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a long-standing reload bug

Now that Bernd's reload changes are all in, it's appropriate to bring
this up again.  egcs/CVS of last night (around 10pm EDT) gets an ICE
on the appended code when compiled with any optimization:

../../../egcs/gcc/reload.c:4403: Internal compiler error in function 

The CVS mainline has been doing this since shortly after 1.1 (I
think).  It doesn't happen with 1.0.3.  I don't have 1.1 around to
test.  Platform is x86.  The code comes from glibc's math tests.


-- test.c --

    FE_INVALID = 0x01,
    __FE_DENORM = 0x02,
    FE_DIVBYZERO = 0x04,
    FE_OVERFLOW = 0x08,
    FE_UNDERFLOW = 0x10,
    FE_INEXACT = 0x20

static int noErrors;
static double nan_value;

extern int puts (const char *);
extern void check_isinfp (const char *, double);
extern void check_isinfn (const char *, double);
extern void check_bool (const char *, int);
extern void check_isnan (const char *, double);

extern int __isinf  (double) __attribute__ ((__const__));
extern int __isinff (float) __attribute__ ((__const__));
extern int __isinfl (long double) __attribute__ ((__const__));

extern int   isinff (float) __attribute__ ((__const__));
extern int   isinfl (long double) __attribute__ ((__const__));

extern int __isnan  (double) __attribute__ ((__const__));
extern int __isnanf (float) __attribute__ ((__const__));
extern int __isnanl (long double) __attribute__ ((__const__));

extern double nan (const char *);
extern void feclearexcept (int);

static void
basic_tests (void)
  int p_noErrors = noErrors;

  volatile double Inf_var, NaN_var, zero_var, one_var;
  double x1, x2;

  zero_var = 0.0;
  one_var = 1.0;
  NaN_var = nan_value;
  Inf_var = one_var / zero_var;

  (void) &zero_var;
  (void) &one_var;
  (void) &NaN_var;
  (void) &Inf_var;

  check_isinfp ("isinf (inf) == +1", Inf_var);
  check_isinfn ("isinf (-inf) == -1", -Inf_var);
  check_bool ("!isinf (1)", !((sizeof (one_var) == sizeof (float) ?					              __isinff (one_var)							            : sizeof (one_var) == sizeof (double) ?					              __isinf (one_var) : __isinfl (one_var))));
  check_bool ("!isinf (NaN)", !((sizeof (NaN_var) == sizeof (float) ?					              __isinff (NaN_var)							            : sizeof (NaN_var) == sizeof (double) ?					              __isinf (NaN_var) : __isinfl (NaN_var))));

  check_isnan ("isnan (NaN)", NaN_var);
  check_isnan ("isnan (-NaN)", -NaN_var);
  check_bool ("!isnan (1)", !((sizeof (one_var) == sizeof (float) ?					              __isnanf (one_var)							            : sizeof (one_var) == sizeof (double) ?					              __isnan (one_var) : __isnanl (one_var))));
  check_bool ("!isnan (inf)", !((sizeof (Inf_var) == sizeof (float) ?					              __isnanf (Inf_var)							            : sizeof (Inf_var) == sizeof (double) ?					              __isnan (Inf_var) : __isnanl (Inf_var))));

  check_bool ("inf == inf", Inf_var == Inf_var);
  check_bool ("-inf == -inf", -Inf_var == -Inf_var);
  check_bool ("inf != -inf", Inf_var != -Inf_var);
  check_bool ("NaN != NaN", NaN_var != NaN_var);

