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ICE compiling newlib-1.8.0 with egcs-19990117

This happened while compiling newlib for an sh-unknown-coff target on an
i586-pc-linux-gnu system.  The OS is Redhat 5.1 on a Cyrix 233MX with 32

make[5]: Entering directory
-B/home/xgcc/build2/b-i586-linux-x-sh3/gcc/ -isystem
/home/xgcc/build2/src/winsup/include -isystem
/home/xgcc/build2/b-i586-linux-x-sh3/sh3/newlib/targ-include -isystem
/home/xgcc/build2/src/newlib/libc/include -O2 -v --save-temps 
-m4-single-only  -O2 -DMISSING_SYSCALL_NAMES -fno-builtin
-I/home/xgcc/build2/src/newlib/./libc/include -c
Reading specs from /home/xgcc/build2/b-i586-linux-x-sh3/gcc/specs
gcc version egcs-2.93.02 19990117 (gcc2 ss-980609 experimental)
 /home/xgcc/build2/b-i586-linux-x-sh3/gcc/cpp -lang-c -v
-I/home/xgcc/build2/src/newlib/./libc/include -isystem
/home/xgcc/build2/b-i586-linux-x-sh3/gcc/include -undef -D__GNUC__=2
-D__GNUC_MINOR__=93 -D__sh__ -D__sh__ -Acpu(sh) -Amachine(sh)
/home/xgcc/build2/src/winsup/include -isystem
/home/xgcc/build2/b-i586-linux-x-sh3/sh3/newlib/targ-include -isystem
/home/xgcc/build2/src/newlib/libc/stdlib/dtoa.c dtoa.i
GNU CPP version egcs-2.93.02 19990117 (gcc2 ss-980609 experimental)
(Hitachi SH)
#include "..." search starts here:
#include <...> search starts here:
End of search list.
 /home/xgcc/build2/b-i586-linux-x-sh3/gcc/cc1 dtoa.i -quiet -dumpbase
dtoa.c -m4-single-only -O2 -O2 -version -fno-builtin -o dtoa.s
GNU C version egcs-2.93.02 19990117 (gcc2 ss-980609 experimental) (sh3)
compiled by GNU C version
/home/xgcc/build2/src/newlib/libc/stdlib/dtoa.c: In function `_dtoa_r':
/home/xgcc/build2/src/newlib/libc/stdlib/dtoa.c:851: internal
error--unrecognizable insn:
(insn 2814 2721 2820 (set:SF (reg/v:SF 570)
        (mem:SF (reg:SI 14 r14) 4)) -1 (nil)
/home/xgcc/build2/src/gcc/toplev.c:1397: Internal compiler error in
function fatal_insn
Please submit a full bug report to `'.
See <URL:> for details.
make[5]: *** [dtoa.o] Error 1
# 1 "/home/xgcc/build2/src/newlib/libc/stdlib/dtoa.c"


# 1 "/home/xgcc/build2/src/newlib/libc/include/_ansi.h" 1 3


# 1 "/home/xgcc/build2/src/newlib/libc/include/sys/config.h" 1 3

# 14 "/home/xgcc/build2/src/newlib/libc/include/sys/config.h" 3

# 25 "/home/xgcc/build2/src/newlib/libc/include/sys/config.h" 3


# 44 "/home/xgcc/build2/src/newlib/libc/include/sys/config.h" 3

# 69 "/home/xgcc/build2/src/newlib/libc/include/sys/config.h" 3


typedef int __int32_t;
typedef unsigned int __uint32_t;

# 15 "/home/xgcc/build2/src/newlib/libc/include/_ansi.h" 2 3


# 61 "/home/xgcc/build2/src/newlib/libc/include/_ansi.h" 3


# 29 "/home/xgcc/build2/src/newlib/libc/stdlib/dtoa.c" 2

# 1 "/home/xgcc/build2/src/newlib/libc/include/stdlib.h" 1 3

# 1 "/home/xgcc/build2/b-i586-linux-x-sh3/gcc/include/stddef.h" 1 3


# 19 "/home/xgcc/build2/b-i586-linux-x-sh3/gcc/include/stddef.h" 3




# 61 "/home/xgcc/build2/b-i586-linux-x-sh3/gcc/include/stddef.h" 3






# 131 "/home/xgcc/build2/b-i586-linux-x-sh3/gcc/include/stddef.h" 3



typedef unsigned int size_t;




typedef short unsigned int wchar_t;

