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Re: Bug in g77

>The following short program does not work in g77 version 0.5.24-19981002
>that comes with REDHAT 6.0.  To be specific, the parameter statement does
>not accept function calls.  This used to work in the earlier versions: for
>example, in fort77 that used to come along with REDHAT 5.0 and in the
>earlier versions.  Because of this shortcoming, I find it difficult to
>install and test LAPACK, one of the most standard packages, in linux using
>g77.  Indeed, most FORTRAN compilers allow this usage.  Regards.  Kannan.

Hmm, are you saying RH 6.0 `fort77' now invokes g77 instead of f2c?
I wouldn't consider that to be a particularly wise decision at this
point...maybe after g77 0.6 comes out and is considered "stable",
but not yet.

In the meantime, scrounge up an old `fort77' script, or use f2c directly,
as it is well-documented that g77 does not yet support intrinsic
invocations in PARAMETER statements.

For more info on g77, see its online docs (`info g77' should work on
a properly installed system) and my g77 page:


        tq vm, (burley)

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