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Re: missing ctor & initor for reference not detected

David C. Binderman wrote:
> Hello there,
> Given the following code on machine i486-pc-linux-gnulibc1, with
> compiler G++ in egcs-980302, I was surprised to find that it compiled ok.
> struct A
> {
>         int & ri;
> };
> I even tried flags -O -Wall -ansi -pedantic, and the code still compiled !
Again, this is not an error.  If you want an error, add these lines:

A a; // ERROR! Can't have a struct with uninitialized reference members.

A* pa;

A a2(*pa); // OK.  The default copy c'tor inits a2.ri with pa->ri.

int i;

A a3={i}; // OK.  Use array initializer to make a3.ri a reference to i.

Ian Haggard  || (work)  || (home)
GNU/Linux -- "Oh, no, Mr Bill!" || #define employer_opinion !my_opinion

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