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Incorrect assembler code generated for target h8300-hitachi-coff


I'm trying to compile gcc 2.8.1/egcs 1.0.3a as a cross-compiler for the
target h8300-hitachi-coff on the host platform hppa1.1-hp-hpux10.20.
While compiling the C library package "newlib" the compiler generates
incorrect assembler code which causes gas to fail. The faulty lines look
like this:

        mov.b   r4l,r4hn        mov.b   r5h,r4l
                       ^ This looks like a \n without the \!

When I replace the "n" with "\n" the code assembles just fine. I have
been trying to identify the place in the code where "n" is generated
errorneously instead of "\n" but I couldn't find it (insn_output.c looks
OK to me...). The machine configuration for h8300 is slightely different
for gcc/egcs but updating the gcc to the egcs one didn't fix the problem,
because BOTH compilers fail at the same place.

I'll attach one example file from newlib-1.8.1 which fails to compile but
there are more of them.


    ../src/configure --prefix=/appl/hpux10/gcc
                     --with-gnu-as --with-gnu-ld --with-newlib


     gmake CFLAGS=-O2 CXXFLAGS=-O2 LANGUAGES="c c++" (cross for egcs)

Version information:

 misc/unix/gcc/build/gcc-2.8.1/h8300-hitachi-coff/gcc/xgcc -v
 Using builtin specs.
 gcc version 2.8.1

 misc/unix/gcc/build/egcs-1.0.3a/h8300-hitachi-coff/gcc/xgcc -v
 Using builtin specs.
 gcc version egcs-2.90.29 980515 (egcs-1.0.3 release)

Example compilation:

achi-coff/newlib/targ-include -idirafter
-nostdinc -O2  -O2 -DSMALL_DTOA -DSMALL_MEMORY -fno-builtin
-c ../../../../../src/newlib/libm/math/ef_fmod.c -v
Reading specs from
gcc version 2.8.1
-lang-c -nostdinc -v
de -undef -D__GNUC__=2 -D__GNUC_MINOR__=8 -D__LONG_MAX__=2147483647L
-D__LONG_LONG_MAX__=2147483647L -D__LONG_MAX__=2147483647L
-D__H8300__ -D__SIZE_TYPE__=unsigned int -D__PTRDIFF_TYPE__=int
-Acpu(h8300) -Amachine(h8300) -D__INT_MAX__=32767 -DSMALL_DTOA
-DSMALL_MEMORY -idirafter
achi-coff/newlib/targ-include -idirafter
../../../../../src/newlib/libm/math/ef_fmod.c /var/tmp/cca04439.i
GNU CPP version 2.8.1 (Hitachi H8/300)
#include "..." search starts here:
#include <...> search starts here:
End of search list.
/var/tmp/cca04439.i -quiet -dumpbase ef_fmod.c -O2 -O2 -version
-fno-builtin -o /var/tmp/cca04439.s
GNU C version 2.8.1 (h8300-hitachi-coff) compiled by GNU C version 2.8.1.
 /home/stefanb/misc/unix/gcc/build/gcc-2.8.1/h8300-hitachi-coff/gcc/as -o
ef_fmod.o /var/tmp/cca04439.s
/var/tmp/cca04340.s: Assembler messages:
/var/tmp/cca04340.s:135: Error: invalid operands
/var/tmp/cca04340.s:203: Error: invalid operands

I have attached the preprocessed file (-E -o ef_fmod.i) and the resulting
assembler file (-S -o ef_fmod.s).



Stefan Becker
# 1 "../../../../../src/newlib/libm/math/ef_fmod.c"



# 1 "../../../../../src/newlib/libm/math/fdlibm.h" 1


# 1 "/home/stefanb/misc/unix/gcc/build/gcc-2.8.1/src/newlib/libc/include/math.h" 1 3

# 1 "/home/stefanb/misc/unix/gcc/build/gcc-2.8.1/src/newlib/libc/include/sys/reent.h" 1 3


# 1 "/home/stefanb/misc/unix/gcc/build/gcc-2.8.1/src/newlib/libc/include/_ansi.h" 1 3


# 1 "/home/stefanb/misc/unix/gcc/build/gcc-2.8.1/src/newlib/libc/include/sys/config.h" 1 3



# 25 "/home/stefanb/misc/unix/gcc/build/gcc-2.8.1/src/newlib/libc/include/sys/config.h" 3


# 44 "/home/stefanb/misc/unix/gcc/build/gcc-2.8.1/src/newlib/libc/include/sys/config.h" 3


typedef long int __int32_t;
typedef unsigned long int __uint32_t;

