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egcs1.0.1 Internal compiler error.

* The version of GNU CC.
  gcc version egcs-2.90.23 980102 (egcs-1.0.1 release)

* A complete input file that will reproduce the bug.

typedef double HepDouble;
typedef int    HepInt;
typedef float  HepFloat;
typedef bool HepBoolean;
class  HepAListBase {
friend class HepAListIteratorBase;
  inline HepAListBase();
  HepAListBase(const HepAListBase &);
  inline ~HepAListBase();
  inline void insert(void *);
  inline void insert(void * e, void * r);
  inline void insert(void * e, unsigned pos);
  inline void append(void *);
  void append(void *, void *);
  void append(const HepAListBase &);
  void remove(void *);
  void remove(const HepAListBase & l);
  inline HepBoolean hasMember(void *) const;
  void replace(void *, void *);
  inline void * operator[] (unsigned) const;
  int index(void *) const;
  int fIndex(void *) const;
  inline void * first() const;
  inline void * last() const;
  void operator = (const HepAListBase &);
  inline void remove(unsigned);
  inline void removeAll();
  void purge();
  void reverse();
  void swap(unsigned i1, unsigned i2);
  inline int length() const;
  inline HepBoolean empty() const;
  inline HepBoolean isEmpty() const;
  void realloc();
  inline void sort( int (*compfunc)(const void*, const void*) );
  void ** p;
  int n;
  void copyArray(register void ** dst, register void ** src, register int n);
  void * & newInsert(register int);
  void * & newAppend(register int);
  void removeEntry(int);
inline HepAListBase::HepAListBase()
: p(0), n(0) {}
inline void HepAListBase::insert(void * e) {
  if ( e ) newInsert(0) = e;
inline void HepAListBase::insert(void * e, void * r) {
  if ( e ) newInsert(fIndex(r)) = e;
inline void HepAListBase::append(void * e) {
  if ( e ) newAppend(n) = e;
inline void HepAListBase::insert(void * e, unsigned pos) {
  if ( e && pos < n ) newInsert(pos) = e;
  else append(e);
inline HepBoolean HepAListBase::hasMember(void * e) const {
  return HepBoolean(index(e) >= 0);
inline void * HepAListBase::operator[] (unsigned i) const {
  return ( i < n ) ? p[i] : 0;
inline void * HepAListBase::first() const {
  return n ? p[0] : 0;
inline void * HepAListBase::last() const {
  return n ? p[n-1] : 0;
inline void HepAListBase::removeAll() {
  n = 0;
inline void HepAListBase::remove(unsigned i) {
  if ( i < n ) removeEntry(i);
inline int HepAListBase::length() const {
  return n;
inline HepBoolean HepAListBase::empty() const {
  return HepBoolean(n == 0);
inline HepBoolean HepAListBase::isEmpty() const {
  return HepBoolean(n == 0);
void HepAListBase::realloc() {
  p = (void **) ( p? ::realloc(p,n*sizeof(void*)) :
		  malloc(n*sizeof(void*)) );
void HepAListBase::copyArray(register void ** dst, register void **  src,
			 register int arraySize) {
  while ( --arraySize >= 0 ) *(dst++) = *(src++);
void * & HepAListBase::newInsert(register int ir) {
  n++; realloc();
  register int i;
  for ( i = n-1; i > ir; i-- )
    p[i] = p[i-1];
  return i >= 0 ? p[i] : p[0];
void * & HepAListBase::newAppend(register int ir) {
  n++; realloc();
  register int i;
  for ( i = n-1; i > ir; i-- )
    p[i] = p[i-1];
  return p[i];
void HepAListBase::removeEntry(int ir) {
  for ( register int i = ir+1; i < int(n); i++ ) p[i-1] = p[i];
void HepAListBase::append(void * e, void * r) {
  if ( e ) {
    int ir = index(r);
    newAppend( ir >= 0 ? ir+1 : n ) = e;
void HepAListBase::append(const HepAListBase & l) {
  int ln = l.n;
  n += ln;
  copyArray(p+n-ln, l.p, ln);
void HepAListBase::operator = (const HepAListBase & l) {
  if ( this != &l ) {
    n = l.n;
    copyArray(p, l.p, n);
HepAListBase::HepAListBase(const HepAListBase & l)
: p((void **) malloc(l.n*sizeof(void*))), n(l.n) {
  copyArray(p, l.p, n);
int HepAListBase::fIndex(void * e) const {
  register int i = -1;
  while ( ++i < int(n) ) if ( p[i] == e ) return i;
  return -1;
int HepAListBase::index(void * e) const {
  register int i = n;
  while ( --i >= 0 && p[i] != e );
  return i;
void HepAListBase::purge() {
  int ie;
  for ( int i = 0; i < int(n); i++ ) {
    while ( (ie = index(p[i])) != i ) removeEntry(ie);      
void HepAListBase::remove(const HepAListBase & l) {
  register int i = l.n;
  while ( --i >= 0 ) remove(l.p[i]);
void HepAListBase::remove(void * e) {
  if ( e && n ) {
    int ir;
    while ( ( ir = index(e) ) >= 0 ) removeEntry(ir);
void HepAListBase::replace(register void * eo, register void * en) {
  register int i = n;
  register void ** q =p;
  while ( --i >= 0 ) {
    if ( *q == eo ) *q = en;
void HepAListBase::reverse() {
  register int i = n / 2;
  register void ** pf = p;
  register void ** pl = p+n-1;
  register void * t;
  while ( i-- > 0 ) {
    t = *pf;
    *(pf++) = *pl;
    *(pl--) = t;
void HepAListBase::swap(unsigned i1, unsigned i2) {
  if ( i1 >= n || i2 >= n || i1 == i2) return;
  void * e = p[i1];
  p[i2] = e;

* The command arguments you gave GNU CC or GNU C++ to compile that

  $ g++ -c -O In method `void HepAListBase::realloc()': warning: implicit declaration of function `int realloc(...)' warning: implicit declaration of function `int malloc(...)' In method `void *& HepAListBase::newInsert(int)': Internal compiler error. Please submit a full bug report to `'.
  $ g++ -c In method `void HepAListBase::realloc()': warning: implicit declaration of function `int realloc(...)' warning: implicit declaration of function `int malloc(...)'

* The type of machine you are using, and the operating system name
     and version number.

Linux 2.0.33 Dual-i686 gnu-libc1
Linux 2.0.33 i586 gnu-libc1

* The operands you gave to the `configure' command when you installed
  the compiler.

  configure --enable-shared

* A complete list of any modifications you have made to the compiler


* Details of any other deviations from the standard procedure for
  installing GNU CC.


* A description of what behavior you observe that you believe is

  The compiler gets an internal compiler error is -O is enabled.

Thanks for egcs (and eventually for looking into this bug-report ;-)


   _/  _/ _/  _/ _/_/_/           Wolfgang Wander .
  _/  _/ _/  _/ _/                       MIT-LNS .         Email:
 _/_/_/ _/_/_/ _/            77 Mass Ave 24-006 .        Tel: (617) 253 5222
_/_/_/ _/_/_/ _/_/_/  Cambridge, MA 02139-4307 .        Fax: (617) 258 6591

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