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partial specialization


Here are some line of codes, where I try to use partial spezialization but
the compiler gets an internal compiler error.

/* */
/* Kurt Garloff <> 98/02/23 */

#include <iostream>

template <unsigned dim>
class general
   unsigned d1, d2;
   general () : d1 (dim), d2 (0)  {};
   friend ostream& operator << <> (ostream&, const general<dim>&);

template <unsigned dim>
ostream& operator << (ostream& os, const general<dim>& g)
   return os << g.d1 << " " << g.d2;

// partial specialization
template <unsigned dim>
class general<2> : public general<dim>
   general (unsigned u0, unsigned u1)  { d1 = u0; d2 = u1; };
   //friend ostream& operator << <> (ostream&, const general<2>&);

int main ()
   general<1> g1;
   general<2> g2;
   cout << g1 << endl << g2 << endl;
garloff@student:~/C $ egcc -v
Reading specs from 
gcc version egcs-2.91.08 980214 (gcc-2.8.0 release)

garloff@student:~/C $ eg++ -g -o bug2 In function `int main()': Internal compiler error. Please submit a full bug report to `'.

garloff@student:~/C $ eg++ -o bug2 In function `class ostream & operator <<<2>(class ostream &,
 const class general<2> &)': member `d2' is protected member `d1' is protected

If I uncomment l. 28, the compiler also gets an internal compiler error
without -g. I have another program, where I get the i.c. error with -g,
but I'm able to compile without, but the default constructor for the
specialized class isn't called at all then (which results in a segfaulting
program) !

So, is there anyone able to tell me:
- if it's a compiler bug (a int.comp.error always somehow is)
- if my code is correct, and if it's not, what the correct part. spec.
 syntax is
- another way of having a templated class and some additional constructors
 only for certain cases of the template parameters

If anybody's interested: The idea is to have a general
template<int d,typename T> Tensor {..}; class, with a general constructor 
Tensor<int,T> (Vector<int>&), Vector containing the numbers of elements in
every direction and to have special constructors for rank = 1, 2, 3:
Tensor<1,T> (int); Tensor<2,T> (int,int); Tensor<3,T> (int,int,int);

I once tried to DECLARE the extra constructors within the templ. class but
only to DEFINE them for the cases I want them, but egcs-1.0.x produced
assembler errors on them and egcs-9802XX didn't accept it at all.
template <int d, typename T>
Tensor<2,T>::Tensor (int, int) { ... };


Kurt Garloff

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