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Re: Multiple inheritance bug (ICE 980715)

Martin von Loewis wrote:
> > BTW, I take it the ICE number is the date the error was previously
> > found.  Am I correct in this and should I submit bug reports for
> > numbered ICEs?
> Numbered ICEs are 'this should never happen' conditions. If they do
> happen, we certainly want to know about it.

Ah, gotcha!  I know exactly what you mean now.  They're a `shouldn't
happen in theory, but let's check'.  Cool.

> The date gives an indication how long this specific condition check
> has been in the compiler. In this specific code (which I believe is
> incorrect), nobody had expected that ambiguous members could passed to
> Koenig lookup.

What is `Koenig lookup'?

Leave others their otherness

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