# 283 "/home/xgcc/build2/b-i586-linux-x-sh3/gcc/include/stddef.h" 3



# 317 "/home/xgcc/build2/b-i586-linux-x-sh3/gcc/include/stddef.h" 3


# 17 "/home/xgcc/build2/src/newlib/libc/include/stdlib.h" 2 3

# 1 "/home/xgcc/build2/src/newlib/libc/include/sys/reent.h" 1 3


struct _glue 
  struct _glue *_next;
  int _niobs;
  struct __sFILE *_iobs;

struct _Bigint 
  struct _Bigint *_next;
  int _k, _maxwds, _sign, _wds;
  unsigned long _x[1];


struct _atexit {
	struct	_atexit *_next;			 
	int	_ind;				 
	void	(*_fns[32 ])();	 


struct __sbuf {
	unsigned char *_base;
	int	_size;


typedef long _fpos_t;		 


struct __sFILE {
  unsigned char *_p;	 
  int	_r;		 
  int	_w;		 
  short	_flags;		 
  short	_file;		 
  struct __sbuf _bf;	 
  int	_lbfsize;	 

  void * 	_cookie;	 

  int	 (*_read)   (void *  _cookie, char *_buf, int _n)  ;
  int	 (*_write)   (void *  _cookie, const char *_buf, int _n)  ;
  _fpos_t  (*_seek)   (void *  _cookie, _fpos_t _offset, int _whence)  ;
  int	 (*_close)   (void *  _cookie)  ;

  struct __sbuf _ub;	 
  unsigned char *_up;	 
  int	_ur;		 

  unsigned char _ubuf[3];	 
  unsigned char _nbuf[1];	 

  struct __sbuf _lb;	 

  int	_blksize;	 
  int	_offset;	 

  struct _reent *_data;


struct _reent
  int _errno;


  struct __sFILE *_stdin, *_stdout, *_stderr;

  int  _inc;			 
  char _emergency[25];
  int _current_category;	 
  const  char *_current_locale;

  int __sdidinit;		 

  void  (*__cleanup)   (struct _reent *)  ;

  struct _Bigint *_result;
  int _result_k;
  struct _Bigint *_p5s;
  struct _Bigint **_freelist;

  int _cvtlen;			 
  char *_cvtbuf;


  unsigned char * _nextf[30 ];
  unsigned int _nmalloc[30 ];

  struct _atexit *_atexit;	 
  struct _atexit _atexit0;	 

  void (**(_sig_func))();


  struct _glue __sglue;			 
  struct __sFILE __sf[3];		 


extern struct _reent *_impure_ptr  ;

void _reclaim_reent  (struct _reent *)  ;


# 19 "/home/xgcc/build2/src/newlib/libc/include/stdlib.h" 2 3

typedef struct 
  int quot;  
  int rem;  
} div_t;

typedef struct 
  long quot;  
  long rem;  
} ldiv_t;

void 	 abort   (void ) __attribute__ ( (noreturn) )   ;
int	 abs   (int)  ;
int	 atexit   (void  (*_func)(void ))  ;
double	 atof   (const char *_nptr)  ;

float	 atoff   (const char *_nptr)  ;

int	 atoi   (const char *_nptr)  ;
long	 atol   (const char *_nptr)  ;
void * 	 bsearch   (const void *  _key,
		       const void *  _base,
		       size_t _nmemb,
		       size_t _size,
		       int  (*_compar)   (const void * , const void * )  )  ;
void * 	 calloc   (size_t _nmemb, size_t _size)  ;
div_t	 div   (int _numer, int _denom)  ;
void 	 exit   (int _status) __attribute__ ( (noreturn) )   ;
void 	 free   (void * )  ;
char *   getenv   (const char *_string)  ;
long	 labs   (long)  ;
ldiv_t	 ldiv   (long _numer, long _denom)  ;
void * 	 malloc   (size_t _size)  ;
int	 mblen   (const char *, size_t)  ;
int	 mbtowc   (wchar_t *, const char *, size_t)  ;
int	 wctomb   (char *, wchar_t)  ;
size_t	 mbstowcs   (wchar_t *, const char *, size_t)  ;
size_t	 wcstombs   (char *, const wchar_t *, size_t)  ;
void 	 qsort   (void *  _base, size_t _nmemb, size_t _size, int(*_compar)(const void * , const void * ))  ;
int	 rand   (void )  ;
void * 	 realloc   (void *  _r, size_t _size)  ;
void 	 srand   (unsigned _seed)  ;
double	 strtod   (const char *_n, char **_end_PTR)  ;

float	 strtodf   (const char *_n, char **_end_PTR)  ;

long	 strtol   (const char *_n, char **_end_PTR, int _base)  ;
unsigned long  strtoul   (const char *_n_PTR, char **_end_PTR, int _base)  ;
unsigned long  _strtoul_r   (struct _reent *,const char *_n_PTR, char **_end_PTR, int _base)  ;
int	 system   (const char *_string)  ;

void 	 cfree   (void * , void * )  ;
int	 putenv   (const char *_string)  ;
int	 setenv   (const char *_string, const char *_value, int _overwrite)  ;

char *	 gcvt   (double,int,char *)  ;
char *	 gcvtf   (float,int,char *)  ;
char *	 fcvt   (double,int,int *,int *)  ;
char *	 fcvtf   (float,int,int *,int *)  ;
char *	 ecvt   (double,int,int *,int *)  ;
char *	 ecvtbuf   (double, int, int*, int*, char *)  ;
char *	 fcvtbuf   (double, int, int*, int*, char *)  ;
char *	 ecvtf   (float,int,int *,int *)  ;
char *	 dtoa   (double, int, int, int *, int*, char**)  ;
int	 rand_r   (unsigned *_seed)  ;

char *	 _dtoa_r   (struct _reent *, double, int, int, int *, int*, char**)  ;
void * 	 _malloc_r   (struct _reent *, size_t)  ;
void * 	 _calloc_r   (struct _reent *, size_t, size_t)  ;
void 	 _free_r   (struct _reent *, void * )  ;
void * 	 _realloc_r   (struct _reent *, void * , size_t)  ;
void 	 _mstats_r   (struct _reent *, char *)  ;
int	 _system_r   (struct _reent *, const char *)  ;

void 	 __eprintf   (const char *, const char *, unsigned int, const char *)  ;