# 15 "/home/stefanb/misc/unix/gcc/build/gcc-2.8.1/src/newlib/libc/include/_ansi.h" 2 3


# 61 "/home/stefanb/misc/unix/gcc/build/gcc-2.8.1/src/newlib/libc/include/_ansi.h" 3


# 13 "/home/stefanb/misc/unix/gcc/build/gcc-2.8.1/src/newlib/libc/include/sys/reent.h" 2 3

struct _glue 
  struct _glue *_next;
  int _niobs;
  struct __sFILE *_iobs;

struct _Bigint 
  struct _Bigint *_next;
  int _k, _maxwds, _sign, _wds;
  unsigned long _x[1];


struct _atexit {
	struct	_atexit *_next;			 
	int	_ind;				 
	void	(*_fns[32 ])();	 


struct __sbuf {
	unsigned char *_base;
	int	_size;


typedef long _fpos_t;		 


struct __sFILE {
  unsigned char *_p;	 
  int	_r;		 
  int	_w;		 
  short	_flags;		 
  short	_file;		 
  struct __sbuf _bf;	 
  int	_lbfsize;	 

  void * 	_cookie;	 

  int	 (*_read)   (void *  _cookie, char *_buf, int _n)  ;
  int	 (*_write)   (void *  _cookie, const char *_buf, int _n)  ;
  _fpos_t  (*_seek)   (void *  _cookie, _fpos_t _offset, int _whence)  ;
  int	 (*_close)   (void *  _cookie)  ;

  struct __sbuf _ub;	 
  unsigned char *_up;	 
  int	_ur;		 

  unsigned char _ubuf[3];	 
  unsigned char _nbuf[1];	 

  struct __sbuf _lb;	 

  int	_blksize;	 
  int	_offset;	 

  struct _reent *_data;


struct _reent
  int _errno;


  struct __sFILE *_stdin, *_stdout, *_stderr;

  int  _inc;			 
  char _emergency[25];
  int _current_category;	 
  const  char *_current_locale;

  int __sdidinit;		 

  void  (*__cleanup)   (struct _reent *)  ;

  struct _Bigint *_result;
  int _result_k;
  struct _Bigint *_p5s;
  struct _Bigint **_freelist;

  int _cvtlen;			 
  char *_cvtbuf;


  unsigned char * _nextf[30 ];
  unsigned int _nmalloc[30 ];

  struct _atexit *_atexit;	 
  struct _atexit _atexit0;	 

  void (**(_sig_func))();


  struct _glue __sglue;			 
  struct __sFILE __sf[3];		 


extern struct _reent *_impure_ptr  ;

void _reclaim_reent  (struct _reent *)  ;


# 9 "/home/stefanb/misc/unix/gcc/build/gcc-2.8.1/src/newlib/libc/include/math.h" 2 3

# 1 "/home/stefanb/misc/unix/gcc/build/gcc-2.8.1/src/newlib/libc/include/machine/ieeefp.h" 1 3
# 135 "/home/stefanb/misc/unix/gcc/build/gcc-2.8.1/src/newlib/libc/include/machine/ieeefp.h" 3

# 10 "/home/stefanb/misc/unix/gcc/build/gcc-2.8.1/src/newlib/libc/include/math.h" 2 3


union __dmath
  __uint32_t i[2];
  double d;

extern const union __dmath __infinity;


extern double atan  (double)  ;
extern double cos  (double)  ;
extern double sin  (double)  ;
extern double tan  (double)  ;
extern double tanh  (double)  ;
extern double frexp  (double, int *)  ;
extern double modf  (double, double *)  ;
extern double ceil  (double)  ;
extern double fabs  (double)  ;
extern double floor  (double)  ;


extern double acos  (double)  ;
extern double asin  (double)  ;
extern double atan2  (double, double)  ;
extern double cosh  (double)  ;
extern double sinh  (double)  ;
extern double exp  (double)  ;
extern double ldexp  (double, int)  ;
extern double log  (double)  ;
extern double log10  (double)  ;
extern double pow  (double, double)  ;
extern double sqrt  (double)  ;
extern double fmod  (double, double)  ;


extern double infinity  (void)  ;
extern double nan  (void)  ;
extern int isnan  (double)  ;
extern int isinf  (double)  ;
extern int finite  (double)  ;
extern double copysign  (double, double)  ;
extern int ilogb  (double)  ;

