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Re: VERY slow compile of CXX - templates and exceptions

> To:
> Date: Tue, 20 Apr 1999 10:51:13 -0600
> From: Joe Van Andel <>

> I'm trying to compile 'CXX', from the LLNLDistribution11 package.
> This package streamlines interfacing C++ to Python, by heavy use of
> templates and exceptions.  Trying to compile the CXX demo takes
> hours on a Sparc10, even though the entire package is only ~3500
> lines of code.

> If anyone is willing to determine why compiling templates can takes
> so long, CXX would be a great stress test.

I bet I know why.  Try -fno-inline and/or -O0 when you compile.  If
the first works, there is a patch I posted a while ago, you can try
that and let us know if it works.  It is the one with max_insn *= 100;
or something like that in it.

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