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Sig6 when compiling Newlib 1.8.0

When compiling Cygnus Newlib 1.8.0 for h8300-hms target on a RedHat 4.2
Linux Intel machine, I get

h8300-hms-gcc -g -O2  -O2 -DSMALL_DTOA -DSMALL_MEMORY -fno-builtin
-I/home/jethro/h8300-hms-build/newlib-1.8.0/newlib/./libc/include -c
h8300-hms-gcc: Internal compiler error: program cc1 got fatal signal 6

(Long lines wrapped.) Compiling the file with -O0 works.

Egcs was configured with

configure --prefix /home/jethro/h8300-hms --target h8300-hms --enable-haifa

and compiled with (gcc -v):
Reading specs from /usr/lib/gcc-lib/i386-linux/
gcc version

h8300-hms-gcc -v gives:

Reading specs from
gcc version egcs-2.90.25 980302 (egcs-1.0.2 prerelease)

Included below is the problem file, produced with h8300-hms-gcc -E ... >file.

Jussi Ylänen (

---- ef_hypot.i ----

# 1 "../../../../../newlib-1.8.0/newlib/libm/math/ef_hypot.c"


# 1 "../../../../../newlib-1.8.0/newlib/libm/math/fdlibm.h" 1


# 1 "/home/jethro/h8300-hms-build/newlib-1.8.0/newlib/libc/include/math.h" 1

# 1 "/home/jethro/h8300-hms-build/newlib-1.8.0/newlib/libc/include/sys/reent.h" 1


# 1 "/home/jethro/h8300-hms-build/newlib-1.8.0/newlib/libc/include/_ansi.h" 1


# 1 "/home/jethro/h8300-hms-build/newlib-1.8.0/newlib/libc/include/sys/config.h" 1



# 25 "/home/jethro/h8300-hms-build/newlib-1.8.0/newlib/libc/include/sys/config.h"


# 44 "/home/jethro/h8300-hms-build/newlib-1.8.0/newlib/libc/include/sys/config.h"


typedef long int __int32_t;
typedef unsigned long int __uint32_t;

# 15 "/home/jethro/h8300-hms-build/newlib-1.8.0/newlib/libc/include/_ansi.h" 2


# 61 "/home/jethro/h8300-hms-build/newlib-1.8.0/newlib/libc/include/_ansi.h"


# 13 "/home/jethro/h8300-hms-build/newlib-1.8.0/newlib/libc/include/sys/reent.h" 2

struct _glue 
  struct _glue *_next;
  int _niobs;
  struct __sFILE *_iobs;

struct _Bigint 
  struct _Bigint *_next;
  int _k, _maxwds, _sign, _wds;
  unsigned long _x[1];


struct _atexit {
	struct	_atexit *_next;			 
	int	_ind;				 
	void	(*_fns[32 ])();	 


struct __sbuf {
	unsigned char *_base;
	int	_size;


typedef long _fpos_t;		 


struct __sFILE {
  unsigned char *_p;	 
  int	_r;		 
  int	_w;		 
  short	_flags;		 
  short	_file;		 
  struct __sbuf _bf;	 
  int	_lbfsize;	 

  void * 	_cookie;	 

  int	 (*_read)   (void *  _cookie, char *_buf, int _n)  ;
  int	 (*_write)   (void *  _cookie, const char *_buf, int _n)  ;
  _fpos_t  (*_seek)   (void *  _cookie, _fpos_t _offset, int _whence)  ;
  int	 (*_close)   (void *  _cookie)  ;

  struct __sbuf _ub;	 
  unsigned char *_up;	 
  int	_ur;		 

  unsigned char _ubuf[3];	 
  unsigned char _nbuf[1];	 

  struct __sbuf _lb;	 

  int	_blksize;	 
  int	_offset;	 

  struct _reent *_data;


struct _reent
  int _errno;


  struct __sFILE *_stdin, *_stdout, *_stderr;

  int  _inc;			 
  char _emergency[25];
  int _current_category;	 
  const  char *_current_locale;

  int __sdidinit;		 

  void  (*__cleanup)   (struct _reent *)  ;

  struct _Bigint *_result;
  int _result_k;
  struct _Bigint *_p5s;
  struct _Bigint **_freelist;

  int _cvtlen;			 
  char *_cvtbuf;


  unsigned char * _nextf[30 ];
  unsigned int _nmalloc[30 ];

  struct _atexit *_atexit;	 
  struct _atexit _atexit0;	 

  void (**(_sig_func))();


  struct _glue __sglue;			 
  struct __sFILE __sf[3];		 


extern struct _reent *_impure_ptr  ;

void _reclaim_reent  (struct _reent *)  ;