# 30 "/home/xgcc/build2/src/newlib/libc/stdlib/dtoa.c" 2

# 1 "/home/xgcc/build2/src/newlib/libc/include/reent.h" 1 3



# 1 "/home/xgcc/build2/src/newlib/libc/include/sys/_types.h" 1 3


typedef long _off_t;
typedef long _ssize_t;

# 49 "/home/xgcc/build2/src/newlib/libc/include/reent.h" 2 3

# 1 "/home/xgcc/build2/src/newlib/libc/include/machine/types.h" 1 3

# 50 "/home/xgcc/build2/src/newlib/libc/include/reent.h" 2 3

# 1 "/home/xgcc/build2/b-i586-linux-x-sh3/gcc/include/stddef.h" 1 3


# 19 "/home/xgcc/build2/b-i586-linux-x-sh3/gcc/include/stddef.h" 3




# 61 "/home/xgcc/build2/b-i586-linux-x-sh3/gcc/include/stddef.h" 3






# 131 "/home/xgcc/build2/b-i586-linux-x-sh3/gcc/include/stddef.h" 3



# 188 "/home/xgcc/build2/b-i586-linux-x-sh3/gcc/include/stddef.h" 3



# 271 "/home/xgcc/build2/b-i586-linux-x-sh3/gcc/include/stddef.h" 3

# 283 "/home/xgcc/build2/b-i586-linux-x-sh3/gcc/include/stddef.h" 3



# 317 "/home/xgcc/build2/b-i586-linux-x-sh3/gcc/include/stddef.h" 3


# 53 "/home/xgcc/build2/src/newlib/libc/include/reent.h" 2 3

struct stat;
struct tms;
struct timeval;
struct timezone;


extern int _close_r  (struct _reent *, int)  ;
extern int _fcntl_r  (struct _reent *, int, int, int)  ;
extern int _fork_r  (struct _reent *)  ;
extern int _fstat_r  (struct _reent *, int, struct stat *)  ;
extern int _getpid_r  (struct _reent *)  ;
extern int _kill_r  (struct _reent *, int, int)  ;
extern int _link_r  (struct _reent *, const char *, const char *)  ;
extern _off_t _lseek_r  (struct _reent *, int, _off_t, int)  ;
extern int _open_r  (struct _reent *, const char *, int, int)  ;
extern _ssize_t _read_r  (struct _reent *, int, void *, size_t)  ;
extern void *_sbrk_r  (struct _reent *, size_t)  ;
extern int _stat_r  (struct _reent *, const char *, struct stat *)  ;
extern unsigned long  _times_r  (struct _reent *, struct tms *)  ;
extern int _unlink_r  (struct _reent *, const char *)  ;
extern int _wait_r  (struct _reent *, int *)  ;
extern _ssize_t _write_r  (struct _reent *, int, const void *, size_t)  ;

extern int _gettimeofday_r  (struct _reent *, struct timeval *tp, struct timezone *tzp)  ;

# 31 "/home/xgcc/build2/src/newlib/libc/stdlib/dtoa.c" 2

# 1 "/home/xgcc/build2/src/newlib/libc/include/string.h" 1 3

# 1 "/home/xgcc/build2/b-i586-linux-x-sh3/gcc/include/stddef.h" 1 3


# 19 "/home/xgcc/build2/b-i586-linux-x-sh3/gcc/include/stddef.h" 3




# 61 "/home/xgcc/build2/b-i586-linux-x-sh3/gcc/include/stddef.h" 3






# 131 "/home/xgcc/build2/b-i586-linux-x-sh3/gcc/include/stddef.h" 3



# 188 "/home/xgcc/build2/b-i586-linux-x-sh3/gcc/include/stddef.h" 3



# 271 "/home/xgcc/build2/b-i586-linux-x-sh3/gcc/include/stddef.h" 3

# 283 "/home/xgcc/build2/b-i586-linux-x-sh3/gcc/include/stddef.h" 3



# 317 "/home/xgcc/build2/b-i586-linux-x-sh3/gcc/include/stddef.h" 3


# 17 "/home/xgcc/build2/src/newlib/libc/include/string.h" 2 3

void *  	  memchr   (const void * , int, size_t)  ;
int 	  memcmp   (const void * , const void * , size_t)  ;
void *  	  memcpy   (void * , const void * , size_t)  ;
void * 	  memmove   (void * , const void * , size_t)  ;
void * 	  memset   (void * , int, size_t)  ;
char 	*  strcat   (char *, const char *)  ;
char 	*  strchr   (const char *, int)  ;
int	  strcmp   (const char *, const char *)  ;
int	  strcoll   (const char *, const char *)  ;
char 	*  strcpy   (char *, const char *)  ;
size_t	  strcspn   (const char *, const char *)  ;
char 	*  strerror   (int)  ;
size_t	  strlen   (const char *)  ;
char 	*  strncat   (char *, const char *, size_t)  ;
int	  strncmp   (const char *, const char *, size_t)  ;
char 	*  strncpy   (char *, const char *, size_t)  ;
char 	*  strpbrk   (const char *, const char *)  ;
char 	*  strrchr   (const char *, int)  ;
size_t	  strspn   (const char *, const char *)  ;
char 	*  strstr   (const char *, const char *)  ;
int      ffs   (int)  ;

