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Bug in libstdc++ string class of egcs 1.1b


  I think I found a strange bug in the string class of the libstdc++
of the egcs 1.1 release. Following is a fast hack showing the symptoms:


#include <string>
#include "tokenizer.hh"

int main() {

  // The String Tokenizer class...not of just
  // takes two arguments...a string and a 'seperator' string...then
  // the class splits the 'substrings' which are seperated by the
  // 'seperators'.
  tokenizer test_tok("Hit p.:[929/999(1261)", " ");

  // The amount of found tokens is printed out.
  cout << "Amount of Tokens in Tokenizer: " << test_tok.size() << endl;

  cout << "The Tokens are:" << endl;

  // The single tokens are printed out
  for (int i = 0; i < test_tok.size(); ++i)
    cout << "Token nr " << i << ": " << test_tok[i] << endl;

  cout << endl << endl;

  // The string:
  string faulty_string = "";

  // Iteration with cat'ting the tokens to the string with operator+=
  for (int i = 0; i < test_tok.size();++i) {
    faulty_string += test_tok[i];
    cout << "Token after iteration " << i << ": " << test_tok[i] << endl;
    cout << "String after iteration " << i << ": " << faulty_string << endl;
  cout << faulty_string << endl;


This program gives the following output:

Amount of Tokens in Tokenizer: 2
The Tokens are:
Token nr 0: Hit
Token nr 1: p.:[929/999(1261)

Token after iteration 0: Hit
String after iteration 0: Hit
Token after iteration 1: p.:[929/999(1261)
String after iteration 1: HitHitHitHitHitHitHi

I compiled with the following options:

g++ -O2 -fno-rtti -fno-exceptions -mpentium -march=pentium 
    tokenizer.o -o tok_test

I hope I could help with this bugreport...any mails cc to me please,
as I'm not subscribed to the list...

- Chris

| Christian Loth,    |           REALM OF MAGIC             |
|            | telnet 4000               |
|                                     |                   |

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