# 9 "/home/jethro/h8300-hms-build/newlib-1.8.0/newlib/libc/include/math.h" 2

# 1 "/home/jethro/h8300-hms-build/newlib-1.8.0/newlib/libc/include/machine/ieeefp.h" 1
# 125 "/home/jethro/h8300-hms-build/newlib-1.8.0/newlib/libc/include/machine/ieeefp.h"

# 10 "/home/jethro/h8300-hms-build/newlib-1.8.0/newlib/libc/include/math.h" 2


union __dmath
  __uint32_t i[2];
  double d;

extern const union __dmath __infinity;


extern double atan  (double)  ;
extern double cos  (double)  ;
extern double sin  (double)  ;
extern double tan  (double)  ;
extern double tanh  (double)  ;
extern double frexp  (double, int *)  ;
extern double modf  (double, double *)  ;
extern double ceil  (double)  ;
extern double fabs  (double)  ;
extern double floor  (double)  ;


extern double acos  (double)  ;
extern double asin  (double)  ;
extern double atan2  (double, double)  ;
extern double cosh  (double)  ;
extern double sinh  (double)  ;
extern double exp  (double)  ;
extern double ldexp  (double, int)  ;
extern double log  (double)  ;
extern double log10  (double)  ;
extern double pow  (double, double)  ;
extern double sqrt  (double)  ;
extern double fmod  (double, double)  ;


extern double infinity  (void)  ;
extern double nan  (void)  ;
extern int isnan  (double)  ;
extern int isinf  (double)  ;
extern int finite  (double)  ;
extern double copysign  (double, double)  ;
extern int ilogb  (double)  ;

extern double asinh  (double)  ;
extern double cbrt  (double)  ;
extern double nextafter  (double, double)  ;
extern double rint  (double)  ;
extern double scalbn  (double, int)  ;

extern double log1p  (double)  ;
extern double expm1  (double)  ;

extern double acosh  (double)  ;
extern double atanh  (double)  ;
extern double remainder  (double, double)  ;
extern double gamma  (double)  ;
extern double gamma_r  (double, int *)  ;
extern double lgamma  (double)  ;
extern double lgamma_r  (double, int *)  ;
extern double erf  (double)  ;
extern double erfc  (double)  ;
extern double y0  (double)  ;
extern double y1  (double)  ;
extern double yn  (int, double)  ;
extern double j0  (double)  ;
extern double j1  (double)  ;
extern double jn  (int, double)  ;

extern double hypot  (double, double)  ;

extern double cabs();
extern double drem  (double, double)  ;


extern float atanf  (float)  ;
extern float cosf  (float)  ;
extern float sinf  (float)  ;
extern float tanf  (float)  ;
extern float tanhf  (float)  ;
extern float frexpf  (float, int *)  ;
extern float modff  (float, float *)  ;
extern float ceilf  (float)  ;
extern float fabsf  (float)  ;
extern float floorf  (float)  ;

extern float acosf  (float)  ;
extern float asinf  (float)  ;
extern float atan2f  (float, float)  ;
extern float coshf  (float)  ;
extern float sinhf  (float)  ;
extern float expf  (float)  ;
extern float ldexpf  (float, int)  ;
extern float logf  (float)  ;
extern float log10f  (float)  ;
extern float powf  (float, float)  ;
extern float sqrtf  (float)  ;
extern float fmodf  (float, float)  ;


extern float infinityf  (void)  ;
extern float nanf  (void)  ;
extern int isnanf  (float)  ;
extern int isinff  (float)  ;
extern int finitef  (float)  ;
extern float copysignf  (float, float)  ;
extern int ilogbf  (float)  ;

extern float asinhf  (float)  ;
extern float cbrtf  (float)  ;
extern float nextafterf  (float, float)  ;
extern float rintf  (float)  ;
extern float scalbnf  (float, int)  ;
extern float log1pf  (float)  ;
extern float expm1f  (float)  ;

