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Re: bug (10/26)

	int	u_code;			 
 	struct	{
 		void		*uss_alternatesp;
 		unsigned int	uss_size;
 		unsigned int	uss_enabled:1;
 		unsigned int	uss_inuse:1;
 	} u_signalstack;

	struct squ_s {		 
		struct sqe_s * squ_next;   
		struct sqe_s * squ_prev;   
		unsigned long squ_flags;   

        } u_strsqh;
	char	u_segflg;		 
	caddr_t	u_base;			 
	unsigned int u_count;		 


 	stack_t u_curstack;  		 
 	ucontext_t *u_prevcontext; 	 
	dev_t	u_devsused;		 
	user_sstep_t u_sstep;		 
	unsigned u_pcsq_head;		 
	unsigned u_pcoq_head;		 
	unsigned u_pcsq_tail;
	unsigned u_pcoq_tail;
	union {
	  struct {

	    uint32_t u_ipsw[2];		 
	    int32_t u_gr1[2];		 
	    int32_t u_gr2[2];		 

	  } u_64;
	  struct {
	    uint32_t u_ipsw_hi;		 
	    uint32_t u_ipsw_lo;
	    int32_t u_gr1_hi;		 
	    int32_t u_gr1_lo;
	    int32_t u_gr2_hi;		 
	    int32_t u_gr2_lo;
	  } u_32;
	} u_wide;
	struct uprof {			 
		short	*pr_base;	 
		unsigned pr_size;	 
		unsigned pr_off;	 
		unsigned pr_scale;	 
	} u_prof;
	u_int u_kpreemptcnt;		 

	struct ki_timeval u_syscall_time;  
	struct ki_timeval u_accumin;     
	dev_t	u_dev_t;		 
	void	*u_threadid;		 
        u_int   u_ki_site;               
	u_int	u_ktc_flag;		 
        int     u_swtchd_for_sema;	 
	caddr_t	*u_ki_clk_tos_ptr;	  

	caddr_t u_ki_clk_stack[20 ];

	int *send_term_ptr;               

	int	u_debug:1,		 

	union {				 
	 double	s_dummy;
	 int	s_stack[1];
	} u_s;				 

} user_t;


struct ucred {

	uid_t cr_uid;			 

	gid_t cr_gid;			 

	gid_t     cr_groups[20 ];	 

	uid_t	cr_ruid;		 

	gid_t	cr_rgid;		 

	int	cr_ref;			 

	unsigned long cr_pag;            	


# 358 "/usr/include/sys/user.h" 3

# 39 "/usr/include/sys/stream.h" 2 3


   extern "C" {

# 106 "/usr/include/sys/stream.h" 3

typedef unsigned long ulong;
typedef struct ucred cred_t;

struct streamtab {
	struct qinit	* st_rdinit;	 
	struct qinit	* st_wrinit;	 
	struct qinit	* st_muxrinit;	 
	struct qinit	* st_muxwinit;	 


struct	msgb {
	struct msgb *	b_next;		 
	struct msgb *	b_prev;		 
	struct msgb *	b_cont;		 
	unsigned char *	b_rptr;		 
	unsigned char *	b_wptr;		 
	struct datab *	b_datap;	 
	unsigned char	b_band;		 
	unsigned char	b_pad1;
	unsigned short	b_flag;		 
	char *		b_pad_osr;	 
typedef	struct msgb	mblk_t;
typedef struct msgb *   MBLKP;
typedef struct msgb **  MBLKPP;



struct  datab {
        unsigned char * db_base;         
        unsigned char * db_lim;          
        unsigned char   db_ref;          
        unsigned char   db_type;         
        short           db_flag;         
        unsigned int    db_size;         
        unsigned int    db_quad[4];      
typedef	struct datab	dblk_t;

typedef struct free_rtn {

        void	(*free_func)(char *);	 

	char *	free_arg;			 
} frtn_t;

struct queue {
	struct qinit *	q_qinfo;	 
	struct msgb *	q_first;	 
	struct msgb *	q_last;		 
	struct queue *	q_next;		 
	struct queue *	q_link;		 
	void *		q_ptr;		 
	ulong		q_count;	 
	ulong		q_flag;		 
	long		q_minpsz;	 
	long		q_maxpsz;	 
	ulong		q_hiwat;	 
	ulong		q_lowat;	 
	struct qband *	q_bandp;	 
	unsigned char	q_nband;	 
	unsigned char	q_pad1[3];	 
	struct queue *	q_other;	 

typedef	struct	queue	queue_t;


struct qband {
	struct qband *	qb_next;	 
	ulong		qb_count;	  
	struct msgb *	qb_first;	 
	struct msgb *	qb_last;	 
	ulong		qb_hiwat;	 
	ulong		qb_lowat;	 
	ulong		qb_flag;	 
	long		qb_pad1;	 

typedef struct qband	qband_t;