extern double asinh  (double)  ;
extern double cbrt  (double)  ;
extern double nextafter  (double, double)  ;
extern double rint  (double)  ;
extern double scalbn  (double, int)  ;

extern double log1p  (double)  ;
extern double expm1  (double)  ;

extern double acosh  (double)  ;
extern double atanh  (double)  ;
extern double remainder  (double, double)  ;
extern double gamma  (double)  ;
extern double gamma_r  (double, int *)  ;
extern double lgamma  (double)  ;
extern double lgamma_r  (double, int *)  ;
extern double erf  (double)  ;
extern double erfc  (double)  ;
extern double y0  (double)  ;
extern double y1  (double)  ;
extern double yn  (int, double)  ;
extern double j0  (double)  ;
extern double j1  (double)  ;
extern double jn  (int, double)  ;

extern double hypot  (double, double)  ;

extern double cabs();
extern double drem  (double, double)  ;


extern float atanf  (float)  ;
extern float cosf  (float)  ;
extern float sinf  (float)  ;
extern float tanf  (float)  ;
extern float tanhf  (float)  ;
extern float frexpf  (float, int *)  ;
extern float modff  (float, float *)  ;
extern float ceilf  (float)  ;
extern float fabsf  (float)  ;
extern float floorf  (float)  ;

extern float acosf  (float)  ;
extern float asinf  (float)  ;
extern float atan2f  (float, float)  ;
extern float coshf  (float)  ;
extern float sinhf  (float)  ;
extern float expf  (float)  ;
extern float ldexpf  (float, int)  ;
extern float logf  (float)  ;
extern float log10f  (float)  ;
extern float powf  (float, float)  ;
extern float sqrtf  (float)  ;
extern float fmodf  (float, float)  ;


extern float infinityf  (void)  ;
extern float nanf  (void)  ;
extern int isnanf  (float)  ;
extern int isinff  (float)  ;
extern int finitef  (float)  ;
extern float copysignf  (float, float)  ;
extern int ilogbf  (float)  ;

extern float asinhf  (float)  ;
extern float cbrtf  (float)  ;
extern float nextafterf  (float, float)  ;
extern float rintf  (float)  ;
extern float scalbnf  (float, int)  ;
extern float log1pf  (float)  ;
extern float expm1f  (float)  ;

extern float acoshf  (float)  ;
extern float atanhf  (float)  ;
extern float remainderf  (float, float)  ;
extern float gammaf  (float)  ;
extern float gammaf_r  (float, int *)  ;
extern float lgammaf  (float)  ;
extern float lgammaf_r  (float, int *)  ;
extern float erff  (float)  ;
extern float erfcf  (float)  ;
extern float y0f  (float)  ;
extern float y1f  (float)  ;
extern float ynf  (int, float)  ;
extern float j0f  (float)  ;
extern float j1f  (float)  ;
extern float jnf  (int, float)  ;

extern float hypotf  (float, float)  ;

extern float cabsf();
extern float dremf  (float, float)  ;


extern int signgam;


struct exception 

  int type;
  char *name;
  double arg1;
  double arg2;
  double retval;
  int err;

extern int matherr  (struct exception *e)  ;




enum __fdlibm_version
  __fdlibm_ieee = -1,

extern enum __fdlibm_version  __fdlib_version ;

# 15 "../../../../../src/newlib/libm/math/fdlibm.h" 2

# 1 "/home/stefanb/misc/unix/gcc/build/gcc-2.8.1/src/newlib/libc/include/machine/ieeefp.h" 1 3
# 135 "/home/stefanb/misc/unix/gcc/build/gcc-2.8.1/src/newlib/libc/include/machine/ieeefp.h" 3

# 16 "../../../../../src/newlib/libm/math/fdlibm.h" 2




extern double logb  (double)  ;

extern double scalb  (double, double)  ;

extern double significand  (double)  ;

extern double __ieee754_sqrt  (double)  ;			
extern double __ieee754_acos  (double)  ;			
extern double __ieee754_acosh  (double)  ;			
extern double __ieee754_log  (double)  ;			
extern double __ieee754_atanh  (double)  ;			
extern double __ieee754_asin  (double)  ;			
extern double __ieee754_atan2  (double,double)  ;			
extern double __ieee754_exp  (double)  ;
extern double __ieee754_cosh  (double)  ;
extern double __ieee754_fmod  (double,double)  ;
extern double __ieee754_pow  (double,double)  ;
extern double __ieee754_lgamma_r  (double,int *)  ;
extern double __ieee754_gamma_r  (double,int *)  ;
extern double __ieee754_log10  (double)  ;
extern double __ieee754_sinh  (double)  ;
extern double __ieee754_hypot  (double,double)  ;
extern double __ieee754_j0  (double)  ;
extern double __ieee754_j1  (double)  ;
extern double __ieee754_y0  (double)  ;
extern double __ieee754_y1  (double)  ;
extern double __ieee754_jn  (int,double)  ;
extern double __ieee754_yn  (int,double)  ;
extern double __ieee754_remainder  (double,double)  ;
extern __int32_t __ieee754_rem_pio2  (double,double*)  ;

