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Re: egcs-980221: build fails for shared libstdc++ on HP-UX 10.20

  In message <>you write:
  > Dear EGCS Maintainers,
  >     For the last few snapshots, I have not been able to build
  >     egcs on HP-UX 10.20, with the build failing for a shared
  >     version of libstdc++. I've held off from reporting this,
  >     expecting many other similar bug reports to have been sent
  >     in by others. Since this does not appear to be happening,
  >     here goes ...
  >     Config.status is:
  >         ./configure --host=hppa1.1-hp-hpux10.20 \
  >                 --prefix=/apps/gcc/egcs1.0 --with-gnu-as \
  >                 --enable-shared --norecursion
  >     'GNU as' used is v2.8.1, 'GNU sed' used is v2.05.
  >     After configuring, I manually edit gcc/Makefile to set the
  >     LANGUAGES to 'c gcov c++' (although I could pass LANGUAGES
  >     in on the 'make bootstrap' command line).
  >     After building stage1, stage2 and stage3 (?) of the compilers,
  >     the build fails during the libraries:
  >         mv tlist stdlist
  >         rm -f tlibstdc++.a
  >         ar rc tlibstdc++.a `cat stdlist`
  >         mv tlibstdc++.a libstdc++.a
  >         true libstdc++.a
  >         rm -f tlist
  >         cp stdlist tlist
  >         if [ x"yes" = xyes ]; then \
  >           sed 's,\([A-Za-z_]*\.o\),pic/\1,g' tlist > tlist2 ; \
  >           mv tlist2 tlist ; \
  >         else true ; fi
  >         mv tlist piclist
  >         /home/gnusrc/egcs-980221-hpux10/gcc/xgcc
  > -B/home/gnusrc/egcs-980221-hpux10/gcc/ -g -O2 -fno-implicit-templates 
  > -shared -o `cat piclist` 
Hmm, this line is missing a -fPIC.

I suspect this is probably a side effect of Manfred's recent
reorganization of the PIC support.

Manfred -- can you take a look at how to fix this problem?  I think
we have systems that absolutely must have the -fPIC and others which
absolutely must not have the -fPIC on the command line to actually
create the shared library.

The -fPIC used to get added via the SHFLAGS definition in the
libstdc++/config/ file.

It looks like sunos4 might also be suffering from this problem.


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