extern float acoshf  (float)  ;
extern float atanhf  (float)  ;
extern float remainderf  (float, float)  ;
extern float gammaf  (float)  ;
extern float gammaf_r  (float, int *)  ;
extern float lgammaf  (float)  ;
extern float lgammaf_r  (float, int *)  ;
extern float erff  (float)  ;
extern float erfcf  (float)  ;
extern float y0f  (float)  ;
extern float y1f  (float)  ;
extern float ynf  (int, float)  ;
extern float j0f  (float)  ;
extern float j1f  (float)  ;
extern float jnf  (int, float)  ;

extern float hypotf  (float, float)  ;

extern float cabsf();
extern float dremf  (float, float)  ;


extern int signgam;


struct exception 

  int type;
  char *name;
  double arg1;
  double arg2;
  double retval;
  int err;

extern int matherr  (struct exception *e)  ;




enum __fdlibm_version
  __fdlibm_ieee = -1,

extern enum __fdlibm_version  __fdlib_version ;

# 15 "../../../../../newlib-1.8.0/newlib/libm/math/fdlibm.h" 2

# 1 "/home/jethro/h8300-hms-build/newlib-1.8.0/newlib/libc/include/machine/ieeefp.h" 1
# 125 "/home/jethro/h8300-hms-build/newlib-1.8.0/newlib/libc/include/machine/ieeefp.h"

# 16 "../../../../../newlib-1.8.0/newlib/libm/math/fdlibm.h" 2




extern double logb  (double)  ;

extern double scalb  (double, double)  ;

extern double significand  (double)  ;

extern double __ieee754_sqrt  (double)  ;			
extern double __ieee754_acos  (double)  ;			
extern double __ieee754_acosh  (double)  ;			
extern double __ieee754_log  (double)  ;			
extern double __ieee754_atanh  (double)  ;			
extern double __ieee754_asin  (double)  ;			
extern double __ieee754_atan2  (double,double)  ;			
extern double __ieee754_exp  (double)  ;
extern double __ieee754_cosh  (double)  ;
extern double __ieee754_fmod  (double,double)  ;
extern double __ieee754_pow  (double,double)  ;
extern double __ieee754_lgamma_r  (double,int *)  ;
extern double __ieee754_gamma_r  (double,int *)  ;
extern double __ieee754_log10  (double)  ;
extern double __ieee754_sinh  (double)  ;
extern double __ieee754_hypot  (double,double)  ;
extern double __ieee754_j0  (double)  ;
extern double __ieee754_j1  (double)  ;
extern double __ieee754_y0  (double)  ;
extern double __ieee754_y1  (double)  ;
extern double __ieee754_jn  (int,double)  ;
extern double __ieee754_yn  (int,double)  ;
extern double __ieee754_remainder  (double,double)  ;
extern __int32_t __ieee754_rem_pio2  (double,double*)  ;

extern double __ieee754_scalb  (double,double)  ;

extern double __kernel_standard  (double,double,int)  ;
extern double __kernel_sin  (double,double,int)  ;
extern double __kernel_cos  (double,double)  ;
extern double __kernel_tan  (double,double,int)  ;
extern int    __kernel_rem_pio2  (double*,double*,int,int,int,const __int32_t*)  ;

extern float logbf  (float)  ;

extern float scalbf  (float, float)  ;

extern float significandf  (float)  ;

extern float __ieee754_sqrtf  (float)  ;			
extern float __ieee754_acosf  (float)  ;			
extern float __ieee754_acoshf  (float)  ;			
extern float __ieee754_logf  (float)  ;			
extern float __ieee754_atanhf  (float)  ;			
extern float __ieee754_asinf  (float)  ;			
extern float __ieee754_atan2f  (float,float)  ;			
extern float __ieee754_expf  (float)  ;
extern float __ieee754_coshf  (float)  ;
extern float __ieee754_fmodf  (float,float)  ;
extern float __ieee754_powf  (float,float)  ;
extern float __ieee754_lgammaf_r  (float,int *)  ;
extern float __ieee754_gammaf_r  (float,int *)  ;
extern float __ieee754_log10f  (float)  ;
extern float __ieee754_sinhf  (float)  ;
extern float __ieee754_hypotf  (float,float)  ;
extern float __ieee754_j0f  (float)  ;
extern float __ieee754_j1f  (float)  ;
extern float __ieee754_y0f  (float)  ;
extern float __ieee754_y1f  (float)  ;
extern float __ieee754_jnf  (int,float)  ;
extern float __ieee754_ynf  (int,float)  ;
extern float __ieee754_remainderf  (float,float)  ;
extern __int32_t __ieee754_rem_pio2f  (float,float*)  ;

extern float __ieee754_scalbf  (float,float)  ;

extern float __kernel_sinf  (float,float,int)  ;
extern float __kernel_cosf  (float,float)  ;
extern float __kernel_tanf  (float,float,int)  ;
extern int   __kernel_rem_pio2f  (float*,float*,int,int,int,const __int32_t*)  ;



typedef union 
  double value;
    __uint32_t msw;
    __uint32_t lsw;
  } parts;
} ieee_double_shape_type;