extern double __ieee754_scalb  (double,double)  ;

extern double __kernel_standard  (double,double,int)  ;
extern double __kernel_sin  (double,double,int)  ;
extern double __kernel_cos  (double,double)  ;
extern double __kernel_tan  (double,double,int)  ;
extern int    __kernel_rem_pio2  (double*,double*,int,int,int,const __int32_t*)  ;

extern float logbf  (float)  ;

extern float scalbf  (float, float)  ;

extern float significandf  (float)  ;

extern float __ieee754_sqrtf  (float)  ;			
extern float __ieee754_acosf  (float)  ;			
extern float __ieee754_acoshf  (float)  ;			
extern float __ieee754_logf  (float)  ;			
extern float __ieee754_atanhf  (float)  ;			
extern float __ieee754_asinf  (float)  ;			
extern float __ieee754_atan2f  (float,float)  ;			
extern float __ieee754_expf  (float)  ;
extern float __ieee754_coshf  (float)  ;
extern float __ieee754_fmodf  (float,float)  ;
extern float __ieee754_powf  (float,float)  ;
extern float __ieee754_lgammaf_r  (float,int *)  ;
extern float __ieee754_gammaf_r  (float,int *)  ;
extern float __ieee754_log10f  (float)  ;
extern float __ieee754_sinhf  (float)  ;
extern float __ieee754_hypotf  (float,float)  ;
extern float __ieee754_j0f  (float)  ;
extern float __ieee754_j1f  (float)  ;
extern float __ieee754_y0f  (float)  ;
extern float __ieee754_y1f  (float)  ;
extern float __ieee754_jnf  (int,float)  ;
extern float __ieee754_ynf  (int,float)  ;
extern float __ieee754_remainderf  (float,float)  ;
extern __int32_t __ieee754_rem_pio2f  (float,float*)  ;

extern float __ieee754_scalbf  (float,float)  ;

extern float __kernel_sinf  (float,float,int)  ;
extern float __kernel_cosf  (float,float)  ;
extern float __kernel_tanf  (float,float,int)  ;
extern int   __kernel_rem_pio2f  (float*,float*,int,int,int,const __int32_t*)  ;



typedef union 
  double value;
    __uint32_t msw;
    __uint32_t lsw;
  } parts;
} ieee_double_shape_type;

# 176 "../../../../../src/newlib/libm/math/fdlibm.h"








typedef union
  float value;
  __uint32_t word;
} ieee_float_shape_type;



# 22 "../../../../../src/newlib/libm/math/ef_fmod.c" 2

static const float one = 1.0, Zero[] = {0.0, -0.0,};

	float __ieee754_fmodf(float x, float y)

	__int32_t n,hx,hy,hz,ix,iy,sx,i;

	do {	ieee_float_shape_type gf_u;	gf_u.value = ( x );	( hx ) = gf_u.word;	} while (0) ;
	do {	ieee_float_shape_type gf_u;	gf_u.value = ( y );	( hy ) = gf_u.word;	} while (0) ;
	sx = hx&0x80000000;		 
	hx ^=sx;		 
	hy &= 0x7fffffff;	 

	    return (x*y)/(x*y);
	if(hx<hy) return x;			 
	    return Zero[(__uint32_t)sx>>31];	 

	if(hx<0x00800000) {	 
	    for (ix = -126,i=(hx<<8); i>0; i<<=1) ix -=1;
	} else ix = (hx>>23)-127;

	if(hy<0x00800000) {	 
	    for (iy = -126,i=(hy<<8); i>=0; i<<=1) iy -=1;
	} else iy = (hy>>23)-127;

	if(ix >= -126) 
	    hx = 0x00800000|(0x007fffff&hx);
	else {		 
	    n = -126-ix;
	    hx = hx<<n;
	if(iy >= -126) 
	    hy = 0x00800000|(0x007fffff&hy);
	else {		 
	    n = -126-iy;
	    hy = hy<<n;