char 	*  strtok   (char *, const char *)  ;

size_t	  strxfrm   (char *, const char *, size_t)  ;

char 	*  strtok_r   (char *, const char *, char **)  ;

int	  bcmp   (const char *, const char *, size_t)  ;
void	  bcopy   (const char *, char *, size_t)  ;
void	  bzero   (char *, size_t)  ;
int	  ffs   (int)  ;
char 	*  index   (const char *, int)  ;
void * 	  memccpy   (void * , const void * , int, size_t)  ;
char 	*  rindex   (const char *, int)  ;
int	  strcasecmp   (const char *, const char *)  ;
char 	*  strdup   (const char *)  ;
int	  strncasecmp   (const char *, const char *, size_t)  ;
char 	*  strsep   (char **, const char *)  ;
char	*  strlwr   (char *)  ;
char	*  strupr   (char *)  ;


# 32 "/home/xgcc/build2/src/newlib/libc/stdlib/dtoa.c" 2

# 1 "/home/xgcc/build2/src/newlib/libc/stdlib/mprec.h" 1


# 1 "/home/xgcc/build2/src/newlib/libc/include/ieeefp.h" 1 3

# 1 "/home/xgcc/build2/src/newlib/libc/include/machine/ieeefp.h" 1 3


# 115 "/home/xgcc/build2/src/newlib/libc/include/machine/ieeefp.h" 3

# 6 "/home/xgcc/build2/src/newlib/libc/include/ieeefp.h" 2 3


typedef union 
  double value;
    unsigned int sign : 1;
    unsigned int exponent: 11;
    unsigned int fraction0:4;
    unsigned int fraction1:16;
    unsigned int fraction2:16;
    unsigned int fraction3:16;
  } number;
    unsigned int sign : 1;
    unsigned int exponent: 11;
    unsigned int quiet:1;
    unsigned int function0:3;
    unsigned int function1:16;
    unsigned int function2:16;
    unsigned int function3:16;
  } nan;
    unsigned long msw;
    unsigned long lsw;
  } parts;
    long aslong[2];
} __ieee_double_shape_type;

# 93 "/home/xgcc/build2/src/newlib/libc/include/ieeefp.h" 3

typedef union
  float value;
    unsigned int sign : 1;
    unsigned int exponent: 8;
    unsigned int fraction0: 7;
    unsigned int fraction1: 16;
  } number;
    unsigned int sign:1;
    unsigned int exponent:8;
    unsigned int quiet:1;
    unsigned int function0:6;
    unsigned int function1:16;
  } nan;
  long p1;
} __ieee_float_shape_type;

# 145 "/home/xgcc/build2/src/newlib/libc/include/ieeefp.h" 3


typedef int fp_rnd;

fp_rnd  fpgetround   (void)  ;
fp_rnd  fpsetround    (fp_rnd)  ;


typedef int fp_except;

fp_except  fpgetmask   (void)  ;
fp_except  fpsetmask   (fp_except)  ;
fp_except  fpgetsticky   (void)  ;
fp_except  fpsetsticky    (fp_except)  ;


typedef int fp_rdi;

fp_rdi  fpgetroundtoi   (void)  ;
fp_rdi  fpsetroundtoi   (fp_rdi)  ;

int  isnan    (double)  ;
int  isinf    (double)  ;
int  finite    (double)  ;

int  isnanf    (float)  ;
int  isinff    (float)  ;
int  finitef    (float)  ;

# 239 "/home/xgcc/build2/src/newlib/libc/include/ieeefp.h" 3

# 29 "/home/xgcc/build2/src/newlib/libc/stdlib/mprec.h" 2

# 1 "/home/xgcc/build2/src/newlib/libc/include/math.h" 1 3


union __dmath
  __uint32_t i[2];
  double d;

extern const union __dmath __infinity;


extern double atan  (double)  ;
extern double cos  (double)  ;
extern double sin  (double)  ;
extern double tan  (double)  ;
extern double tanh  (double)  ;
extern double frexp  (double, int *)  ;
extern double modf  (double, double *)  ;
extern double ceil  (double)  ;
extern double fabs  (double)  ;
extern double floor  (double)  ;


extern double acos  (double)  ;
extern double asin  (double)  ;
extern double atan2  (double, double)  ;
extern double cosh  (double)  ;
extern double sinh  (double)  ;
extern double exp  (double)  ;
extern double ldexp  (double, int)  ;
extern double log  (double)  ;
extern double log10  (double)  ;
extern double pow  (double, double)  ;
extern double sqrt  (double)  ;
extern double fmod  (double, double)  ;


