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volatile asms are optimized away in gcc-2.96

In the piece of code at the end of this message, the

  asm volatile ("movl %eax, %esp; jmp *%ecx");

is optimized away when -O or -O2 is used (and probably at other
optimization levels too).  Compile with `gcc -O -S' and note the
absence of the `jmp' instruction in the generated assembler.  This
type of code is used in several places in the i386-specific code for
the Hurd, to switch stacks.  Note that the the GCC manual says:

	   You can prevent an `asm' instruction from being deleted, moved
	significantly, or combined, by writing the keyword `volatile' after the

Previous versions of gcc have never optimized away these statements
(I've verified this for gcc 2.8.1, but the same code worked with 2.7 too).
Egcs-1.1.1 also compiles this right.

I'm using a gcc compiled from CVS sources checked out on June 7th.  It
reports itself as gcc-2.96 19990530 (experimental).


void *(*_cthread_init_routine) (void); /* Returns new SP to use.  */

static void
init1 (int argc, char *arg0, ...)

init (int *data)
  void *newsp = (*_cthread_init_routine) ();

  *--(int *) newsp = data[-1];
  ((void **) data)[-1] = &&switch_stacks;
  /* Force NEWSP into %ecx and &init1 into %eax, which are not restored
     by function return.  */
  asm volatile ("# a %0 c %1" : : "a" (newsp), "c" (&init1));


  /* Our return address was redirected to here, so at this point our stack
     is unwound and callers' registers restored.  Only %ecx and %eax are
     call-clobbered and thus still have the values we set just above.
     Fetch from there the new stack pointer we will run on, and jmp to the
     run-time address of `init1'; when it returns, it will run the user
     code with the argument data at the top of the stack.  */
  asm volatile ("movl %eax, %esp; jmp *%ecx");

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