	n = ix - iy;
	while(n--) {
	    if(hz<0){hx = hx+hx;}
	    else {
		    return Zero[(__uint32_t)sx>>31];
	    	hx = hz+hz;
	if(hz>=0) {hx=hz;}

	    return Zero[(__uint32_t)sx>>31];	
	while(hx<0x00800000) {		 
	    hx = hx+hx;
	    iy -= 1;
	if(iy>= -126) {		 
	    hx = ((hx-0x00800000)|((iy+127)<<23));
	    do {	ieee_float_shape_type sf_u;	sf_u.word = ( hx|sx );	( x ) = sf_u.value;	} while (0) ;
	} else {		 
	    n = -126 - iy;
	    hx >>= n;
	    do {	ieee_float_shape_type sf_u;	sf_u.word = ( hx|sx );	( x ) = sf_u.value;	} while (0) ;
	    x *= one;		 
	return x;		 
;	GCC For the Hitachi H8/300
;	By Hitachi America Ltd and Cygnus Support
;	release F-1
; -O2

	.file	"ef_fmod.c"
	.section .rodata
	.align 1
	.float 1.00000000000000000000e0
	.align 1
	.float 0.00000000000000000000e0
	.float -0.00000000000000000000e0
	.section .text
	.align 1
	.global ___ieee754_fmodf
	push	r6
	mov.w	r7,r6
	mov.w	#32,r3
	sub.w	r3,sp
	push	r4
	push	r5
	mov.w	r0,@(-20,r6)
	mov.w	r1,@(-18,r6)
	mov.w	@(-20,r6),r2
	mov.w	@(-18,r6),r3
	mov.w	r2,@(-24,r6)
	mov.w	r3,@(-22,r6)
	mov.w	@(4,r6),r4
	mov.w	@(6,r6),r5
	mov.w	r4,@(-30,r6)
	mov.w	r5,@(-28,r6)
	mov.w	@(-24,r6),r2
	mov.w	@(-22,r6),r3
	sub.w	r3,r3
	and	#0,r2l
	and	#128,r2h
	mov.w	r2,@(-16,r6)
	mov.w	r3,@(-14,r6)
	mov.w	@(-24,r6),r4
	mov.w	@(-22,r6),r5
	and	#127,r4h
	mov.w	r4,@(-4,r6)
	mov.w	r5,@(-2,r6)
	mov.w	@(-30,r6),r2
	mov.w	@(-28,r6),r3
	and	#127,r2h
	mov.w	r2,@(-8,r6)
	mov.w	r3,@(-6,r6)
	mov.w	@(-8,r6),r3
	mov.w	@(-6,r6),r4
	or	r4l,r3l
	or	r4h,r3h; r4 or2
	mov.w	r3,r3
	beq	.L11
	mov.w	@(-4,r6),r5
	mov.w	#32639,r0
	cmp.w	r0,r5
	bgt	.L11
	mov.w	@(-8,r6),r1
	mov.w	#32640,r2
	cmp.w	r2,r1
	bgt	.L11
	mov.w	@(-8,r6),r3
	cmp.w	r2,r3
	bne	.L10
	mov.w	r4,r4
	beq	.L10
	mov.w	@(4,r6),r2
	mov.w	@(6,r6),r3
	mov.w	r3,@-r7
	mov.w	r2,@-r7
	mov.w	@(-20,r6),r0
	mov.w	@(-18,r6),r1
	jsr	@___mulsf3
	adds #2,r7
	adds #2,r7
	mov.w	r0,@(-30,r6)
	mov.w	r1,@(-28,r6)
	mov.w	r1,@-r7
	mov.w	r0,@-r7
	mov.w	@(-30,r6),r0
	mov.w	@(-28,r6),r1
	jsr	@___divsf3
	adds #2,r7
	adds #2,r7
	mov.w	r0,@(-30,r6)
	mov.w	r1,@(-28,r6)
	jmp	@.L67
	mov.w	@(-4,r6),r3
	mov.w	r3,@(-32,r6)
	mov.w	@(-8,r6),r4
	cmp.w	r3,r4