extern double infinity  (void)  ;
extern double nan  (void)  ;
extern int isnan  (double)  ;
extern int isinf  (double)  ;
extern int finite  (double)  ;
extern double copysign  (double, double)  ;
extern int ilogb  (double)  ;

extern double asinh  (double)  ;
extern double cbrt  (double)  ;
extern double nextafter  (double, double)  ;
extern double rint  (double)  ;
extern double scalbn  (double, int)  ;

extern double log1p  (double)  ;
extern double expm1  (double)  ;

extern double acosh  (double)  ;
extern double atanh  (double)  ;
extern double remainder  (double, double)  ;
extern double gamma  (double)  ;
extern double gamma_r  (double, int *)  ;
extern double lgamma  (double)  ;
extern double lgamma_r  (double, int *)  ;
extern double erf  (double)  ;
extern double erfc  (double)  ;
extern double y0  (double)  ;
extern double y1  (double)  ;
extern double yn  (int, double)  ;
extern double j0  (double)  ;
extern double j1  (double)  ;
extern double jn  (int, double)  ;

extern double hypot  (double, double)  ;

extern double cabs();
extern double drem  (double, double)  ;


extern float atanf  (float)  ;
extern float cosf  (float)  ;
extern float sinf  (float)  ;
extern float tanf  (float)  ;
extern float tanhf  (float)  ;
extern float frexpf  (float, int *)  ;
extern float modff  (float, float *)  ;
extern float ceilf  (float)  ;
extern float fabsf  (float)  ;
extern float floorf  (float)  ;

extern float acosf  (float)  ;
extern float asinf  (float)  ;
extern float atan2f  (float, float)  ;
extern float coshf  (float)  ;
extern float sinhf  (float)  ;
extern float expf  (float)  ;
extern float ldexpf  (float, int)  ;
extern float logf  (float)  ;
extern float log10f  (float)  ;
extern float powf  (float, float)  ;
extern float sqrtf  (float)  ;
extern float fmodf  (float, float)  ;


extern float infinityf  (void)  ;
extern float nanf  (void)  ;
extern int isnanf  (float)  ;
extern int isinff  (float)  ;
extern int finitef  (float)  ;
extern float copysignf  (float, float)  ;
extern int ilogbf  (float)  ;

extern float asinhf  (float)  ;
extern float cbrtf  (float)  ;
extern float nextafterf  (float, float)  ;
extern float rintf  (float)  ;
extern float scalbnf  (float, int)  ;
extern float log1pf  (float)  ;
extern float expm1f  (float)  ;

extern float acoshf  (float)  ;
extern float atanhf  (float)  ;
extern float remainderf  (float, float)  ;
extern float gammaf  (float)  ;
extern float gammaf_r  (float, int *)  ;
extern float lgammaf  (float)  ;
extern float lgammaf_r  (float, int *)  ;
extern float erff  (float)  ;
extern float erfcf  (float)  ;
extern float y0f  (float)  ;
extern float y1f  (float)  ;
extern float ynf  (int, float)  ;
extern float j0f  (float)  ;
extern float j1f  (float)  ;
extern float jnf  (int, float)  ;

extern float hypotf  (float, float)  ;

extern float cabsf();
extern float dremf  (float, float)  ;


extern int signgam;


struct exception 

  int type;
  char *name;
  double arg1;
  double arg2;
  double retval;
  int err;

extern int matherr  (struct exception *e)  ;




enum __fdlibm_version
  __fdlibm_ieee = -1,

extern enum __fdlibm_version  __fdlib_version ;

# 30 "/home/xgcc/build2/src/newlib/libc/stdlib/mprec.h" 2

# 1 "/home/xgcc/build2/b-i586-linux-x-sh3/gcc/include/float.h" 1 3






















# 100 "/home/xgcc/build2/b-i586-linux-x-sh3/gcc/include/float.h" 3










# 31 "/home/xgcc/build2/src/newlib/libc/stdlib/mprec.h" 2

# 1 "/home/xgcc/build2/src/newlib/libc/include/errno.h" 1 3
# 1 "/home/xgcc/build2/src/newlib/libc/include/sys/errno.h" 1 3

extern int *__errno  (void)  ;


# 1 "/home/xgcc/build2/src/newlib/libc/include/errno.h" 2 3

# 32 "/home/xgcc/build2/src/newlib/libc/stdlib/mprec.h" 2



# 126 "/home/xgcc/build2/src/newlib/libc/stdlib/mprec.h"

# 208 "/home/xgcc/build2/src/newlib/libc/stdlib/mprec.h"

# 222 "/home/xgcc/build2/src/newlib/libc/stdlib/mprec.h"


typedef struct _Bigint _Bigint;

