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g77 bug ?

This error message is encountered while reading a file.

invalid number: incomprehensible list input
apparent state: unit 2 named twist24-3pt.dat
last format: list io
lately reading sequential formatted external IO

The error occurs in the following part.

      do 350 i  =  1, numel
         read(inpt,*) n
         read(inpt,*)  ((stress(j,k,n),j=1,6),k=1,intorder)  ! <- error
         read(inpt,*) ((stress_stab(j,k,n),j=1,6),k=1,4)     ! <- error
         if(n .ge. numel) go to 380
 350  continue

When I change the source into this, the error disappears.

      do 350 i  =  1, numel
         read(inpt,*) n
         do k=1,intorder
            read(inpt,*)  (stress(j,k,n),j=1,6)
         do k=1,4
            read(inpt,*)  (stress_stab(j,k,n),j=1,6)
         if(n .ge. numel) go to 380
 350  continue


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