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Re: Spezialization and friends

Kurt Garloff wrote:
>         friend Tensor<rank> func <> (double&);
> lead to this error:
> garloff@kg1:/home/garloff/C > egcc -O2 -DBUG
> incomplete type unification
> func<>' does not match any template declaration
> confused by earlier errors, bailing out
> but does compile without the friend function ?
> Shouldn't the behaviour independent of it? (And in my opinion succeed
> in both cases?)

The error message generated by egcs is correct.  You have to use

	friend Tensor<rank> func <rank> (double&);

When specifying specialization with empty argument list '<>', the
missing arguments can be filled automatically by the compiler if it can
be deduced by looking at function parameters.  In this case, the only
parameter is 'double&', so egcs don't know what should be the missing
arguments.  The function return type does not involve in template
argument deduction however.


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