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string is const char [] ?


we found following problem with egcs (egcs-2.90.23 980102 (egcs-1.0.1
release)), but we are not sure if it is a bug or not :

following program outputs 

this is f(char*) test not const
this is f(const char*) test const 1
this is f(char*) test should be const

instead of

this is f(char*) test not const
this is f(const char*) test const 1
this is f(const char*) test should be const

what we would expect after checking the c++ draft :

from the  1997 C++ Public Review Document :

2.13.4  String literals                                   [lex.string]
1 A  string  literal  is  a  sequence  of  characters  (as  defined   in
  _lex.ccon_) surrounded by double quotes, optionally beginning with the
  letter L, as in "..." or L"...".  A string literal that does not begin
  with  L  is  an  ordinary string literal, also referred to as a narrow
  string literal.  An ordinary string literal has type "array of n __const__
  char"  and  static storage duration

Is this a bug ?

/* begin */
#include <iostream.h>

f(char *i)
  cout << "this is f(char*) " << i << endl;

f(const char* i)
  cout << "this is f(const char*) " << i << endl;

main(int argc, char *argv[])
  char a1[] = "test not const";
  const char a2[] = "test const 1";
  f("test should be const");
/* end */

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