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Re: Problem with procedure pointers

On 03/10/2011 02:39 PM, Paul Richard Thomas wrote:
However, I see no way in which adding an extra attribute to module
files can do so.  Therefore, I think that this is entirely bomb-proof
and could be applied.

I was wondering whether one should bump the version number. In a way I would prefer to be .mod compatible between slightly older 4.6 builds and the first 4.7 builds.

There should be no upward compatibility problem, i.e. reading with newer version older .mod files. But there is also no real problem when reading .mod files by newer compilers in older ones. The only exception are proc-pointer components for which the older compiler produces:

Fatal Error: Reading module proc_pointers at line 57 column 62: find_enum(): Enum not found

While I am inclined to not-bump the version number, I won't mind if you decide to bump it.

* * *

Side remark: I had hoped that .mod files could be kept compatible between different minor (y) GCC x.y versions, but seemingly we only manage to keep them compatible for different releases (z) of one series (GCC version x.y.z). It would make life for distributors (Linux distributions, HPC sites, etc.) much easier if the .mod files were more compatible.
The idea of the text-based, lengthy format was that it makes it possible to do so, but it proved not to be the case, unfortunately.


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