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Re: bug (6/26)

int	 nice  (int)  ;
void	 psignal  (unsigned, const char *)  ;
int	 profil  (char *, int, int, int)  ;
int	 rcmd  (char **, int, const char *,
		const char *, const char *, int *)  ;
char	*re_comp  (const char *)  ;
int	 re_exec  (const char *)  ;
int	 readlink  (const char *, char *, int)  ;
int	 reboot  (int)  ;
int	 revoke  (const char *)  ;
int	 rresvport  (int *)  ;
int	 ruserok  (const char *, int, const char *, const char *)  ;
char	*sbrk  (int)  ;
int	 setegid  (gid_t)  ;
int	 seteuid  (uid_t)  ;
int	 setgroups  (int, const gid_t *)  ;
void	 sethostid  (long)  ;
int	 sethostname  (const char *, int)  ;
void	 setkey  (const char *)  ;
int	 setlogin  (const char *)  ;
void	*setmode  (const char *)  ;
int	 setpgrp  (pid_t pid, pid_t pgrp)  ;	 
int	 setregid  (int, int)  ;
int	 setreuid  (int, int)  ;
int	 setrgid  (gid_t)  ;
int	 setruid  (uid_t)  ;
void	 setusershell  (void)  ;
int	 swapon  (const char *)  ;
int	 symlink  (const char *, const char *)  ;
void	 sync  (void)  ;
int	 syscall  (int, ...)  ;
int	 truncate  (const char *, off_t)  ;
int	 ttyslot  (void)  ;
unsigned	 ualarm  (unsigned, unsigned)  ;
void	 usleep  (unsigned)  ;
int	 vfork  (void)  ;


# 111 "../include/global.h" 2

# 1 "/usr/include/alloca.h" 1 3

# 1 "/usr/local/gnu/lib/gcc-lib/hppa1.0-hp-hpux10.20/egcs-2.90.29/include/stddef.h" 1 3
# 327 "/usr/local/gnu/lib/gcc-lib/hppa1.0-hp-hpux10.20/egcs-2.90.29/include/stddef.h" 3

# 6 "/usr/include/alloca.h" 2 3

extern "C" {

     extern void *__builtin_alloca(size_t);


# 114 "../include/global.h" 2


# 1 "/usr/include/sys/stream.h" 1 3




# 1 "../mit-pthreads/include/sys/uio.h" 1

struct iovec {
	void 	*iov_base;
	size_t	iov_len;

extern "C" { 

int 		readv				 (int, const struct iovec *, int)  ; 
int 		writev				 (int, const struct iovec *, int)  ;


# 21 "/usr/include/sys/stream.h" 2 3


# 1 "/usr/include/sys/user.h" 1 3

# 25 "/usr/include/sys/user.h" 3

# 1 "/usr/include/machine/pcb.h" 1 3


typedef struct pcb {
	int	pcb_r1; 
	int	pcb_r2; 
	int	pcb_r3; 
	int	pcb_r4; 
	int	pcb_r5; 
	int	pcb_r6; 
	int	pcb_r7; 
	int	pcb_r8; 
	int	pcb_r9; 
	int	pcb_r10; 
	int	pcb_r11; 
	int	pcb_r12; 
	int	pcb_r13; 
	int	pcb_r14; 
	int	pcb_r15; 
	int	pcb_r16; 
	int	pcb_r17; 
	int	pcb_r18; 
	int	pcb_r19; 
	int	pcb_r20; 
	int	pcb_r21; 
	int	pcb_r22; 
	int	pcb_r23;
	int	pcb_r24; 
	int	pcb_r25; 
	int	pcb_r26; 
	int	pcb_r27;
	int	pcb_r28; 
	int	pcb_r29; 
	int	pcb_r30; 
	int	pcb_r31;

	int	pcb_sr0;
	int	pcb_sr1;
	int	pcb_sr2;
	int	pcb_sr3;
	int	pcb_sr4;
	int	pcb_sr5;
	int	pcb_sr6;
	int	pcb_sr7;

	int	pcb_cr0;
	int	pcb_cr8;
	int	pcb_cr9;
	int	pcb_cr10;
	int	pcb_cr11;
	int	pcb_cr12;
	int	pcb_cr13;
	int	pcb_cr14;
	int	pcb_cr15;
	int	pcb_cr16;
	int	pcb_cr17;
	int	pcb_cr18;
	int	pcb_cr19;
	int	pcb_cr20;
	int	pcb_cr21;
	int	pcb_cr22;
	int	pcb_cr23;
	int	pcb_cr24;
	int	pcb_cr25;
	int	pcb_cr26;
	int	pcb_cr27;
	int	pcb_cr28;
	int	pcb_cr29;
	int	pcb_cr30;
	int	pcb_cr31;