struct _reent ;
double 		 _ulp    (double x)  ;
double		 _b2d    (_Bigint *a , int *e)  ;
_Bigint *	 _Balloc    (struct _reent *p, int k)  ;
void 		 _Bfree    (struct _reent *p, _Bigint *v)  ;
_Bigint *	 _multadd    (struct _reent *p, _Bigint *, int, int)  ;
_Bigint *	 _s2b    (struct _reent *, const char*, int, int, unsigned long)  ;
_Bigint	*	 _i2b    (struct _reent *,int)  ;
_Bigint *	 _mult     (struct _reent *, _Bigint *, _Bigint *)  ;
_Bigint *	 _pow5mult     (struct _reent *, _Bigint *, int k)  ;
int 		 _hi0bits    (unsigned long)  ;
int 		 _lo0bits    (unsigned long *)  ;
_Bigint *         _d2b    (struct _reent *p, double d, int *e, int *bits)  ;
_Bigint *         _lshift    (struct _reent *p, _Bigint *b, int k)  ;
_Bigint *         __mdiff    (struct _reent *p, _Bigint *a, _Bigint *b)  ;
int              __mcmp    (_Bigint *a, _Bigint *b)  ;

double		 _ratio    (_Bigint *a, _Bigint *b)  ;

extern const  double __mprec_tinytens [];
extern const  double __mprec_bigtens [];
extern const  double __mprec_tens [];

double  _mprec_log10   (int)  ;
# 33 "/home/xgcc/build2/src/newlib/libc/stdlib/dtoa.c" 2

static int
 quorem ( 
	_Bigint * b ,  _Bigint * S ) 

  int n;
  long borrow, y;
  unsigned long carry, q, ys;
  unsigned long *bx, *bxe, *sx, *sxe;

  long z;
  unsigned long si, zs;

  n = S->_wds;

  if (b->_wds < n)
    return 0;
  sx = S->_x;
  sxe = sx + --n;
  bx = b->_x;
  bxe = bx + n;
  q = *bxe / (*sxe + 1);	 

  if (q)
      borrow = 0;
      carry = 0;

	  si = *sx++;
	  ys = (si & 0xffff) * q + carry;
	  zs = (si >> 16) * q + (ys >> 16);
	  carry = zs >> 16;
	  y = (*bx & 0xffff) - (ys & 0xffff) + borrow;
	  borrow = y >> 16;
	  z = (*bx >> 16) - (zs & 0xffff) + borrow;
	  borrow = z >> 16;
	  (((unsigned short *) bx )[0] = (unsigned short)  z , ((unsigned short *) bx )[1] = (unsigned short)  y ,  bx ++) ;

      while (sx <= sxe);
      if (!*bxe)
	  bx = b->_x;
	  while (--bxe > bx && !*bxe)
	  b->_wds = n;
  if (__mcmp  (b, S) >= 0)
      borrow = 0;
      carry = 0;
      bx = b->_x;
      sx = S->_x;

	  si = *sx++;
	  ys = (si & 0xffff) + carry;
	  zs = (si >> 16) + (ys >> 16);
	  carry = zs >> 16;
	  y = (*bx & 0xffff) - (ys & 0xffff) + borrow;
	  borrow = y >> 16;
	  z = (*bx >> 16) - (zs & 0xffff) + borrow;
	  borrow = z >> 16;
	  (((unsigned short *) bx )[0] = (unsigned short)  z , ((unsigned short *) bx )[1] = (unsigned short)  y ,  bx ++) ;

      while (sx <= sxe);
      bx = b->_x;
      bxe = bx + n;
      if (!*bxe)
	  while (--bxe > bx && !*bxe)
	  b->_wds = n;
  return q;


char *
 _dtoa_r ( 
	struct _reent *ptr , 
	double d , 
	int mode , 
	int ndigits , 
	int *decpt , 
	int *sign , 
	char **rve ) 


  int bbits, b2, b5, be, dig, i, ieps, ilim, ilim0, ilim1, j, j1, k, k0,
    k_check, leftright, m2, m5, s2, s5, spec_case, try_quick;
  long L;

  int denorm;
  unsigned long x;

  _Bigint *b, *b1, *delta, *mlo, *mhi, *S;
  double d2, ds, eps;
  char *s, *s0;

  if (ptr->_result)
      ptr->_result->_k = ptr->_result_k;
      ptr->_result->_maxwds = 1 << ptr->_result_k;
      _Bfree  (ptr, ptr->_result);
      ptr->_result = 0;

  if (((__uint32_t *)& d )[0]  & ((__uint32_t)0x80000000L) )
      *sign = 1;
      ((__uint32_t *)& d )[0]  &= ~((__uint32_t)0x80000000L) ;	 
    *sign = 0;

  if ((((__uint32_t *)& d )[0]  & ((__uint32_t)0x7ff00000L) ) == ((__uint32_t)0x7ff00000L) )

      *decpt = 9999;
      s =

	! ((__uint32_t *)& d )[1]  && !(((__uint32_t *)& d )[0]  & 0xfffff) ? "Infinity" :

      if (rve)
	*rve =

	  s[3] ? s + 8 :

	  s + 3;
      return s;

  if (!d)
      *decpt = 1;
      s = "0";
      if (rve)
	*rve = s + 1;
      return s;

  b = _d2b  (ptr, d, &be, &bbits);

  if (i = (int) (((__uint32_t *)& d )[0]  >> 20  & (((__uint32_t)0x7ff00000L)  >> 20 )))

      d2 = d;
      ((__uint32_t *)& d2 )[0]  &= ((__uint32_t)0xfffffL) ;
      ((__uint32_t *)& d2 )[0]  |= ((__uint32_t)0x3ff00000L) ;


