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Re: Internal compiler error on template of template

Guillaume Laurent <> writes:

> The following code produces an internal compiler error with egcs 1.0.3:

I was unable to reproduce the ICE with egcs 1.0.3 on
sparc-sun-solaris2.5; instead I got: sorry, not implemented: `field_decl' not supported by dump_type In function `void tfunc2<R>(class Foo *, void *)': conversion from `void *' to non-scalar type `' requested

Nevertheless, it seems to me that your template function declaration
is not correct:

> template <class T>
> template <class R>
> void tfunc2(T* objptr, void *_methodptr)

This kind of syntax is used to define template member-functions of
template classes, like this:

template <class T> class foo { template <class T2> void bar(); };

template <class T> template <class T2> void foo<T>::bar<T2>() {}

However, I'm not sure the syntax is invalid.  Anyway, I'd recomment
you to use the notation:

template <class R, class T>

because the template argument R cannot be deduced, so you'll have to
specify it whenever you call tfunc2:

> void meta_tfunc(Foo *f, int (Foo::*m_ptr)(void))
> {
>   tfunc2(f, (void*)0);

    tfunc2<int>(f, (void*)0); 

Furthermore, in tfunc2, you try to cast `void*' to a pointer to
member, but this is impossible.  In C++, one cannot convert pointers
to non-members to pointers to members, nor the converse.

Alexandre Oliva
Universidade Estadual de Campinas, SP, Brasil

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