	ble	tl500
	jmp	@.L62
	mov.w	@(-8,r6),r5
	cmp.w	r3,r5
	bne	.L13
	mov.w	@(-2,r6),r0
	mov.w	@(-6,r6),r1
	cmp.w	r0,r1
	bls	tl501
	jmp	@.L62
	mov.w	@(-8,r6),r2
	mov.w	@(-4,r6),r3
	cmp.w	r2,r3
	bne	.L15
	mov.w	@(-6,r6),r4
	mov.w	@(-2,r6),r5
	cmp.w	r4,r5
	bne	tl502
	jmp	@.L68
	mov.w	@(-4,r6),r4
	mov.w	#127,r5
	cmp.w	r5,r4
	ble	tl503
	jmp	@.L16
	mov.w	#65535,r2
	mov.w	#65410,r3
	mov.w	r2,@(-30,r6)
	mov.w	r3,@(-28,r6)
	mov.w	@(-4,r6),r4
	mov.w	@(-2,r6),r5
	mov.b	r4l,r4hn	mov.b	r5h,r4l
	mov.b	r5l,r5h
	sub.b	r5l,r5l
	mov.w	r4,@(-24,r6)
	mov.w	r5,@(-22,r6)
	mov.w	@(-24,r6),r1
	bgt	.L21
	mov.w	@(-24,r6),r2
	beq	tl504
	jmp	@.L24
	mov.w	@(-22,r6),r3
	bne	tl505
	jmp	@.L24
	mov.w	@(-30,r6),r4
	mov.w	@(-28,r6),r5
	add	#255,r5l
	addx	#255,r5h
	addx	#255,r4l
	addx	#255,r4h
	mov.w	r4,@(-30,r6)
	mov.w	r5,@(-28,r6)
	mov.w	@(-24,r6),r2
	mov.w	@(-22,r6),r3
	add.w	r3,r3
	addx	r2l,r2l
	addx	r2h,r2h
	mov.w	r2,@(-24,r6)
	mov.w	r3,@(-22,r6)
	mov.w	@(-24,r6),r3
	bgt	.L21
	mov.w	@(-24,r6),r4
	bne	.L24
	mov.w	@(-22,r6),r5
	bne	.L21
	bra	.L24
	mov.w	@(-4,r6),r2
	mov.w	@(-2,r6),r3
	mov.b	#23,r4l
	shar	r2h
	rotxr	r2l
	rotxr	r3h
	rotxr	r3l
	add	#0xff,r4l
	bne	.Llt3
	add	#129,r3l
	addx	#255,r3h
	addx	#255,r2l
	addx	#255,r2h
	mov.w	r2,@(-30,r6)
	mov.w	r3,@(-28,r6)
	mov.w	@(-8,r6),r5
	mov.w	#127,r0
	cmp.w	r0,r5
	ble	tl506
	jmp	@.L25
	mov.w	#65535,r2
	mov.w	#65410,r3
	mov.w	r2,@(-12,r6)
	mov.w	r3,@(-10,r6)
	mov.w	@(-8,r6),r4
	mov.w	@(-6,r6),r5
	mov.b	r4l,r4hn	mov.b	r5h,r4l
	mov.b	r5l,r5h
	sub.b	r5l,r5l
	mov.w	r4,@(-24,r6)
	mov.w	r5,@(-22,r6)
	mov.w	@(-24,r6),r1
	blt	.L33
	mov.w	@(-12,r6),r2
	mov.w	@(-10,r6),r3
	add	#255,r3l
	addx	#255,r3h
	addx	#255,r2l
	addx	#255,r2h
	mov.w	r2,@(-12,r6)
	mov.w	r3,@(-10,r6)
	mov.w	@(-24,r6),r4
	mov.w	@(-22,r6),r5
	add.w	r5,r5
	addx	r4l,r4l
	addx	r4h,r4h
	mov.w	r4,@(-24,r6)
	mov.w	r5,@(-22,r6)
	mov.w	@(-24,r6),r5
	blt	.L33
	bra	.L30
	mov.w	@(-8,r6),r2
	mov.w	@(-6,r6),r3
	mov.b	#23,r4l
	shar	r2h
	rotxr	r2l
	rotxr	r3h
	rotxr	r3l
	add	#0xff,r4l
	bne	.Llt6
	add	#129,r3l
	addx	#255,r3h
	addx	#255,r2l
	addx	#255,r2h
	mov.w	r2,@(-12,r6)
	mov.w	r3,@(-10,r6)
	mov.w	@(-30,r6),r5
	mov.w	#-1,r0
	cmp.w	r0,r5
	blt	.L34
