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Re: [Patch, Fortran] PR57456 - Handle ALLOCATE with typespec for CLASS

Dear Tobias,

As written the test in gfortran.dg/class_array_17.f90 is a no-op
and should be replaced with something such as

--- ../_clean/gcc/testsuite/gfortran.dg/class_array_17.f90	2013-05-31 14:07:26.000000000 +0200
+++ gcc/testsuite/gfortran.dg/class_array_17.f90	2013-05-31 14:33:45.000000000 +0200
@@ -30,5 +30,5 @@ program test
-! { dg-final { scan-tree-dump-times "__builtin_malloc (40);" 0 "original" } }
+! { dg-final { scan-tree-dump-times "__builtin_malloc .40.;" 1 "original" } }
 ! { dg-final { cleanup-tree-dump "original" } }

The parentheses in the regexp are not supposed to match those in the dump file.
Not that a better fix would be to escape the parentheses with the right number
of \, but I never remember how many of them are needed.



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