  check_bool ("isnan (NAN)", (sizeof ((__extension__                                                               ((union { unsigned __l __attribute__((__mode__(__SI__))); float __d; })      { __l: 0x7fc00000UL }).__d)) == sizeof (float) ?					              __isnanf ((__extension__                                                               ((union { unsigned __l __attribute__((__mode__(__SI__))); float __d; })      { __l: 0x7fc00000UL }).__d))							            : sizeof ((__extension__                                                               ((union { unsigned __l __attribute__((__mode__(__SI__))); float __d; })      { __l: 0x7fc00000UL }).__d)) == sizeof (double) ?					              __isnan ((__extension__                                                               ((union { unsigned __l __attribute__((__mode__(__SI__))); float __d; })      { __l: 0x7fc00000UL }).__d)) : __isnanl ((__extension__                                                               ((union !
{ unsigned __l __attribute__((__mode__(__SI__))); float __d; })      { __l: 0x7fc00000UL }).__d))));
  check_bool ("isnan (-NAN)", (sizeof (-(__extension__                                                               ((union { unsigned __l __attribute__((__mode__(__SI__))); float __d; })      { __l: 0x7fc00000UL }).__d)) == sizeof (float) ?					              __isnanf (-(__extension__                                                               ((union { unsigned __l __attribute__((__mode__(__SI__))); float __d; })      { __l: 0x7fc00000UL }).__d))							            : sizeof (-(__extension__                                                               ((union { unsigned __l __attribute__((__mode__(__SI__))); float __d; })      { __l: 0x7fc00000UL }).__d)) == sizeof (double) ?					              __isnan (-(__extension__                                                               ((union { unsigned __l __attribute__((__mode__(__SI__))); float __d; })      { __l: 0x7fc00000UL }).__d)) : __isnanl (-(__extension__                                                               ((!
union { unsigned __l __attribute__((__mode__(__SI__))); float __d; })      { __l: 0x7fc00000UL }).__d))));
  check_bool ("!isinf (NAN)", !((sizeof ((__extension__                                                               ((union { unsigned __l __attribute__((__mode__(__SI__))); float __d; })      { __l: 0x7fc00000UL }).__d)) == sizeof (float) ?					              __isinff ((__extension__                                                               ((union { unsigned __l __attribute__((__mode__(__SI__))); float __d; })      { __l: 0x7fc00000UL }).__d))							            : sizeof ((__extension__                                                               ((union { unsigned __l __attribute__((__mode__(__SI__))); float __d; })      { __l: 0x7fc00000UL }).__d)) == sizeof (double) ?					              __isinf ((__extension__                                                               ((union { unsigned __l __attribute__((__mode__(__SI__))); float __d; })      { __l: 0x7fc00000UL }).__d)) : __isinfl ((__extension__                                                               ((uni!
on { unsigned __l __attribute__((__mode__(__SI__))); float __d; })      { __l: 0x7fc00000UL }).__d)))));
  check_bool ("!isinf (-NAN)", !((sizeof (-(__extension__                                                               ((union { unsigned __l __attribute__((__mode__(__SI__))); float __d; })      { __l: 0x7fc00000UL }).__d)) == sizeof (float) ?					              __isinff (-(__extension__                                                               ((union { unsigned __l __attribute__((__mode__(__SI__))); float __d; })      { __l: 0x7fc00000UL }).__d))							            : sizeof (-(__extension__                                                               ((union { unsigned __l __attribute__((__mode__(__SI__))); float __d; })      { __l: 0x7fc00000UL }).__d)) == sizeof (double) ?					              __isinf (-(__extension__                                                               ((union { unsigned __l __attribute__((__mode__(__SI__))); float __d; })      { __l: 0x7fc00000UL }).__d)) : __isinfl (-(__extension__                                                              !
 ((union { unsigned __l __attribute__((__mode__(__SI__))); float __d; })      { __l: 0x7fc00000UL }).__d)))));
  check_bool ("NAN != NAN", (__extension__                                                               ((union { unsigned __l __attribute__((__mode__(__SI__))); float __d; })      { __l: 0x7fc00000UL }).__d) != (__extension__                                                               ((union { unsigned __l __attribute__((__mode__(__SI__))); float __d; })      { __l: 0x7fc00000UL }).__d));


  check_bool ("isnan (NAN)", (sizeof (nan ("")) == sizeof (float) ?					              __isnanf (nan (""))							            : sizeof (nan ("")) == sizeof (double) ?					              __isnan (nan ("")) : __isnanl (nan (""))));
  check_bool ("isnan (-NAN)", (sizeof (-nan ("")) == sizeof (float) ?					              __isnanf (-nan (""))							            : sizeof (-nan ("")) == sizeof (double) ?					              __isnan (-nan ("")) : __isnanl (-nan (""))));
  check_bool ("!isinf (NAN)", !((sizeof (nan ("")) == sizeof (float) ?					              __isinff (nan (""))							            : sizeof (nan ("")) == sizeof (double) ?					              __isinf (nan ("")) : __isinfl (nan ("")))));
  check_bool ("!isinf (-NAN)", !((sizeof (-nan ("")) == sizeof (float) ?					              __isinff (-nan (""))							            : sizeof (-nan ("")) == sizeof (double) ?					              __isinf (-nan ("")) : __isinfl (-nan ("")))));
  check_bool ("NAN != NAN", nan ("") != nan (""));

  x1 = 1.0;
  x2 = x1 +   2.2204460492503131e-16;
  check_bool ("1 != 1+EPSILON", x1 != x2);

  x1 = 1.0;
  x2 = x1 -   2.2204460492503131e-16;
  check_bool ("1 != 1-EPSILON", x1 != x2);

  x1 =   (__extension__ 			 ((union { unsigned char __c[8]; double __d; }) { __c:  { 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0xf0, 0x7f } }).__d);
  check_bool ("isinf (HUGE_VALx) == +1", (sizeof (x1) == sizeof (float) ?						       isinff (x1)								       : sizeof (x1) == sizeof (double) ?					       (sizeof (x1) == sizeof (float) ?					              __isinff (x1)							            : sizeof (x1) == sizeof (double) ?					              __isinf (x1) : __isinfl (x1)) : isinfl (x1)) == +1);
  x1 = -  (__extension__ 			 ((union { unsigned char __c[8]; double __d; }) { __c:  { 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0xf0, 0x7f } }).__d);
  check_bool ("isinf (-HUGE_VALx) == -1", (sizeof (x1) == sizeof (float) ?						       isinff (x1)								       : sizeof (x1) == sizeof (double) ?					       (sizeof (x1) == sizeof (float) ?					              __isinff (x1)							            : sizeof (x1) == sizeof (double) ?					              __isinf (x1) : __isinfl (x1)) : isinfl (x1)) == -1);

  puts((p_noErrors < noErrors) ? "n" : "y");

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