	mov.w	@(-30,r6),r1
	cmp.w	r0,r1
	bne	.L35
	mov.w	@(-28,r6),r2
	mov.w	#-126,r3
	cmp.w	r3,r2
	blo	.L34
	mov.w	@(-4,r6),r2
	mov.w	@(-2,r6),r3
	and	#127,r2l
	and	#0,r2h
	or	#128,r2l
	bra	.L69
	mov.b	#-126,r4l
	mov.b	@(-27,r6),r5l
	sub.b	r5l,r4l
	mov.b	r4l,@(-26,r6)
	mov.w	@(-4,r6),r2
	mov.w	@(-2,r6),r3
	mov.b	r4l,r5l
	ble	.Lle7
	add.w	r3,r3
	addx	r2l,r2l
	addx	r2h,r2h
	add	#0xff,r5l
	bne	.Llt7
	mov.w	r2,@(-4,r6)
	mov.w	r3,@(-2,r6)
	mov.w	@(-12,r6),r0
	mov.w	#-1,r1
	cmp.w	r1,r0
	blt	.L37
	mov.w	@(-12,r6),r2
	cmp.w	r1,r2
	bne	.L38
	mov.w	@(-10,r6),r3
	mov.w	#-126,r4
	cmp.w	r4,r3
	blo	.L37
	mov.w	@(-8,r6),r2
	mov.w	@(-6,r6),r3
	and	#127,r2l
	and	#0,r2h
	or	#128,r2l
	bra	.L70
	mov.b	#-126,r5l
	mov.b	@(-9,r6),r0l
	sub.b	r0l,r5l
	mov.b	r5l,@(-26,r6)
	mov.w	@(-8,r6),r2
	mov.w	@(-6,r6),r3
	mov.b	@(-26,r6),r4l
	mov.b	r4l,r5l
	ble	.Lle8
	add.w	r3,r3
	addx	r2l,r2l
	addx	r2h,r2h
	add	#0xff,r5l
	bne	.Llt8
	mov.w	r2,@(-8,r6)
	mov.w	r3,@(-6,r6)
	mov.w	@(-30,r6),r2
	mov.w	@(-28,r6),r3
	mov.w	@(-12,r6),r4
	mov.w	@(-10,r6),r5
	sub.w	r5,r3
	subx	r4l,r2l
	subx	r4h,r2h
	add	#255,r3l
	addx	#255,r3h
	addx	#255,r2l
	addx	#255,r2h
	mov.w	r2,@(-20,r6)
	mov.w	r3,@(-18,r6)
	bra	.L71
	mov.w	@(-4,r6),r2
	mov.w	@(-2,r6),r3
	mov.w	@(-8,r6),r4
	mov.w	@(-6,r6),r5
	sub.w	r5,r3
	subx	r4l,r2l
	subx	r4h,r2h
	mov.w	r2,@(-30,r6)
	mov.w	r3,@(-28,r6)
	mov.w	@(-30,r6),r5
	bge	.L43
	mov.w	@(-4,r6),r2
	mov.w	@(-2,r6),r3
	bra	.L72
	mov.w	@(-30,r6),r3
	mov.w	@(-28,r6),r4
	or	r4l,r3l
	or	r4h,r3h; r4 or2
	mov.w	r3,r3
	bne	tl507
	jmp	@.L68
	mov.w	@(-30,r6),r2
	mov.w	@(-28,r6),r3
	add.w	r3,r3
	addx	r2l,r2l
	addx	r2h,r2h
	mov.w	r2,@(-4,r6)
	mov.w	r3,@(-2,r6)
	mov.w	@(-20,r6),r4
	mov.w	@(-18,r6),r5
	add	#255,r5l
	addx	#255,r5h
	addx	#255,r4l
	addx	#255,r4h
	mov.w	r4,@(-20,r6)
	mov.w	r5,@(-18,r6)
	mov.w	@(-20,r6),r5
	mov.w	#-1,r0
	cmp.w	r0,r5
	beq	tl508
	jmp	@.L42
	mov.w	@(-18,r6),r1
	cmp.w	r0,r1
	beq	tl509
	jmp	@.L42
	mov.w	@(-4,r6),r2
	mov.w	@(-2,r6),r3
	mov.w	@(-8,r6),r4
	mov.w	@(-6,r6),r5
	sub.w	r5,r3
	subx	r4l,r2l
	subx	r4h,r2h
	mov.w	r2,@(-30,r6)
	mov.w	r3,@(-28,r6)
	mov.w	@(-30,r6),r5
	blt	.L48
	mov.w	r2,@(-4,r6)
	mov.w	r3,@(-2,r6)
	mov.w	@(-4,r6),r3
