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Re: merging cccp and cpplib

> Please keep in mind that compiling C is only one of the uses of the C
> preprocessor.

Right.  That is why cpplib can be linked with cppmain, which is meant to be
a stand-alone plug-in replacement for cpp.

However, copiled C/C++ is the *main* use of the C pre-processor, and the
one that counts in terms of performance tuning.

> compliance with a new C standard is NOT enough to ensure
> it will work properly for all the things it is used for.

I actually spent a fair bit of time making sure that cppmain emits
spaces where needed for proper tokenization, but does not add unncessary
whitespace.  I.e. same as cccp does, but (at least at that time) actually
a little bit better.

	--Per Bothner
Cygnus Solutions

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