# 285 "/usr/include/sys/stream.h" 3

typedef	int	(*stropen_V3)(queue_t *, dev_t, int, int);
typedef	int	(*strclose_V3)(queue_t *);
typedef	int	(*stropen_V4)(queue_t *, dev_t *, int, int, cred_t *);
typedef	int	(*strclose_V4)(queue_t *, int, cred_t *);

struct	qinit {
	int	(*qi_putp)(queue_t *, mblk_t *);
	int	(*qi_srvp)(queue_t *);
	int	(*qi_qopen)();
	int	(*qi_qclose)();
	int	(*qi_qadmin)(void);
	struct module_info * qi_minfo;
	struct module_stat * qi_mstat;

struct	module_info {
	unsigned short	mi_idnum;	 
	char * 		mi_idname;	 
	long		mi_minpsz;	 
	long		mi_maxpsz;	 
	ulong		mi_hiwat;	 
	ulong		mi_lowat;	 

struct	linkblk {
	queue_t	* l_qtop;	 
	queue_t	* l_qbot;	 
	int	l_index;	 
	long	l_pad[5];


typedef union {
	long		l;
	ulong		ul;
	caddr_t		cp;
	mblk_t *	mp;
} ioc_pad;

struct	iocblk {
	int		ioc_cmd;	 
	cred_t *	ioc_cr;		 
	uint		ioc_id;		 
	ioc_pad		ioc_cnt;	 
	int		ioc_error;	 
	int		ioc_rval;	 
	long		ioc_filler[4];

struct copyreq {
	int		cq_cmd;		 
	cred_t *	cq_cr;		 
	uint		cq_id;		 
	ioc_pad		cq_ad;		 
	uint		cq_size;	 
	int		cq_flag;	 
	mblk_t *	cq_private;	 
	long		cq_filler[4];

struct copyresp {
	int		cp_cmd;		 
	cred_t	*	cp_cr;		 
	uint		cp_id;		 
	ioc_pad		cp_rv;		 
	uint		cp_pad1;	 
	int		cp_pad2;	 
	mblk_t *	cp_private;	 
	long		cp_filler[4];



struct	stroptions {
	ulong		so_flags;	 
	short		so_readopt;	 
	ushort		so_wroff;	 
	long		so_minpsz;	 
	long		so_maxpsz;	 
	ulong		so_hiwat;	 
	ulong		so_lowat;	 
	unsigned char	so_band;	 












# 590 "/usr/include/sys/stream.h" 3

# 607 "/usr/include/sys/stream.h" 3




typedef struct str_config {
        uint    sc_version;
        uint    sc_sa_flags;
        char    sc_sa_name[8 +1];
        dev_t   sc_devnum;
} str_config_t;




struct streamadm {
	uint	sa_version;
	uint	sa_flags;
	char	sa_name[8 +1];
	caddr_t	sa_ttys;
	uint	sa_sync_level;
	caddr_t	sa_sync_info;

typedef enum qfields {
	QHIWAT	= 0,
	QLOWAT	= 1,
	QCOUNT	= 4,
	QFIRST	= 5,
	QLAST	= 6,
	QFLAG	= 7,
	QBAD	= 8
} qfields_t;

# 695 "/usr/include/sys/stream.h" 3

# 1173 "/usr/include/sys/stream.h" 3



# 1197 "/usr/include/sys/stream.h" 3

# 119 "../include/global.h" 2











# 1 "../include/dbug.h" 1

extern "C" {

# 48 "../include/dbug.h"


# 213 "../include/global.h" 2


typedef int	File;		 

typedef int	Socket;		 

typedef void  sig_handler;  
typedef void	(*sig_return)(); 

typedef char	pchar;		 
typedef char	puchar;		 
typedef char	pbool;		 
typedef short	pshort;		 
typedef float	pfloat;		 

typedef int	(*qsort_cmp)(const void *,const void *);

typedef int size_socket;	 














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