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Internal compiler error 90

Two short source files are attached.  I didn't write them, so don't ask me
why they did things this way (but if you have a suggestion how to
accomplish the same thing in a way acceptable to the compiler, please let
me know and I'll pass it on). They both compile on "gcc version 2.7.2", but
not on "gcc version egcs-2.90.29 980515 (egcs-1.0.3 release)".  And they
both compile in Microsoft Visual C 5.0 (if the extension is changed to
.cpp).  What I'm doing here is porting code from MSVC to gcc on linux.

One produces Internal compiler error 90. Please submit a full bug report to `'.

The other produces sorry, not implemented: `namespace_decl' not supported by dump_type `' is not an aggregate type warning: ANSI C++ forbids typedef which does not specify a type confused by earlier errors, bailing out

Is there a later egcs that fixes this, or should I go back to gcc 2.7.2 (or

#include <map>

template< class ClassType > class BaseTlsPtr { };

template< class ClassType , class ActualClassType >
class TlsPtr : public BaseTlsPtr < ClassType > {
	virtual ~TlsPtr ();
typedef std::map <unsigned long, ClassType*>	Thread2Class;

template< class ClassType , class ActualClassType >
TlsPtr< ClassType, ActualClassType >::~TlsPtr () {}

template< class ClassType , class ActualClassType >
class TlsPtrDefVal : public TlsPtr < ClassType, ActualClassType > {
	Thread2Class::iterator it;
#include <map>

template <class T> class foo {
  typedef std::auto_ptr<T> ElementPtr;

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