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Re: Bug in USE statements?

> I've confirmed that the bug still happens with -fcheck=all (I assume
> this is what you meant by -fruntime-check=all?)

Yes, thatâs what I meant. (I was answering from my iPhone in the bus, so I did it from memory.)

> Not all members of windseltype.15 are initialised - for instance, the
> member c_wmodel is just left uninitialised, which is presumably where
> the value I noted in my initial email comes from.

So, it looks like the scalar derived-type windseltype.15 / D.2159 variable is created, then used to initialize all four elements of the mowwsel array.
Can you show the code that defines the derived type? And initializes it?

Also: have you been able to rebuild with a newer version, or another compile altogether?


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