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Re: [PATCH] Fortran OpenMP 4.0 support, part 1

On 5/7/2014 4:53 PM, Jakub Jelinek wrote:
   Don't know how to actually
test aligned clauses, is there any way (except for doing allocations in
C/C++ on the side) to allocate objects on aligned boundaries (aligned
attribute, some way to dynamically allocate aligned storage, ...)?

Allocations should default to 16-byte boundaries (maybe 32-byte boundaries for -mtune=core-avx ....?) Then a reference to an array section starting at an odd element must be unaligned.

If this patch is on trunk, I'll test cygwin64.  Others always test linux.
You may have noticed the testresults on cygwin64 are a mess, full of tests for unsupported features. One of the simpler problems associated with Fortran is the failure of cases which require linkage against real(10) intrinsics, which aren't supported in newlib.

Tim Prince

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