      i -= 1023 ;

      denorm = 0;

      i = bbits + be + (1023  + (53  - 1) - 1);
      x = i > 32 ? ((__uint32_t *)& d )[0]  << 64 - i | ((__uint32_t *)& d )[1]  >> i - 32
	: ((__uint32_t *)& d )[1]  << 32 - i;
      d2 = x;
      ((__uint32_t *)& d2 )[0]  -= 31 * ((__uint32_t)0x100000L) ;	 
      i -= (1023  + (53  - 1) - 1) + 1;
      denorm = 1;

  ds = (d2 - 1.5) * 0.289529654602168 + 0.1760912590558 + i * 0.301029995663981;
  k = (int) ds;
  if (ds < 0. && ds != k)
  k_check = 1;
  if (k >= 0 && k <= 22 )
      if (d < __mprec_tens [k])
      k_check = 0;
  j = bbits - i - 1;
  if (j >= 0)
      b2 = 0;
      s2 = j;
      b2 = -j;
      s2 = 0;
  if (k >= 0)
      b5 = 0;
      s5 = k;
      s2 += k;
      b2 -= k;
      b5 = -k;
      s5 = 0;
  if (mode < 0 || mode > 9)
    mode = 0;
  try_quick = 1;
  if (mode > 5)
      mode -= 4;
      try_quick = 0;
  leftright = 1;
  switch (mode)
    case 0:
    case 1:
      ilim = ilim1 = -1;
      i = 18;
      ndigits = 0;
    case 2:
      leftright = 0;
    case 4:
      if (ndigits <= 0)
	ndigits = 1;
      ilim = ilim1 = i = ndigits;
    case 3:
      leftright = 0;
    case 5:
      i = ndigits + k + 1;
      ilim = i;
      ilim1 = i - 1;
      if (i <= 0)
	i = 1;
  j = sizeof (unsigned long);
  for (ptr->_result_k = 0; sizeof (_Bigint) - sizeof (unsigned long) + j <= i;
       j <<= 1)
  ptr->_result = _Balloc  (ptr, ptr->_result_k);
  s = s0 = (char *) ptr->_result;

  if (ilim >= 0 && ilim <= 14  && try_quick)

      i = 0;
      d2 = d;
      k0 = k;
      ilim0 = ilim;
      ieps = 2;			 
      if (k > 0)
	  ds = __mprec_tens [k & 0xf];
	  j = k >> 4;
	  if (j & 0x10 )
	      j &= 0x10  - 1;
	      d /= __mprec_bigtens [5  - 1];
	  for (; j; j >>= 1, i++)
	    if (j & 1)
		ds *= __mprec_bigtens [i];
	  d /= ds;
      else if (j1 = -k)
	  d *= __mprec_tens [j1 & 0xf];
	  for (j = j1 >> 4; j; j >>= 1, i++)
	    if (j & 1)
		d *= __mprec_bigtens [i];
      if (k_check && d < 1. && ilim > 0)
	  if (ilim1 <= 0)
	    goto fast_failed;
	  ilim = ilim1;
	  d *= 10.;
      eps = ieps * d + 7.;
      ((__uint32_t *)& eps )[0]  -= (53  - 1) * ((__uint32_t)0x100000L) ;
      if (ilim == 0)
	  S = mhi = 0;
	  d -= 5.;
	  if (d > eps)
	    goto one_digit;
	  if (d < -eps)
	    goto no_digits;
	  goto fast_failed;

      if (leftright)

	  eps = 0.5 / __mprec_tens [ilim - 1] - eps;
	  for (i = 0;;)
	      L = d;
	      d -= L;
	      *s++ = '0' + (int) L;
	      if (d < eps)
		goto ret1;
	      if (1. - d < eps)
		goto bump_up;
	      if (++i >= ilim)
	      eps *= 10.;
	      d *= 10.;

	  eps *= __mprec_tens [ilim - 1];
	  for (i = 1;; i++, d *= 10.)
	      L = d;
	      d -= L;
	      *s++ = '0' + (int) L;
	      if (i == ilim)
		  if (d > 0.5 + eps)
		    goto bump_up;
		  else if (d < 0.5 - eps)
		      while (*--s == '0');
		      goto ret1;


      s = s0;
      d = d2;
      k = k0;
      ilim = ilim0;


  if (be >= 0 && k <= 14 )
      ds = __mprec_tens [k];
      if (ndigits < 0 && ilim <= 0)
	  S = mhi = 0;
	  if (ilim < 0 || d <= 5 * ds)
	    goto no_digits;
	  goto one_digit;
      for (i = 1;; i++)
	  L = d / ds;
	  d -= L * ds;

	  *s++ = '0' + (int) L;
	  if (i == ilim)
	      d += d;
	      if (d > ds || d == ds && L & 1)
		  while (*--s == '9')
		    if (s == s0)
			*s = '0';
	  if (!(d *= 10.))
      goto ret1;

  m2 = b2;
  m5 = b5;
  mhi = mlo = 0;
  if (leftright)
      if (mode < 2)
	  i =

	    denorm ? be + (1023  + (53  - 1) - 1 + 1) :

