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Re: C++ front end ignores constness in sometimes

On Feb 24, 1999, Wolfgang Bangerth <wolf@gaia.IWR.Uni-Heidelberg.De> wrote:

> egcs 1.1.1 misses to warn about violated constness in the following code
> snippet:

There's no constness violation here; egcs is correct WRT to C++ Standard.

> class Y { public: void f(const int); };
> void Y::f(int x) { x = 1; };

top-level cv-qualifiers are discarded from (member-)function
signatures, they're only significant within the function body.
However, in the function definition, x is not const, so it can be

Thanks for your report anyway.

Alexandre Oliva aoliva@{,}
Instituto de Computação, Universidade Estadual de Campinas, SP, Brasil

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