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no default constructor for double


I'm running the version of egcs packaged with RH5.2 x86 (sorry, I'm not
infront of my home system I can't get teh version number from here).  I
have attached a copy of a template class called "rarray" that is a
resizeable array not unlike vector.  When I instantiated a rarray<double>
and resized it (by calling reserve()), the values between the
indices _array_size and new_size are garbage values.  I thought that the
c++ standard mandated that the default constructors for all the numeric
types by 0 (or 0.0 in the case of double).  Assuming that this is true,

double *double_array = new [100] double();

be initialized with 100 0.0 values?

thank you in advance.


Daniel Supernaw-Issen
#ifndef RARRAY_H
#define RARRAY_H

#ifdef _MSC_VER
#include <crtdbg.h>
#define assert _ASSERT
#include <assert.h>

template <class T>
class rarray
  long int _array_size;
  T* _array;
  rarray(long int reserve_size = 0) : _array_size(reserve_size)
	_array = (reserve_size ? (new T [reserve_size]()) : 0);

  rarray(const rarray<T>& rhs)
	_array_size = rhs._array_size;
	_array = new T[_array_size]();
	long int index;
	for(index = 0; index < _array_size; index++)
	  _array[index] = rhs._array[index];

  rarray<T>& operator=(const rarray<T>& rhs)
	if(&rhs != this)
	  delete [] _array;
	  _array_size = rhs._array_size;
	  _array = new T[_array_size]();
	  long int index;
	  for(index = 0; index < rhs._array_size; index++)
		_array[index] = rhs._array[index];
	return *this;

  operator const T* () const { return _array; };
  operator T* () { return _array; };
  operator void* () { return _array; };
	  delete [] _array;
	_array = 0;

  long int size() const { return _array_size; };
  void reserve(long int reserve_size)
	if(reserve_size > _array_size)
	  long int new_size = (2 *(reserve_size + 1));
	  T* new_array = new T[new_size]();
	  long int index;
	  for(index = 0; index < _array_size; index++)
		new_array[index] = _array[index];
	  delete [] _array;
	  _array = new_array;
	  _array_size = new_size;

  T& operator[](long int index)
	assert(index < _array_size);
	return *(_array + index);

  const T& operator[](long int index) const
	assert(index < _array_size);
	return *(_array + index);

  T& at(long int index)
	assert(index < _array_size);
	return *(_array + index);

  const T& at(long int index) const
	assert(index < _array_size);
	return *(_array + index);

  T* offset_address(long int index)
	assert(index < _array_size);
	return (_array + index);

  void assert_index(long int index) const
	assert(index < _array_size);



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