb(jj).le.0) then
                              if (a(ii,jj)-u(ii).eq.v(jj)) go to 250
                          end if
  155                 continue
                      fu(ii) = n + 1
                  end if
              end if
  200     continue
          go to 400
  250     f(ii) = jj
          fb(jj) = ii
          fu(ii) = jj + 1
  300     m = m + 1
          fb(j) = i
          f(i) = j
          fu(i) = j + 1
  400 continue
c *************************************************************************
      subroutine apmmix(n,a,f,z,fb,dualu,dualv,pre,uv,r,dm,dp,inf)
c    shortest augmenting path and hungarian method for complete matrices

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