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Bug: erroneous code generated with i586-pc-linux-gnulibc1/egcs-2.91.05 980122 (w/--enable-haifa)


  I've attached some small sample code which I believe compiles incorrectly
  when no optimizations are used.  In particular, the function C::f(A,int)
  contains the following assembly code snippet:

        movl 8(%ebp),%ebx
        movl 12(%ebp),%edx
        movl %edx,%eax
        movl 16(%ebp),%esi
        movl %eax,%edx
        movl $0,-4(%ebp)
        movl -4(%ebp),%edx
        cmpl %edx,4(%ebx)
        ja .L28
        jmp .L26
        .align 4
        movl -4(%ebp),%ecx
        movl %esi,%edx
        sarl %cl,%edx
        movl %edx,%ecx
        andl $1,%ecx
        pushl %ecx
        movl %eax,%eax
        pushl %eax
        movl -4(%ebp),%eax
        movl %eax,%edx
        leal 0(,%edx,4),%eax
        movl %eax,%edx
        addl (%ebx),%edx
        pushl %edx
        call f__1BG1Ai
        addl $12,%esp
        incl -4(%ebp)
        jmp .L25

  The line labelled '.LCFI38' suspiciously does nothing.  The first time
  through the loop, the %eax register contains the proper value due to the code
  near '.LCFI37'.  The second time, however, the %eax register has been
  corrupted, and is not set properly before being pushed on the stack.

  I have not had a chance to install the latest snapshot in order to check
  for this, but I'm downloading it now.

  I've tried to make the program so that it returns -1 if the above bug occurs,
  otherwise, it returns 0.  To do this, I use a 'password' value of 3270.  If,
  for some reason, buggy code just happens to generate this value, the program
  will _appear_ to function correctly.  I doubt that this will occur often.

// compiling with 'g++' makes a.out return -1.
// compiling with 'g++ -O' makes a.out return 0.
class A  // class A must be able to fit in a register to show bug
  int data;
  A():data(-1) {}
  A(int idata):data(idata) {}
  bool operator==(const A& rhs) { return; }

class B
  A a;
  void f(A R,int V);

void B::f(A R,int V)
  if(R==3270) a=A(0);

class C
  B* Bs;
  unsigned width;

  C(unsigned iwidth):Bs(new B[iwidth]),width(iwidth) {}

  void f(A R,int V)
    for(unsigned i=0; i<width; i++) Bs[i].f(R,(V>>i)&1);
  int operator[](int idx) { return Bs[idx]; }

int main()
  A a(3270);
  C c(3);
  return c[1];

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