	mov.w	@(-2,r6),r4
	or	r4l,r3l
	or	r4h,r3h; r4 or2
	mov.w	r3,r3
	bne	tl510
	jmp	@.L68
	mov.w	@(-4,r6),r4
	mov.w	#127,r5
	cmp.w	r5,r4
	bgt	.L52
	mov.w	@(-4,r6),r2
	mov.w	@(-2,r6),r3
	add.w	r3,r3
	addx	r2l,r2l
	addx	r2h,r2h
	mov.w	r2,@(-4,r6)
	mov.w	r3,@(-2,r6)
	mov.w	@(-12,r6),r4
	mov.w	@(-10,r6),r5
	add	#255,r5l
	addx	#255,r5h
	addx	#255,r4l
	addx	#255,r4h
	mov.w	r4,@(-12,r6)
	mov.w	r5,@(-10,r6)
	mov.w	@(-4,r6),r5
	mov.w	#127,r0
	cmp.w	r0,r5
	ble	.L53
	mov.w	@(-12,r6),r1
	mov.w	#-1,r2
	cmp.w	r2,r1
	bge	tl511
	jmp	@.L56
	mov.w	@(-12,r6),r3
	cmp.w	r2,r3
	bne	.L57
	mov.w	@(-10,r6),r4
	mov.w	#-126,r5
	cmp.w	r5,r4
	bhs	tl512
	jmp	@.L56
	mov.w	@(-4,r6),r2
	mov.w	@(-2,r6),r3
	add	#0,r3l
	addx	#0,r3h
	addx	#128,r2l
	addx	#255,r2h
	mov.w	@(-12,r6),r4
	mov.w	@(-10,r6),r5
	add	#127,r5l
	addx	#0,r5h
	addx	#0,r4l
	addx	#0,r4h
	mov.b	#23,r0l
	add.w	r5,r5
	addx	r4l,r4l
	addx	r4h,r4h
	add	#0xff,r0l
	bne	.Llt9
	or	r3l,r5l
	or	r3h,r5h
	or	r2l,r4l
	or	r2h,r4h
	mov.w	r4,@(-4,r6)
	mov.w	r5,@(-2,r6)
	mov.w	@(-16,r6),r2
	mov.w	@(-14,r6),r3
	or	r3l,r5l
	or	r3h,r5h
	or	r2l,r4l
	or	r2h,r4h
	mov.w	r4,@(-24,r6)
	mov.w	r5,@(-22,r6)
	mov.w	@(-24,r6),r4
	mov.w	@(-22,r6),r5
	mov.w	r4,@(-20,r6)
	mov.w	r5,@(-18,r6)
	jmp	@.L62
	mov.w	@(-16,r6),r2
	mov.w	@(-14,r6),r3
	sub.w	r3,r3
	shll	r2h
	mov.w	r3,r2
	rotxl	r3l
	mov.w	r2,@(-24,r6)
	mov.w	r3,@(-22,r6)
	mov.w	@(-22,r6),r5
	add.w	r5,r5
	add.w	r5,r5
	mov.w	r5,r3
	mov.w	@(_Zero,r3),r2
	mov.w	@(_Zero+2,r3),r3
	mov.w	r2,@(-30,r6)
	mov.w	r3,@(-28,r6)
	mov.w	@(-30,r6),r0
	mov.w	@(-28,r6),r1
	bra	.L67
	mov.b	#-126,r4l
	mov.b	@(-9,r6),r5l
	sub.b	r5l,r4l
	mov.b	r4l,@(-26,r6)
	mov.w	@(-4,r6),r2
	mov.w	@(-2,r6),r3
	mov.b	r4l,r5l
	ble	.Lle12
	shar	r2h
	rotxr	r2l
	rotxr	r3h
	rotxr	r3l
	add	#0xff,r5l
	bne	.Llt12
	mov.w	r2,@(-4,r6)
	mov.w	r3,@(-2,r6)
	mov.w	@(-16,r6),r4
	mov.w	@(-14,r6),r5
	or	r5l,r3l
	or	r5h,r3h
	or	r4l,r2l
	or	r4h,r2h
	mov.w	r2,@(-24,r6)
	mov.w	r3,@(-22,r6)
	mov.w	@(-24,r6),r2
	mov.w	@(-22,r6),r3
	mov.w	r2,@(-20,r6)
	mov.w	r3,@(-18,r6)
	mov.w	@(-20,r6),r0
	mov.w	@(-18,r6),r1
	pop	r5
	pop	r4
	mov.w	#32,r3
	add.w	r3,sp
	pop	r6

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