	int	pcb_pc; 	 
	int	pcb_psw; 	 
	int	pcb_ipsw;
	int	pcb_pcsqe;	 
	int	pcb_pcoqe;	 
	int	pcb_ksp;	 

	double	pcb_fr0;
	double	pcb_fr1;
	double	pcb_fr2;
	double	pcb_fr3;
	double	pcb_fr4;
	double	pcb_fr5;
	double	pcb_fr6;
	double	pcb_fr7;
	double	pcb_fr8;
	double	pcb_fr9;
	double	pcb_fr10;
	double	pcb_fr11;
	double	pcb_fr12;
	double	pcb_fr13;
	double	pcb_fr14;
	double	pcb_fr15;
	double	pcb_fr16;
	double	pcb_fr17;
	double	pcb_fr18;
	double	pcb_fr19;
	double	pcb_fr20;
	double	pcb_fr21;
	double	pcb_fr22;
	double	pcb_fr23;
	double	pcb_fr24;
	double	pcb_fr25;
	double	pcb_fr26;
	double	pcb_fr27;
	double	pcb_fr28;
	double	pcb_fr29;
	double	pcb_fr30;
	double	pcb_fr31;

	int	pcb_mdhi;
	int	pcb_mdlo;
	int	pcb_mdov;


	int	*pcb_sswap;
	struct vfd *pcb_p0br;	 
	int	pcb_p0lr;
	struct vfd *pcb_p1br;
	int	pcb_p1lr;
	struct vfd *pcb_p2br;	 
	int	pcb_p2lr;	 
	int	pcb_sigc[3];
	int	pcb_pad;	 
	int     pcb_escapecode;
	struct  C__trystuff *pcb_trychain;
} pcb_t;






# 26 "/usr/include/sys/user.h" 2 3

# 1 "../mit-pthreads/include/errno.h" 1

# 1 "/usr/include/sys/errno.h" 1 3



     extern "C" {

         extern int errno;


















# 206 "/usr/include/sys/errno.h" 3

# 41 "../mit-pthreads/include/errno.h" 2

extern "C" { 

extern 	int * 				__error();


# 28 "/usr/include/sys/user.h" 2 3

# 1 "/usr/include/sys/vmparam.h" 1 3


# 1 "/usr/include/machine/vmparam.h" 1 3






extern space_t bufcache_spaceid;

# 68 "/usr/include/machine/vmparam.h" 3




# 147 "/usr/include/machine/vmparam.h" 3




typedef struct tlabel {
	void		(*t_dopc)();	 

	space_t		t_pcsq;
	caddr_t		t_pcoq;
	space_t		t_isr;
	caddr_t		t_ior;
	unsigned int	t_type;		 

	space_t		t_okspace;	 
	caddr_t		t_okoffset;
	unsigned int	t_oklen;
} tlabel_t;








# 15 "/usr/include/sys/vmparam.h" 2 3

# 29 "/usr/include/sys/user.h" 2 3

# 1 "/usr/include/sys/signal.h" 1 3


# 1 "/usr/include/sys/sigevent.h" 1 3


typedef   union sigval {

      int	__sival_int;	 
      void *	__sival_ptr;	 
   } sigval_t;

typedef   struct sigevent {

      int		__sigev_notify;	 
      int		__sigev_signo;	 
      sigval_t		__sigev_value;	 
   } sigevent_t;

  enum __sigev_types {
	  SIGEV_NONE = 1,	 

# 15 "/usr/include/sys/signal.h" 2 3

# 1 "/usr/include/sys/siginfo.h" 1 3


enum __si_codes {						 
	SI_QUEUE  = -2,  
	SI_USER   = -1,  
	SI_TIMER  =  1,  
	SI_ASYNCIO=  2,  
	SI_MESGQ  =  3	 

typedef struct __siginfo {					 

	int		si_signo;	 
	int		si_code;	 
	int		si_errno;	 
	sigval_t	si_value;	 

	union {
		struct {		 
			pid_t __pid;
			union {
				struct {
					uid_t __uid;
				} __kill;
				struct {
					int __status;
				} __SIGCLD;
			} __pdata;
		} __proc;
		struct {	 
			void *__addr;	 
		} __fault;
		struct {	 
			int __fd;
			long __band;
		} __file;
	} __data;

	int __pad[10 ];
} siginfo_t;



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