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member-template bug in egcs

I believe the following program should compile:

template <class T> class t {
	template <class T2> void access( const t<T2>& x ) { data =; }
	int data;

int main()
	t<int> one;
	t<long> two;
	one.access( two );
	return 0;

egcs (971105 and 971114) complains:

/egcs/egcs/bin/g++ -o tt tt.C
tt.C: In method `void t<int>::access(const class t<long int> &)':
tt.C:3: member `data' is a private member of class `t<long int>'

Should I be wrong and egcs right, what would be the appropriate friend
declaration to poke this through egcs?

-- kga
Klaus-Georg Adams        Email:
Institut f. Anorg. Chemie II                           Tel: 0721 608 3485
Uni Karlsruhe

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