# 176 "../../../../../newlib-1.8.0/newlib/libm/math/fdlibm.h"








typedef union
  float value;
  __uint32_t word;
} ieee_float_shape_type;



# 16 "../../../../../newlib-1.8.0/newlib/libm/math/ef_hypot.c" 2

	float __ieee754_hypotf(float x, float y)

	float a=x,b=y,t1,t2,y1,y2,w;
	__int32_t j,k,ha,hb;

	do {	ieee_float_shape_type gf_u;	gf_u.value = ( x );	( ha ) = gf_u.word;	} while (0) ;
	ha &= 0x7fffffffL;
	do {	ieee_float_shape_type gf_u;	gf_u.value = ( y );	( hb ) = gf_u.word;	} while (0) ;
	hb &= 0x7fffffffL;
	if(hb > ha) {a=y;b=x;j=ha; ha=hb;hb=j;} else {a=x;b=y;}
	do {	ieee_float_shape_type sf_u;	sf_u.word = ( ha );	( a ) = sf_u.value;	} while (0) ;	 
	do {	ieee_float_shape_type sf_u;	sf_u.word = ( hb );	( b ) = sf_u.value;	} while (0) ;	 
	if((ha-hb)>0xf000000L) {return a+b;}  
	if(ha > 0x58800000L) {	 
	   if(ha >= 0x7f800000L) {	 
	       w = a+b;			 
	       if(ha == 0x7f800000L) w = a;
	       if(hb == 0x7f800000L) w = b;
	       return w;
	   ha -= 0x5d800000L; hb -= 0x5d800000L;	k += 60;
	   do {	ieee_float_shape_type sf_u;	sf_u.word = ( ha );	( a ) = sf_u.value;	} while (0) ;
	   do {	ieee_float_shape_type sf_u;	sf_u.word = ( hb );	( b ) = sf_u.value;	} while (0) ;
	if(hb < 0x26800000L) {	 
	    if(hb <= 0x007fffffL) {	 	
	        if(hb==0) return a;
		do {	ieee_float_shape_type sf_u;	sf_u.word = ( 0x3f000000L );	( t1 ) = sf_u.value;	} while (0) ;	 
		b *= t1;
		a *= t1;
		k -= 126;
	    } else {		 
	        ha += 0x5d800000; 	 
		hb += 0x5d800000;	 
		k -= 60;
		do {	ieee_float_shape_type sf_u;	sf_u.word = ( ha );	( a ) = sf_u.value;	} while (0) ;
		do {	ieee_float_shape_type sf_u;	sf_u.word = ( hb );	( b ) = sf_u.value;	} while (0) ;
	w = a-b;
	if (w>b) {
	    do {	ieee_float_shape_type sf_u;	sf_u.word = ( ha&0xfffff000L );	( t1 ) = sf_u.value;	} while (0) ;
	    t2 = a-t1;
	    w  = __ieee754_sqrtf(t1*t1-(b*(-b)-t2*(a+t1)));
	} else {
	    a  = a+a;
	    do {	ieee_float_shape_type sf_u;	sf_u.word = ( hb&0xfffff000L );	( y1 ) = sf_u.value;	} while (0) ;
	    y2 = b - y1;
	    do {	ieee_float_shape_type sf_u;	sf_u.word = ( ha+0x00800000L );	( t1 ) = sf_u.value;	} while (0) ;
	    t2 = a - t1;
	    w  = __ieee754_sqrtf(t1*y1-(w*(-w)-(t1*y2+t2*b)));
	if(k!=0) {
	    do {	ieee_float_shape_type sf_u;	sf_u.word = ( 0x3f800000L+(k<<23) );	( t1 ) = sf_u.value;	} while (0) ;
	    return t1*w;
	} else return w;

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