	    1 + 53  - bbits;

	  j = ilim - 1;
	  if (m5 >= j)
	    m5 -= j;
	      s5 += j -= m5;
	      b5 += j;
	      m5 = 0;
	  if ((i = ilim) < 0)
	      m2 -= i;
	      i = 0;
      b2 += i;
      s2 += i;
      mhi = _i2b  (ptr, 1);
  if (m2 > 0 && s2 > 0)
      i = m2 < s2 ? m2 : s2;
      b2 -= i;
      m2 -= i;
      s2 -= i;
  if (b5 > 0)
      if (leftright)
	  if (m5 > 0)
	      mhi = _pow5mult  (ptr, mhi, m5);
	      b1 = _mult  (ptr, mhi, b);
	      _Bfree  (ptr, b);
	      b = b1;
	  if (j = b5 - m5)
	    b = _pow5mult  (ptr, b, j);
	b = _pow5mult  (ptr, b, b5);
  S = _i2b  (ptr, 1);
  if (s5 > 0)
    S = _pow5mult  (ptr, S, s5);


  if (mode < 2)
      if (! ((__uint32_t *)& d )[1]  && !(((__uint32_t *)& d )[0]  & ((__uint32_t)0xfffffL) )

	  && ((__uint32_t *)& d )[0]  & ((__uint32_t)0x7ff00000L) 

	  b2 += 1 ;
	  s2 += 1 ;
	  spec_case = 1;
	spec_case = 0;


  if (i = ((s5 ? 32 - _hi0bits  (S->_x[S->_wds - 1]) : 1) + s2) & 0x1f)
    i = 32 - i;

  if (i > 4)
      i -= 4;
      b2 += i;
      m2 += i;
      s2 += i;
  else if (i < 4)
      i += 28;
      b2 += i;
      m2 += i;
      s2 += i;
  if (b2 > 0)
    b = _lshift  (ptr, b, b2);
  if (s2 > 0)
    S = _lshift  (ptr, S, s2);
  if (k_check)
      if (__mcmp  (b, S) < 0)
	  b = _multadd  (ptr, b, 10, 0);	 
	  if (leftright)
	    mhi = _multadd  (ptr, mhi, 10, 0);
	  ilim = ilim1;
  if (ilim <= 0 && mode > 2)
      if (ilim < 0 || __mcmp  (b, S = _multadd  (ptr, S, 5, 0)) <= 0)
	  k = -1 - ndigits;
	  goto ret;
      *s++ = '1';
      goto ret;
  if (leftright)
      if (m2 > 0)
	mhi = _lshift  (ptr, mhi, m2);


      mlo = mhi;
      if (spec_case)
	  mhi = _Balloc  (ptr, mhi->_k);
	  memcpy((char *)& mhi ->_sign, (char *)&  mlo ->_sign,   mlo ->_wds*sizeof(long) + 2*sizeof(int)) ;
	  mhi = _lshift  (ptr, mhi, 1 );

      for (i = 1;; i++)
	  dig = quorem (b, S) + '0';

	  j = __mcmp  (b, mlo);
	  delta = __mdiff  (ptr, S, mhi);
	  j1 = delta->_sign ? 1 : __mcmp  (b, delta);
	  _Bfree  (ptr, delta);

	  if (j1 == 0 && !mode && !(((__uint32_t *)& d )[1]  & 1))
	      if (dig == '9')
		goto round_9_up;
	      if (j > 0)
	      *s++ = dig;
	      goto ret;

	  if (j < 0 || j == 0 && !mode

	      && !(((__uint32_t *)& d )[1]  & 1)

	      if (j1 > 0)
		  b = _lshift  (ptr, b, 1);
		  j1 = __mcmp  (b, S);
		  if ((j1 > 0 || j1 == 0 && dig & 1)
		      && dig++ == '9')
		    goto round_9_up;
	      *s++ = dig;
	      goto ret;
	  if (j1 > 0)
	      if (dig == '9')
		  *s++ = '9';
		  goto roundoff;
	      *s++ = dig + 1;
	      goto ret;
	  *s++ = dig;
	  if (i == ilim)
	  b = _multadd  (ptr, b, 10, 0);
	  if (mlo == mhi)
	    mlo = mhi = _multadd  (ptr, mhi, 10, 0);
	      mlo = _multadd  (ptr, mlo, 10, 0);
	      mhi = _multadd  (ptr, mhi, 10, 0);
    for (i = 1;; i++)
	*s++ = dig = quorem (b, S) + '0';
	if (i >= ilim)
	b = _multadd  (ptr, b, 10, 0);


  b = _lshift  (ptr, b, 1);
  j = __mcmp  (b, S);
  if (j > 0 || j == 0 && dig & 1)
      while (*--s == '9')
	if (s == s0)
	    *s++ = '1';
	    goto ret;
      while (*--s == '0');
  _Bfree  (ptr, S);
  if (mhi)
      if (mlo && mlo != mhi)
	_Bfree  (ptr, mlo);
      _Bfree  (ptr, mhi);
  _Bfree  (ptr, b);
  *s = 0;
  *decpt = k + 1;
  if (rve)
    *rve = s;
  return s0;

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