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-O2 (register allocation?) bug

// Dear developers,
// the following piece of code demonstrates a bug in the optimization features.
// If compiled with -O2 or -O3, the vector sum is not properly evaluated:
// 21:28 boa_sts:~/bugs/gcc> /local/egcs-1.0.3-prerelease/bin/g++ -O2
// 21:28 boa_sts:~/bugs/gcc> a.out
//  initsum: 500 0 2
// 21:29 boa_sts:~/bugs/gcc> /local/egcs-1.0.3-prerelease/bin/g++ -g
// 21:36 boa_sts:~/bugs/gcc> a.out
//  initsum: 500 500 3
// The comments in the program text show circumstances under which the
// bug shows up/disappears (looks like register optimization (???) stuff to me)
// If XTVec is declared to have two elements only 
// (with the implied changes in the i/o, summation operators), the bug 
// disappears. Strange enough, it also disappears when some lines of 
// code are added to the main program (see there).
// Similar problems are present in gcc-2.8.1, but they show up under 
// somewhat/much simpler circumstances - a bug report was/will be submitted
// to gnu.g++.bugs.... 
// version info:
//21:36 boa_sts:~/bugs/gcc> uname -a
//SunOS 5.5 Generic_103093-10 sun4u sparc SUNW,Ultra-1
//21:39 boa_sts:~/bugs/gcc> /local/egcs-1.0.3-prerelease/bin/g++ -v
//Reading specs from /local/egcs-1.0.3-prerelease/lib/gcc-lib/sparc-sun-solaris2.5.1/egcs-2.90.28/specs
//gcc version egcs-2.90.28 980423 (egcs-1.0.3 prerelease)
//  21:39 boa_sts:~/bugs/gcc> 
//  KUTGW -- Stefan.
//Stefan Schwarzer                office:  +49-(0)711-685-7606   fax: x-3658 
//Uni Stuttgart, ICA 1            e-mail:
//Pfaffenwaldring 27              pgp public key available on request/finger 
//70569 Stuttgart, Germany   

#include <iostream.h>

class XTVec{
  double x[3];
  XTVec(){x[0]=x[1] =x[2] =0;}
  XTVec(double ax,double y=0,double z=0){x[0]=ax;x[1]=y; x[2]=z; }
  double& operator[](int);

// comment this inline  
//  to make the bug dissappear when compiling with -O2: 
//  (with -O3 the bug is up and running...)
double & XTVec::operator[](int i){
  return x[i];

// comment this inline 
//  to make the bug dissappear when compiling with -O2:
//  (with -O3 the bug is up and running...)
XTVec& operator+=(XTVec& lhs, XTVec& rhs){
  return lhs;

XTVec operator+(XTVec& lhs, XTVec& rhs){
  XTVec result(lhs);
  return result += rhs;
  // replace the preceeding line with the two following to 
  //  make the bug dissappear 
  // result += rhs;
  // return result;

ostream& operator<<(ostream& out,XTVec& rhs){
  out << rhs[0] << " " << rhs[1]  << " " << rhs[2];
  return out;

int main()
  XTVec ur(500.,0.,2.);
  XTVec ll(0.,500.,1.);
  XTVec initsum(ur + ll);
  // uncomment to make the bug disappear:
  //XTVec sum;
  //sum[0] = ur[0] + ll[0];
  //sum[1] = ur[1] + ll[1];
  //sum[2] = ur[2] + ll[2];
  //cout << "     sum: " << sum << endl;

  cout << " initsum: " << initsum << endl;
  return 1;

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