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Re: [Patch, Fortran] Finalize nonallocatables with INTENT(out)

Tobias Burnus wrote:
This patch adds finalization support for INTENT(out) for nonallocatable dummy arguments.

Attached is an additional test case, which checks that the finalization wrapper handles strides correctly. The stride handling occurs trice:
- For elemental finalization procedures in the scalarizer
- For array finalization procedures, in the check whether it can be directly dispatched or it has to be packed
- In the packing itself.

(There is currently no test case which checks whether no copy-in/copy-out is done unless required. But the wrapper shouldn't do a copy out for INTENT(IN) and only a copy-in(+copy-out) if the elem_size is different from the type size - or if the array has strides and the dummy argument is either CONTIGUOUS or nor assumed shape.)

The test case requires the intent(out) patch for nonallocatables, Which in turn requires the finalization patch for allocatables,

OK for the trunk?

! { dg-do run }
! PR fortran/37336
! Check the scalarizer/array packing with strides
! in the finalization wrapper
module m
  implicit none

  type t1
    integer :: i
    final :: fini_elem
  end type t1

  type, extends(t1) :: t1e
    integer :: j
    final :: fini_elem2
  end type t1e

  type t2
    integer :: i
    final :: fini_shape
  end type t2

  type, extends(t2) :: t2e
    integer :: j
    final :: fini_shape2
  end type t2e

  type t3
    integer :: i
    final :: fini_explicit
  end type t3

  type, extends(t3) :: t3e
    integer :: j
    final :: fini_explicit2
  end type t3e

  integer :: cnt1, cnt1e, cnt2, cnt2e, cnt3, cnt3e


  impure elemental subroutine fini_elem(x)
    type(t1), intent(inout) :: x
    integer :: i, j, i2, j2

    if (cnt1e /= 5*4) call abort ()
    j = mod (cnt1,5)+1
    i = cnt1/5 + 1
    i2 = (i-1)*3 + 1
    j2 = (j-1)*2 + 1
    if (x%i /= j2 + 100*i2) call abort ()
    x%i = x%i * (-13)
    cnt1 = cnt1 + 1
  end subroutine fini_elem

  impure elemental subroutine fini_elem2(x)
    type(t1e), intent(inout) :: x
    integer :: i, j, i2, j2

    j = mod (cnt1e,5)+1
    i = cnt1e/5 + 1
    i2 = (i-1)*3 + 1
    j2 = (j-1)*2 + 1
    if (x%i /= j2 + 100*i2) call abort ()
    if (x%j /= (j2 + 100*i2)*100) call abort ()
    x%j = x%j * (-13)
    cnt1e = cnt1e + 1
  end subroutine fini_elem2

  subroutine fini_shape(x)
    type(t2) :: x(:,:)
    if (cnt2e /= 1 .or. cnt2 /= 0) call abort ()
    call check_var_sec(x%i, 1)
    x%i = x%i * (-13)
    cnt2 = cnt2 + 1
  end subroutine fini_shape

  subroutine fini_shape2(x)
    type(t2e) :: x(:,:)
    call check_var_sec(x%i, 1)
    call check_var_sec(x%j, 100)
    x%j = x%j * (-13)
    cnt2e = cnt2e + 1
  end subroutine fini_shape2

  subroutine fini_explicit(x)
    type(t3) :: x(5,4)
    if (cnt3e /= 1 .or. cnt3 /= 0) call abort ()
    call check_var_sec(x%i, 1)
    x%i = x%i * (-13)
    cnt3 = cnt3 + 1
  end subroutine fini_explicit

  subroutine fini_explicit2(x)
    type(t3e) :: x(5,4)
    call check_var_sec(x%i, 1)
    call check_var_sec(x%j, 100)
    x%j = x%j * (-13)
    cnt3e = cnt3e + 1
  end subroutine fini_explicit2

  subroutine fin_test_1(x)
    class(t1), intent(out) :: x(5,4)
  end subroutine fin_test_1

  subroutine fin_test_2(x)
    class(t2), intent(out) :: x(:,:)
  end subroutine fin_test_2

  subroutine fin_test_3(x)
    class(t3), intent(out) :: x(:,:)
    if (any (shape(x) /= [5,4])) call abort ()
  end subroutine fin_test_3

  subroutine check_var_sec(x, factor)
    integer :: x(:,:)
    integer, value :: factor
    integer :: i, j, i2, j2

    do i = 1, 4
      i2 = (i-1)*3 + 1
      do j = 1, 5
        j2 = (j-1)*2 + 1
        if (x(j,i) /= (j2 + 100*i2)*factor) call abort ()
      end do
    end do
  end subroutine check_var_sec
end module m

program test
  use m
  implicit none

  class(t1), allocatable :: x(:,:)
  class(t2), allocatable :: y(:,:)
  class(t3), allocatable :: z(:,:)
  integer :: i, j

  cnt1 = 0; cnt1e = 0; cnt2 = 0; cnt2e = 0;  cnt3 = 0; cnt3e = 0

  allocate (t1e :: x(10,10))
  allocate (t2e :: y(10,10))
  allocate (t3e :: z(10,10))

  select type(x)
    type is (t1e)
      do i = 1, 10
        do j = 1, 10
          x(j,i)%i = j + 100*i
          x(j,i)%j = (j + 100*i)*100
        end do
      end do
  end select

  select type(y)
    type is (t2e)
      do i = 1, 10
        do j = 1, 10
          y(j,i)%i = j + 100*i
          y(j,i)%j = (j + 100*i)*100
        end do
      end do
  end select

  select type(z)
    type is (t3e)
      do i = 1, 10
        do j = 1, 10
          z(j,i)%i = j + 100*i
          z(j,i)%j = (j + 100*i)*100
        end do
      end do
  end select

  if (cnt1 + cnt1e + cnt2 + cnt2e + cnt3 + cnt3e /= 0) call abort()

  call fin_test_1(x(::2,::3))
  if (cnt1 /= 5*4) call abort ()
  if (cnt1e /= 5*4) call abort ()
  cnt1 = 0; cnt1e = 0
  if (cnt2 + cnt2e + cnt3 + cnt3e /= 0) call abort()

  call fin_test_2(y(::2,::3))
  if (cnt2 /= 1) call abort ()
  if (cnt2e /= 1) call abort ()
  cnt2 = 0; cnt2e = 0
  if (cnt1 + cnt1e + cnt3 + cnt3e /= 0) call abort()

  call fin_test_3(z(::2,::3))
  if (cnt3 /= 1) call abort ()
  if (cnt3e /= 1) call abort ()
  cnt3 = 0; cnt3e = 0
  if (cnt1 + cnt1e + cnt2 + cnt2e /= 0) call abort()

  select type(x)
    type is (t1e)
      call check_val(x%i, 1)
      call check_val(x%j, 100)
  end select

  select type(y)
    type is (t2e)
      call check_val(y%i, 1)
      call check_val(y%j, 100)
  end select

  select type(z)
    type is (t3e)
      call check_val(z%i, 1)
      call check_val(z%j, 100)
  end select

  subroutine check_val(x, factor)
    integer :: x(:,:)
    integer, value :: factor
    integer :: i, j
    do i = 1, 10
      do j = 1, 10
        if (mod (j-1, 2) == 0 .and. mod (i-1, 3) == 0) then
          if (x(j,i) /= (j + 100*i)*factor*(-13)) call abort ()
          if (x(j,i) /= (j + 100*i)*factor) call abort ()
        end if
      end do
    end do
  end subroutine check_val
end program test

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